Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sandra asks…

How many calories should I take in a day to lose weight?

Since the summer I started taking an anxiety medication and I have games a whopping 30 pounds! I hurt my back so I cant really exercise for a while. So, I was wondering how many calories a day I should eat to lose weight. 2 lbs a week if at all possible. Thanks for your help!

Weight: 160

Height: 5’3″

Also, as long as a stay in the calories range does it really matter what I eat?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The Anshar Diet

As an American I’ve seen enough crazy fad diets in my day to fill several weeks full of infomercials and advertisements. As such I’m going to give you the benefit of many years of health and nutrition classes and do my good deed for the year.

I’m going to tell you how to not only lose weight but change the composition of your body, increase your health, and best of all.. Keep it off.

First, let’s dispel some common myths.

Myth 1:
Eating less calories will make me lose weight.
Unfortunately this isn’t always true. A lot of different factors program your metabolism but one of the key things is how OFTEN you eat. If you fast all day long and then have a 500 calorie meal at the end of the day almost ALL of it will be stored by your body.

Myth 2:
I can have a diet with no carbs and be healthy.
This really is a testament to how much Americans want a quick fix. Diets like the Atkin’s Diet cause your body to start devouring itself, increase your cholesterol, and in certain cases can even kill you. One thing I WON’T argue, death will indeed cause you to lose weight, permanently.

Myth 3:
If I go on a diet I will lose weight.
99% of people who go on diets will end up putting on MORE weight than they lost from a diet. This is because diet is supposed to be a LIFESTYLE change, not something you do for 2 weeks. If you starve your body it will make fat cells and increase their size even faster.

Myth 4:
I need to go out and exercise to lose weight.
This isn’t actually true but it’s important to say that having daily activities WILL keep you healthy. If you burn almost no calories every day what else do you think your body is going to do with them? Balancing a healthy lifestyle with a good diet is what you want here, not killing yourself by running every afternoon.

Myth 5:
The scale in my bathroom gives me a good idea of how healthy I am.
The dreaded bathroom scale does NOT tell you how healthy you are. Let’s say I have 10 lbs of fat, don’t drink water, and have little muscle mass. Then I work out for 3 months and hydrate every day. I lose 5 lbs of fat but gain 7 lbs of muscle and 3 pounds of average water weight. What will happen when I look at the scale? Are you being fair to yourselves? Judge yourself by how you feel, not what a spinning number under your feet tells you.

With these common myths out of the way I’ll tell you the secret. It’s five simple steps.

~~The Anshar Diet~~
1. Only eat until you are no longer hungry.
This does NOT mean that you starve yourself. It means after you take a few bites of food ask yourself if you’re still hungry. If you’re not, into the fridge it goes. While we’re at it, CHEW YOUR FOOD. At least 10 times per bite (using common sense if you’re eating applesauce, this isn’t an excuse to be an idiot).

2. Eat at least 6 (more if your schedule allows) meals a day.
I know this seems counterintuitive, but hear me out. If you eat 6-8 meals a day the meals are very small (often around 100-200 calorie “snacks”), provided you are only eating until you are NOT HUNGRY. When your body is not hungry your metabolism will not try to store energy as fat. It really is that simple. Smaller meals aid in digestion, they increase the nutrition you get from your food, and they keep you from being lethargic. If you eat when you’re hungry your body stores MORE of it as fat (“Hmm. I’m hungry, I don’t know where my next meal will come from! I’d better hold onto this.”)

3. Eat BEFORE you get hungry.
Schedule your 6-10 meals throughout the day and stick to them. If you’re waiting until you get hungry to eat you’ve already screwed this up. Your body stores energy if you’re hungry, if your body sees food and just takes what it needs then you’re running at optimum efficiency. This is called programming your metabolism.

4. Eat breakfast. Always.
Your first meal of the day is also the meal you have no choice over being hungry for. Your body has been replenishing itself all night and needs fuel. Since now you KNOW that hunger means you store your food then that means you want to keep breakfast LIGHT. A cup of cereal and a banana. A granola bar and an apple. LIGHT does NOT mean you skip breakfast. If you skip breakfast you are telling your metabolism to turn ALL of the next meal you eat into stored fat.

