Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

John asks…

Any luck with over the counter weight loss supplements?

If so, what brands? Do they have stimulants in them, caffeine etc.
How effective was it and how long until you noticed any weight loss?

weight loss cardiff answers:



Steven asks…

How can I find out what weight loss supplements would work for me?

Besides buying them all and trying them one by one, that is XD Is there a comparision website or something?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Weight loss supplements do not work.Drinking lots of water does.Although a cleanse, as mentioned by another here,is beneficial to detoxify the body,it does little to keep the weight that you have lost, from coming back.Some cleanses are no food for as few as 3 days and as many as 40.Of course you will lose weight with no food,but as soon as you begin eating again,you will begin to gain unless you are eating lo calorie food.If you continue eating what made you fat in the first place,you will gain the weight back and then some.As I mentioned earlier,water will take off weight almost without doing anything else.Of course your weight loss will be excellerated by eating less callories and moving around more.Sorry,there are no over the counter supplements that work.

Thomas asks…

Can anyone offer advice about weight loss supplements?

I have been working out 4-5 times a week and eating around 1500-1700 calories per day for the past 2 1/2 months. I’ve only lost 10 pounds and I’m a little dissappointed by the results. I’d like to take the weight off just a little faster and could use a boost. I’ve been against taking supplements because I don’t want to be wired and don’t want to put the weight back on when I go off the pills. Can anyone recommend a supplement that worked well for you? Natural is better, but anything you can give me would be appreciated. I’m anxious for more significant results! It’s getting harder for me to remain at my goal caloric intake. I’m starving all the time and I haven’t lost ANY weight in 2 weeks.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I don’t think this is natural but it works for me Metabolite x treme. I take a generic form of it after I asked my doctor. 6 weeks ago I weighed 200 after taking that I weigh 165. I excercise, watch my calorie intake. This pill does not contain ephedrin. When you first take it you will get unusual energy- but just for4 a couple of days. The bottle said take three times a day but I only took two. Heres the best news.. I have been off of it for two weeks now ( I have to afford more, mine ran out) and I haven’t gained any weight back. I have kept it maintained.. As long as I watch what i eat

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Betty asks…

What’s the reason why there is progressive weight loss, hepatosplenomegaly, anemia in patients with CML?

What’s the reason why there is progressive weight loss, hepatosplenomegaly, anemia, easy fatigability, bruises, bones and joint pains in patients with CML? Chronic Myelongenous Leukemia.

weight loss cardiff answers:

1. Take it one step at a time

Start by paying attention to what you eat. Cut back on fat and sweets and add more fruit and vegetables. After you have that under control, add exercise. If you hate to exercise try it for only 15 minutes a day at first, then a 1/2-hour. Keep in mind that while you are exercising you are burning calories and not eating. Also, it will be easier if you chose an activity that you enjoy.

2. Find a friend

It is always good to have support when you are trying to lose weight. Find a friend who wants to lose weight and compare notes, weigh-in together and maybe even have a contest.

3. Use weights

Working out weights will build muscle and raise your metabolism so you will burn more calories. Also, muscle takes up less space than fat so you will be smaller ( but probably weigh more).

4. Eat fewer carbs

Don’t eat as much bread and pasta and you will see a difference.

5. Set a goal

Set a deadline to lose the weight and write it down. For example, ‘ By Dec 14/04 I will weigh 150 lbs or less’. Put it somewhere you will see it daily.

6. Give up soda

If you drink a soda or 2 a day you are adding empty calories. If you find it hard to stop
completely, cut back at first and drink water instead.

7. Grill or boil

Avoid fried meat, grill and use lots of spices. You will get used to it and probably enjoy it more.

8. Don’t buy junk food

When you go shopping, don’t go on an empty stomach and you will be less likely to buy junk food. Keep your home ‘junk food free’ so you won’t be tempted to indulge.

9. Eat breakfast

Consume most of your calories early in the day and always eat breakfast. Don’t eat after 8pm and
not only will you avoid those added calories but you will sleep better.

10. Give yourself a treat

When you tell yourself that you can’t have something you want it more. Give yourself a treat once a day ( ie. Half a cookie) and you won’t feel you are missing out.

