Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Thomas asks…

How can I lose weight without exersicing alot?

Well I already excersice some but I still wanna lose 5 or 10 pounds pretty easily in the past 2 wks and is there any tips you guys can give me for quick and easy weight loss…without starving myself???

weight loss cardiff answers:

Find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
Eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast – they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner – repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
Ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)

Lizzie asks…

Can you get down to 100 pounds in a healthy way?

For someone who is 5’8-5’9 can they get down to 100 pounds in a healthy way by using a weight loss calculator and eating just regular food and burning more calories than they take in? Is it possible or are you going to have to starve yourself to get down to 100 pounds?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Here a website that should provide you with some good weight loss options

Betty asks…

How to become skin and bones?

Is there a healthy way to become skin and bones? I want to become skin and bones because I think it’s sexy whenever I see people from concentration camps I get aroused seeing their bones stick out and it turns me on seeing their skin and bones body.

How do I become skin and bones so I’ll never have to eat again? Or is their a healthy way like looking at a weight loss calculator and putting in your desired weight and tell you how many cals you should eat a day to get down to your desired weight?

Skin and bones diet?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Liquid diet is the answer 🙂

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Thomas asks…

How do I lose weight-the healthy and life long way-?

I have struggled with losing weight since I was young, I want to lose weight steadily, and (I know I know, should be the priority, but) quickly, but be healthy and make this a life long change.

I don’t want to diet, I’m not cutting out carbs or anything, and the most working out I can do a day, with school and all, is round bout 30 mins to an hour. I need help.

Any tips? Workout ideas? I tend to get bored easily? Whats most effective and burns the most calories? Does milk really help? And what are healthy foods to snack on? I’m a bad muncher!! Thanks!!!

weight loss cardiff answers:

They key is somthing that you enjoy doing. The ones that give drastic results right away are also the ones that dont last over the long haul.

As far as burning fat that means doing cardio. This is as simple as speed walking. Seriously, just speed walking can do the trick. It gets your heart rate up and you can keep it there longer than if you were running or jogging. It is also easier on your joints. It also helps to tone and tighten muscles while burning off those calories. It is free, you can do it anywhere, anytime of day, infact doing it in the morning or afternoon helps to kick start your motabolism. Thus giving you more energy that will last longer through the day.

Like you said healthy eating is the key and not just a diet. Lots of fruits and veggies for vitamins, carbs are good in the morning as they are fuel for your body and mind.

As far as the snacking goes figure out specifically what you crave. Is it somthing crunchy or a bit sweet? With that in mind go to the store and look in the health food isles and see if you can find that crunchy or sweet healthy thing that is actually good for you. Dont forget it is okay to eat somthing bad in moderation. This sounds silly but i like crunchy with a little sweet so i eat one all bran bar. Hey it is good for me, what is wrong with fibre.

Good luck to you and good health to you and yours!

David asks…

I’m seriously sick of this extra weight. How do I take it off? I’m willing to work hard…?

I’m not one of those people that wants to lose weight quickly and easily. I want to lose it quickly even though it may take a lot of work.
I’ve noticed my problem seems to be eating while I’m bored.
I want to lose at least 20 pounds. I am not fat, I just am a little bit on the chunky side.
Help please?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Stop drinking soda completely. Take a soda can and fill it with water (since people like drinking from cans).

While you are watching TV do jumping jacks, lift weights (or heavy objects) and run around the couch.

When you have to get from point to point don’t walk, run really fast. Stop taking the elevator for more than 10 stories.

Everyday when you wake up do 20 push ups, 20 jumping jacks and 20 sit ups the second you get out of bed.

Nancy asks…

What is a quick and easy way to lose weight?

Although it may be a bit cliche, I want to lose weight quickly and easily.. and keep it off.
I was recently put on medication that made me gain like 30lbs and no matter what I do I can’t seem to lose ANY of it!

weight loss cardiff answers:

This tips is long but it help me a lot i hope it help u too!