5. Drink water.
(I’m a big hypocrite on this one, but I can’t stress it enough) Most people think that if they pick up a glass of orange juice instead of a soda they’re doing themselves a favor, and that’s not entirely true. A glass of orange juice can have just as many calories as some sodas. Try looking at the label sometime. If you’re thirsty, drink water. If you love your soda then have your soda (real soda, not diet, artificial sweetners have been argued to be one of the worst things to ever happen to western civilization). If you decide to have a drink to treat yourself, pour yourself a half glass, don’t take a can or bottle with you and for go

Lisa asks…

How should I lose weight till my 16th birthday at the end of this month?

I am 15yrs and weigh 152 pounds. I have to lose weight fast within 2 weeks and need some easy steps. Its my 16th birthday and have to look beautiful . I need help. please suggest easy steps as my boards are going on!

weight loss cardiff answers:

First off, if you are going to exercise you need to consume 1,500 to 1,800 calories a day. If you are not going to exercise then you need to consume 1,200 to 1,300 calories a day. Once you have that decided you should exercise for thirty minutes five to six days out of the week, always give yourself a rest day out of the week, it will actually help you have better results if you give yourself a rest once in a while. Make sure you drink lots of water, at least eight cups a day.

Charles asks…

If I only eat one apple a day for 2 wks will I lose weight?

For the past two days, I cut an apple into 6 pieces and eat 2 pieces for breakfast, lunch, & dinner. If I keep doing this, will I lose weight in 2 weeks?

weight loss cardiff answers:

When you starve yourself like that (yes you are starving yourself) your body thinks there is little to no food, so anything you eat it will store up instead of using up so that it can survive. Pretty much if you do this for two weeks then start eating again you’ll gain all the weight back plus some.
The best way to lose weight, better than dieting, throwing up, or starving yourself, is to exercise. You don’t need a gym, you don’t need weights or equipment. You just need YOU to exercise, and you know what? With consistent exercise you will probably have a better body than anyone else you know. It won’t happen over night but it is better than starving yourself.
Besides, in two weeks you can loose a good bit of fat and gain a good bit of muscle. Don’t rely on your weight to tell you your fat though because as you should know muscle weighs more than fat and therefor if your losing fat and gaining muscle your weight might not show much change.
Just go jogging, do some crunches, push ups, aerobics, there are tons of exercises you can do that won’t kill you with starvation and won’t cost you tons of money for equipment.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

William asks…

What could a 50 year old do to lose weight fast!?!?

My dads like 52 and i just want him to be healthier and of course ill help him but what can he do to lose weight insanely fast or easily…please help me i really care for my dad

weight loss cardiff answers:

The foods you eat play a direct role in your ability to lose weight at 52. For starters, you’d need to reduce the number of calories you eat every day. With a slower metabolism, you don’t need as many calories to function, so cut back by eliminating sources of empty calories like sugary teas, fruit drinks and sodas, alcohol and refined sugars and flours in cakes and cookies. Choose low-fat or nonfat dairy, whole grains and lean sources of protein like fish and chicken. And whenever you can, add a serving of vegetables or fruit to your meals. They’re low in calories and fill you up, making the perfect dietary addition.

Paul asks…

How to lose weight fast?

I m not that fat but because I am so busy school adn work I have no time for myself that much
what are some good ways to lose weight fast and easily
thank you

weight loss cardiff answers:

I know that you have probably heard the whole, “eat veggies and fruits, exercise”, but I want to give you easier advice. The average person eats around 2000 calories a day. If you maintain that, and run on the treadmill for 10 minutes a day and drink water, you will be fine. You said you aren’t that fat, but I am sure that you have 10 minutes of free time. In the afternoons, instead of drinking soda and energy drinks, try drinking green tea, not the sugary bottled kind. I really hope that I helped! 🙂

Daniel asks…

How can i lose weight fast and easily?