11. Use smaller plates

Trick yourself into believing that you are eating more by using a smaller plate.

12. Drink lots of water

Drink water when you are feeling hungry and you will get that ‘full’ feeling.

13. Don’t eat everything on your plate

Many times we eat just because it’s there. Pay attention to when you have had enough.

14. Eat five or six meals a day

Eating more frequently will keep you from getting too hungry.

15. Plan your workout sessions

Write your workout sessions in your journal or planner.

16. Stay away from fad diets

Fad diets don’t work. If you lose weight fast chances are that you will gain it back ( and more)
just as fast. It takes time to put it on and time to take it off.

17. Do several workouts a day

While you are watching TV do crunches and leg lifts.

18. Measure your food

If you decide to have junk food for a snack – be sure to measure and control what you eat.

19. Keep pre-cut vegetables

…and ward off those cravings.

20. Create Good Habits

It is a known fact that when we do something twenty-one times it becomes a habit. Create good eating habits.

Take care…

Nancy asks…

What are the benefits of water in a weight-loss diet?

As I mentioned before, my dad has high cholesterol and is trying to lose some weight. I heard that drinking water can help weightloss in a number of ways, but I was wondering how it helps?
Like, does it cure bloating and flush out the system or something.
Also, my dad hates the taste of water, but he loves orange squash. Is squash just as good as water? Its sugar free and low in calories.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I know you want to lose weight fast and easy, who doesn’t right? We all need to do it in a healthy way though, because crash diets just don’t work. Believe me, I’ve tried them all. If I did lose some weight, I put it right back on when I started eating normally again.

1-2 pounds a week is a healthy goal to lose weight. The only diet that ever worked for me is the diet solution program. It isn’t magical, it takes time and effort, so if you just want to take a pill and wake up skinny, don’t bother to check it out. Just keep dreaming! But if you really want to lose weight and feel good in your own skin, then it’s worth checking out the diet program. It really is the solution to stop the yo-yos.

It’s up to you, nobody else….

John asks…

What is the best interval training program to really boost my weight loss/cardio fitness?

I am in fairly good shape and I usually run or walk at least 3 to 4 miles when I work out outside or at the gym. But, I have hit a bit of a plateau and I would love to recharge my weight loss. I have heard interval training is a great way to do this.

I have starting alternating between running/walking, but I am unsure about the times/sets.

Any suggestions?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Any interval training program would give you a break from your plateau, because it’s very different from steady-state cardio – i.e. The running you do. It really depends on what you enjoy doing. If you want to stick to the running, then try the suggested variations of sprinting and walking.

Typically I would suggest you start with 30 sec sprint and 60 rest intervals. When you sprint give it all you have 80-90% of your max effort. Your rest period should be at 30%. I would do 8 to 10 rounds to start with and would only do up to 3 sessions a week until you get used to it. If of course you find this too easy, try a 60 sec work 90 sec rest (or 120 sec) rest intervals.

If you don’t want to do running, you can try skipping with knees high up, alternating with burpees. If you’re like me and you get bored easily you can make up your own intervals with just about any full-body exercise, as long as you make sure to work really hard during the work periods and to rest well in the rest periods.

If you’re looking for a structured program – try Josh Hillis’ Fighter workouts at the link below.

Either way I am sure you’ll see results and you’ll love them. Interval training is hard but rewarding :o)


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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Steven asks…

Is my kind of workout good for me losing weight?

I’m been trying trying to lose weight for a week already. I feel like I’m getting good results, but I was wondering if it’s a good workout. I walk/run my husky a half mile. I clean my house for about 2 hours. Is this good enough for me? I’m kinda of feeling a bit more fit.

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you want to lose it easily jog at least two miles or so,maybe go for a swim.
Cleaning does make you feel active, but you aren’t loosing much weight there.
And you are so lucky for having a husky.

Lisa asks…

How do you lose weight quickly?