Cardio exercise and eating breakfast fruits, whole grain cereals and egg-white are great options help boost metabolism which help lose weight faster & burn more calories so eat egg in every morning omelet or boiled get protein which important for your body for losing weight
stay way from junk food, fries

Do 30 minutes of cardio training [dancing, jogging, aerobics, yoga , running, bicycle, swimming, kick boxing … ] and 30 minutes of strength train [weights, arms, setup, crunches for abs, legs workout and stretches]
workout 3-6 times on week. 30min or 1-2 hours

# Walk 30 minutes a day – no excuses
# dont set watch TV or computer more than 2 hours stay active.
# Be aware when you eating dont eat front TV, Eat when you are hungry & eat slowly
# Restock your kitchen with healthy food
# dont skip meals eat every 4 hours & eat 3 healthy small meals & 2 healthy snacks instead 3 big meals
# Eat when you are hungry & eat slowly, chew more!
# Reduce portions by using smaller plates & bowls (9 inch diameter instead of 11+ inch)
# Eat 9 handfuls of vegetables more than fruits each day also eat 1 small handful nuts
# you have to learn about calories you should take, look & learn label on sodium,sugar,fat,carb,calorie and read ingredients
# Avoid trans fat in label (Avoid partially hydrogenated oils,Shortening, palm kernel oil and coconut oil) and saturated fats at all cost
# Avoid white food such as enriched wheat flour/white flour (white bread and rice, potatoes,white starches – white pasta, crackers, cakes,donuts,pizza ,and simple sugar, including high fructose corn syrup. Sugar, sugar, sugar. The #1 killer for trying to lose belly fat, get a 6 pack, or achieving that flat, tight, sexy stomach. Avoid high fat foods (butter,margarine, cheese, milk ) go for low fat
try to avoid processed or refined carbohydrates
# Drink one or two glasses of water before a meal to help fill you stomach with fewer food calories
# Eat less fat ,sugar and your sodium (salt) recommends less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium daily—that’s about 1 teaspoon of salt. Our bodies’ needs (about 1,500 milligrams) .
#Fifteen percent of your calories should come from protein, 25 to 35 percent from fat and the rest from carbohydrates.
# Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat and nonfat dairy, legumes, fish and lean meat should all be incorporated into your diet.
# Soybean, canola, olive, safflower, sunflower and corn oil are all healthy oils you should use when cooking and preparing foods.
Also, cooking medium heat is ideal but oil alone is not recommended.
# All fresh vegetables and fruits, such as green leafy vegetables and greens, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, carrots, tomatoes, etc. Eat plenty of fiber-rich vegetables (dark leafy greens—good; corn–not so good), beans (all of them), and fruit (apples, pears, peaches, and berries have a lower GI than tropical fruits, like papaya and mangoes).
# Complex Carbohydrates
* Whole grains, pastas and cereals, brown rice, whole wheat bread, oats, millet, barley, kasha, cornmeal, polenta, etc.
# Stop eating 2-3 hours before bed time & dont eat carbs on dinner and sleep night 8 hours,
# Fill up 25-30 grams of fiber.
#Drink plenty of water before, during & after workout it increase your muscle tone is also important to lose weight keep hydrated, drink 8 glasses of water
# dont eat under than 1,200 calories
# if you take in more calories than you burn through daily activity and exercise you’ll gain weight__regardless of whether those calories come from “good” natural foods or “bad” processed meals. It’s that simple: Eat less exercise more,
Best Fats; Monounsaturated Fat Foods
* Avocado * Oil (canola, olive, peanut, sesame) * Olives (all)
* Nuts * Peanut butter, old-fashioned * Sesame seeds

Good Fats: Polyunsaturated Fat Foods
* Margarine (first ingredient is polyunsaturated oil)
* Mayonnaise (regular or reduced-fat)
* Nuts (walnuts) * Poultry
* Oil (corn, safflower, soybean, cottonseed)
* Salad dressing (regular & reduced-fat)
* Seeds (pumpkin, sunflower) * Liquid Vegetable Oil * Eggs * Meat