Okay so i am 14 years old, 5 4″ and i weigh around 135 pounds….i feel really chubby and have to hold in my stomach…i hate having to do this and i just want to have a flat stomach and be comfertable…i also
kinda have big thighs and i hate it…any tips?
in the picture i am the one on the right!/photo.php?pid=266235&id=100000274164132&fbid=131459513539853

weight loss cardiff answers:

Low carb diet is the way to go. I personally know a guy, (lived with him), who lost 35 pounds in a month on a low carb diet, and he gorged himself on bacon and burgers every night. At this point however, I would like to point out that this is an extremely expensive diet, and that if you do not drink around 15 8-ounce cups of water each day, your kidneys will fail quickly and painfully, and you could die. Try eating only 10-15 carbs per day, and after the first week or two, your body will go into kenocytocis, which means major weight loss.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Helen asks…

What is the best weight loss diet out there?

I’ve tried some fast weight loss programs but haven’t found the one I need yet. I have even tried weight loss pills. Please help me!

weight loss cardiff answers:

The reason you haven’t found a fast weight loss program that really works is because it doesn’t exist.

Weight loss (or weight control) is really about making long-term changes to your lifestyle. This means the food you eat, the amount and type of exercise you do, your mindset about yourself/your weight and your stress levels.

The problem most people make is they bounce between different fad diets, losing weight and then putting it all back on again. Understanding how habits are formed and how to integrate new healthy habits into your life would solve this problem.

The reason you don’t hear about these long-term solutions is because the weight loss industry is a billion dollar industry that makes money by keeping you fat and selling you new fad diets every year. To break the cycle you must learn how to control your weight.

I’ve written a free report on this whole topic that explains this in more detail, and provides you with some easy solutions. You can get a free copy at

Best of luck!

Laura asks…

Does the Nutrisystem Weight Loss Diet Program really work?

I plan on getting on the weight loss program in November (after having a baby). I would like to know if it really works???!!!! Just checked out their website and started looking around. I can’t find a price without letting them know my personal information. Does anyone know about how much it cost? Did it work for you? My plan is to drop about 50-60 pounds. The reason I am considering Nutrisystem is because the food is already made. With having a new baby I will be pressed for time. Please only respond if you have tried it or know someone that has. Thanks everyone!

weight loss cardiff answers:

I just ordered Nutrisystem on Saturday 8/25/07 and I recieved my box of food yesterday 8/29/07. I have been on it for 2 full days! The first day I hated the first 2 things I ate and I was pretty pissed off and thought I would deffinatly quit. But today, however, everything I ate was actually really good!! I oredered the variety pack and my next month I’ll get to choose which meals I like. You get ALOT of food and you eat like 6 times a day. They give you one week free…so it’s 5 whole weeks of food. I paid exactly $293.90. It just was charged onto my credit card today. The people on the site are really cool and there are chat boards and free online classes. There is a lot to do on the site and it’s quite fun making friends that are doing the same thing you are. I work ALOT, so I think that this is the best diet plan for me. I have gained 45 pounds since having my daughter 9 months ago (in November also). So far i feel like i have more energy and I’m happy with it. Don’t just take my advice though….I’ve only been on it for 2 days. Best of Luck!!! : )

Mary asks…

How do chiropractic weight loss programs work?

I see many ads for weight loss programs administered by chiropractors. What does this involve, and has anyone had success with them?

weight loss cardiff answers:

All a chiropractic “weight loss program” does, is make your wallet smaller. Just another chiro-scam to steer clear of. Chiropractors are not qualified as dietitians, and of course not to be trusted with your health. It’s just a money making scheme for them.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

John asks…

What’s the best healthy diet in order to permanently lose weight?

There are some diets out there such as only eating fruits & vegetables that help you lose weight quickly, but this weight can easily be gained back if you slip a bit on the diet. Are there any that aren’t like this, yet are still healthy (not putting your body in starvation mode)?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The best diet is the one you can stick to. The reason most diets fail, as you’ve mentioned, is because people fall off the wagon. So stop thinking in terms of diet and start thinking in terms of permanent changes. Work on tweaking your diet in increments, working toward a diet that is high in vegetable and fruit intake with focus on whole grain carbohydrates. For example, if you drink a lot of soda, you might look at reducing that first. Then move onto eating more dark leafy greens, and so forth.