How can I lose weight within a week. I want to lose more than one pound. Please answer quickly. I got family coming on Easter!

weight loss cardiff answers:

There is no way to lose weight quickly and healthly and be able to keep it off. Just do everything you’re supposed to (eat healthy, excercise daily, and get enough sleep). Good Luck.

Jenny asks…

How to lose weight in 3 weeks during winter?

Well im going to visit new York for 3 weeks and yeah winter as you know. But i want to lose weight too when i get back to my country. And i don’t think i will have time to exercise, so any diet tips? I do exercise now coz it’s hot where i live and rains everyday in december.

weight loss cardiff answers:

So many people say there are plenty of ways to lose weight,and also i have tried them for a long time but almost none of them can make me insist on.So i think you can get ready to loose weight with a pefectly good heart and insist on the way you find it suitable to you.the important thing is that you much make sure you have a balanced diet and have a good body.Come on!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Donna asks…

Do you think this is a good weight for a dwarf?

I lost ten pounds pretty easily since I’m a teenager, but my age is 16, I’m 4’3″ and I’m at either 100 or 105lbs. I lost my gut but I have less then half an inch of fat sticking out. Should I loose more weight or am I good?

weight loss cardiff answers:

For a 4’3 male, the average weight would be somewhere around 75 to 100 pounds, so you are fine. Barely overweight if at all. Just remember to keep up a healthy lifestyle (eat healthy, exercise, blah, blah, blah) you’ll be fine. Lol

Daniel asks…

I know this isn’t healthy but….???

I have an important event in 2 days…is it possible to eat only about 400 calories today and tomorrow and do cardio equal to burning 600 calories both days and be 5lbs lighter on the 3rd day?

I do realize this isn’t healthy, but when I was a teenager I could easily lose this much weight in 2 days?

I am 25 and can run for 2 hours with no problem so the exercise won’t be a problem…

don’t judge just let me know if this is possible


weight loss cardiff answers:

400 calories is probably way too little. Keep in mind that you burn calories through regular bodily functions as well as any cardio you might do. You don’t want to do all this work to try and look good for an event and then be dragging so much ass the day of that you can’t even enjoy yourself. I don’t know your height and weight, but for an average woman 1200 is much more reasonable if you are planning to do some heavy cardio. Cutting weight by sweating can be effective, but do it the day of if you can. Once you rehydrate after cutting you’ll gain a lot of weight back. Since I assume that you will be eating very little the day of the event, your stomach acid can make your breath pretty rank, so eat parsley throughout the day. Chewing parsley will keep your breath fresh and tamp down any last minute gas or bloating.

Happy Holidays! Don’t you just LOVE being a woman?

Steven asks…

I want to lose a little weight, like 15lb, any good exercise DVDs or dieting tips? Thanks.?

I’m like 5’3 and 133lbs and I want to be like 110-115. I have the jillian micheals 30 day shred dvds and I can stick with and do them fairly easily, but they get boring fast and I don’t really see results when I do them. My diet isn’t horrible either, the worst thing I do is have taco bell or something for dinner like once a week. Any fun (well as entertaining as they could be) exercise videos I could try? And diet tips would be cool too. btw im a teenager so I don’t want to go on some weird jenny craig diet or anything. Thanks.

weight loss cardiff answers:

When you are losing weight, you should exercise and diet together.
If you exercise without dieting, you will get bigger appetite, which
will lead to increase of weight, or muscle grow
underneath the fat layer, and make you bulkier. If you diet without
exercising, you will become flabby and will have excess skin. For
diet, go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food
after 7 p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending on
your initial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If
you don’t eat wheat then you don’t eat all those sticky, fatty goey
cakes, you don’t eat junk food, and you don’t eat biscuits. But your
diet is still balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to
calculate points or to buy special meals or plans. For exercising,
start with walking, and then switch to running/jogging. Running is the
most efficient and calorie-burn exercise ever. If you are overweight a
lot, walk first or you may have health complications (heart attack,
disjointed bones and so on). Weight lifting is a good means to target
your problem areas for men and women. It’s not necessarily to become a
bodybuilder or even join a gym – a couple of dumbbells will help you
to target your problem areas (stomach, butt, legs, arms, chest).

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