Bad Fats:Saturated Fats ( no more than 7% saturated fats)
* Bacon & bacon grease * Cheese * Milk
* Butter (stick, whipped, reduced-fat) * Eggs
* Coconut Oil * Cream * Cream cheese
* Ice cream * Lard & salt pork * Palm kernel oil * Cocoa Butter

Bad Fats: Trans Fats (no more than 1% trans fats)
look in ingredients Partially Hydrogenated Fats or Shortening
* Margarine (stick) * Nondairy creamers * Baked Goods
* Fired Foods * Also Found in Naturally In Meat & Dairy Products In Small Amount

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Laura asks…

Does weight lost from a fruit and veggie fast stay off?

I’m planning on doing a 5 day fruit and veggie fast, eating only fruits, veggies, organic sunflower and pumpkin seeds, organic raw almonds, organic apricots, water, baking soda and green tea. Trying to lose weight AND detoxify myself. Gonna exercise 1.5 hours average on the 5 days everyday. Will the weight lost stay lost or will it come back after I start eating normally?? thanks.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Well, one time wont hurt, not for weight loss purposes, but for your organizm cleanse. I’d say go for it, but dont do it again.

Sorry, but weight loss doesnt work that way… You lose muscle and tons of water NOT fat while eating that less. So it is big query will you be happy with the results… It will keep off like for 1- 2 lbs, but you will gain the rest, likely. You can try after those 5 days dont start to eat whatever you ate, but get in regime slowly. I mean dont eat crap for 5 days more (but eat lean meats, whole grain bread and do NOT undereat, just eat less that you would eat). So you body wont be shocked and keep off your pounds easier.

Sandy asks…

How to lose weight fast in a week?

I really want to lose a lot of weight because i have this reunion with some of my friends that i haven’t seen in a while. I would like to lose weight all over my body, expecially my face. Does anyone know what I could do?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Step 1:This one is easy, to lose weight now, you must drink a minimum of 96 ounces of water every day. This will help you eat less and cleanse your body. Step 2:Replace your snacks with fruits and vegetables to lose weight now.Step 3:Exercise daily for at least 30 minutes, make it a date with your friend. Take a brisk walk or jog around the neighborhood. Play a game of basketball or tennis. Try to work towards 60 minutes daily. But, at least get exercise for 4 days of the week if you want to lose weight now – minimum.Step 4:Make a poster for motivation – add your ending weight goal and keep track of your weight loss progress each week.

Donald asks…

How long should I do this colon cleanse?

I am going to start taking Yerba Prima Psyllium Whole Husks Colon Cleanser Powder. How long should I take it before stopping. I read that your should do a colon cleanse for about three days. Is that long enough? How do I know if I’ve cleansed my system enough to stop?

weight loss cardiff answers:

You read wrong. If you need to clean your colon it is because you have a medical problem and should be consulting with your physician and not YA. If you don’t have a medical problem, you shouldn’t be cleaning your colon because cleanses are bogus fads which do nothing worthwhile.

The problem with the internet is it is difficult to know what websites to trust. Especially in diet and fitness where there is no good proof and the US federal law tolerates all sorts of scams (eg: DHSEA1998), it is easy to be misled, scammed, and bilked. The way search engines work is to show you the most popular websites at the top and the least popular at the bottom…often buried in an mess of thousands of hits. And, popular does not mean good or true. It often means fad or trendy or mediocre or memetic or myth. And, is asking a bunch of strangers in YA really a good way to get information? Well, there are some excellent websites you CAN trust. They usually end in dot gov and contain some very heady scientific articles which are buried among other articles. The reason is the US government doesn’t have the time or money to debunk all the junk, bogus, and just plain bad information on the web. So, if you want the truth, you’re going to have to do your homework and dig for it. Here are some links to help you with your question.

Detox diets and cleanses are don’t work. There is no diet which will cause your body to get rid of toxins, heavy metals, poisonous by-products from smoking, drugs, etc. And cleanses for the purpose of weight loss don’t work because they can only eliminate water and small amounts of waste which the body will replace very quickly.