For the purposes of weight loss it doesn’t matter how you cut the calories, as long as you cut them. If your primary objective is weight loss working on portion control might be the best approach. Then you can work on the quality of the diet.

Mark asks…

How can I lose 30pounds as fast as possible without pills?

I am 5”2, 150 pounds, and 13 years old. I am very muscular as compaired to others my age, and I am not terribly fat, but I still wan’t to lose weight. How do I speed up weight loss quickly, and easily, and see results fast. I already have been drinking a gallon of water a day, but what else besides that and diet, and exercise can I do. I really think that this would change my life and make me much happier so if u can help please do.

weight loss cardiff answers:

In addition to what every one else said, I would like to add that it isn’t possible to lose that much weight quickly and healthily. If you do one of those fad diets that require you to practically starve yourself, the weight WILL come back once you start to eat more normally. Lost the wieght healthily so you don’t make yourself sick, honey. And healthy is, I’m afraid, no more than 2 pounds a week.

But like one person said, said cut bread to 2 slices a day. Eat whole grain carbs only (including pasta and especially bread…white bread acts just like pure sugar in your blood stream, which if you have too much it will make you fat). Eat mostly fruits and veggies. You can eat fruits and veggies until you explode. You’re going to need to eat protein though, so you don’t lose muscle mass, so make sure you eat lean protein (fat-free milk products are a good way to do this, or even beans).

But hon, you have to be happy with who you are. You aren’t fat. So what what people say about you. Yes, I remember being a teenager, being slightly bigger than everyone else my age (up until high school, I towered a foot over everyone else…I sprouted early) and the best weight for me was just slightly bigger than every one else. Didn’t mean I was a bad person. Or didn’t get dates when I started dating. Only YOU can make you happy. If you aren’t happy with yourself now, honey, losing weight isn’t going to do it. You’ll get down there and you still won’t be happy. Focus on being healthy and ignore what everyone else says. Skinny is NOT in.

James asks…

What’s the best way to lose weight without screwing up your metabolism?

I want to lose weight, but I don’t want to crash diet because I know that you’re body will go into survival mode and will store every single thing you eat into fat…on top of that it is super-hard to keep the weight off.

weight loss cardiff answers:


Have you ever heard of ‘Fat Loss 4 Idiots’ diet program? It’s one of the most sellable e-books ever written that talks about losing fat easily and quickly. If you wish, you can check it all out, there’s a link to a great blog in my source.

So, what is in it?

Generally, the Fat Loss for Idiots is a guide to losing weight and fat as the name implies. In the book, you will be able to read the rules involved in weight loss. These rules, also known as “10 Idiot Proof Rules of Weight Loss” are easy to understand and follow as they are stated in the simplest terms.

Another thing that the e-book contains is the diet generator. The book will give you meal plans that will last you for 11 days. So for each day, the book has a menu for you to follow.

What does it promise?

Fat Loss for Idiots promises a lot of things. For the most part, it promises to make you really lose weight. To be specific, the ebook is able to make you lose 9 pounds every eleven days.

Another big promise the ebook gives is that it can make you lose weight using a healthy meal plan. Many weight lose plans make you lose weight by skipping and scrimping on some things that your body needs such as fat. With the ebook, you can be sure that you won’t be having any of this. As a matter of fact, it will give you a menu of foods that are complete of the nutrients that your body needs. With this, you can be sure that even if you are losing weight, you are also well nourished.

Another thing that the ebook promises is that it makes room for those who are on a vegetarian diet. Unlike other weight loss guides that specifically tell you certain things such as forcing you to eat meat, the Fat Loss for Idiots respects your diet preferences. With this, anybody can take part of the program.

The best weight control diet allows you to eat the foods that you would normally eat, have in your refrigerator and cabinets. By timing when you eat certain foods, how many times a day you eat them, and balancing the types of food, your metabolism will burn what you take in and then some, because it knows you will be feeding it again shortly, instead of starving.

Check out my source – there’s a blog all about this diet with tons of info. Hope it works for you! Good luck!

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