Check out these reliable references.

“‘Cleansing’ diets may be worthless”

“A day on a detox diet program probably won’t hurt you, but there’s little point in following these restrictive diets – and they can do far more harm than good, says Michelle May, MD,”

“Detox diets are a waste of time and money, say scientists”

“The human body can defend itself very
well against most environmental insults and the effects of occasional indulgence. If you’re generally healthy, stick to giving your body what it needs to maintain its own detox system— a healthful diet, adequate fluid intake, regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and all recommended medical check-ups. Don’t waste your money…follow a healthy, balanced lifestyle instead.”

The way to detox is to stop ingesting toxins and let your body cleanse itself naturally. And cleanses, purges, emetics, enemas, etc. Cannot remove fat from your body or make your body lose fat. If fat is your problem, you’re eventually going to realize that nothing works except a proper diet for life or surgery. The best diet for all normal adults hasn’t changed. It is still a varied, balanced, nutritious, and properly apportioned diet of high quality foods.

With the help of the web and it’s instant global communication, it only took about a week for the Oprah/Oz acai myth to span the globe. So, one thing is certain. If there was an easy way to detox or lose fat through cleansing, the whole world would know about it very quickly. Why hasn’t that happened? Think about it.

Good luck and good health!!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Daniel asks…

How many meal worms should I feed my bearded dragon?

My beardie is between 6-8 months, how many meal worms should I be giving him a day? And as he gets older should this increase?

weight loss cardiff answers:

People get confused between mealworms/giant mealworms and superwoms. Pet shops love taking advantage of this fact and will sell you giant mealworms, call them superworms and charge you double the price. Are you sure you are talking about meal worms? If so then no you should not feed it to him daily, it is only meant as a treat because they are very low in nutrition. You can see the difference in the worms here:

Sub-adult to adult Beardies only need to eat prey items once a day along with fresh greens. Once they are this age you can offer them crickets, Locusts, Cockroaches, Mealworms, Waxworms, Zophobas worms, Silkworms, Superworms, Butterworms, Red worms, Earthworms and just about any other worm available. All these should be used as treats though with roaches, crickets and greens being the staple part of your Dragons diet and feed as much as the bearded dragon wants. Here is the complete diet:

Susan asks…

It’s the start of term, Thread worms are at my kids school, are there a food that will discourage or kill them?

Hi aparently worms are passed by touching something an infected person has, then the hands going in the mouth, not a problem as an adult but my very young kids don’t follow such strict rules.YUK!

My kids have been given medicine for it already but is there a food i can add to the families diet that will discourage worms, for instance I’m thinking herbs or spices.
perhaps there is a fruit or veg that could help.

weight loss cardiff answers:

The worms can survive harsh conditions and changing your diet is probably not going to harm the worms.

“To treat threadworm you should use a treatment like Vermox or Combantrin-1, which contain mebendazole, or Combantrin, which contains pyrantel embonate as the active ingredient. Mebendazole is an anthelmintic that works by interfering with the proteins in either the worm’s intestine or absorptive cells. This inhibits the threadworms’ ability to absorb glucose (sugars) which depletes them of the energy that they need to survive. As a result the threadworm dies within several days. Pyrantel embonate, a “neuro-muscular blocking agent”, causes paralysis of the threadworm’s nervous system. The paralysed worms are then expelled in the faeces by the normal actions of the bowel”.

Please see the link below.

Lizzie asks…

How to feed a balanced diet to predatory fish?

Im getting some Exodon paradoxus, these will be my first predatory pack hunter species. So how should i feed them a good balanced diet? (How often to feed live feeders, how often to feed bloodworms, etc.) Thanks in advance

weight loss cardiff answers:

Never give them live feeders.

Give them blood worms,frozen beef heart, cichlid pellets, tropical flakes, freeze dreid krill, and frozen brine shrimp. Give them frozen blood worms and beef heart daily. Add the others as often as you want.

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