weight loss cardiff answers:
No. There is no high protein diet however some people refer to the low carb diets as high pro so you may be thinking of low carb. And, if you consume any more protein than you need for building muscle, you’ll just burn it or excrete it. Either one is bad so you should limit yourself to only that amount of protein you need. Remember, protein has the same caloric value as pure sugar.
If you want to know how to lose fat, read my answer about how to lose fat —> http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=As615QJM4X_3ID9_05qmmlXty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20111028185603AAVcP4D
If you want to know about protein supplementation, read my answer about protein supplements here –> http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AtGdwn5cqfesP6O1LkavjSjty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110821092640AA3hq12
Next read my answer about supplements here –> http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AmA35VDViBrL0y9rSkKcLknty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20111001134224AANB0OV
And then read my answer about supplement scamming here –> http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Aii1OzUVjBo7o550CXhmvVbty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20111014151252AAak0J4
Here’s what the experts at the US CDC have to say about how much protein you need to provide to support your metabolic processes. –> http://www.cdc.gov/nutrition/everyone/basics/protein.html#How%20much%20protein You can easily get that amount of protein with a glass of milk and a chicken breast or piece of meat per day.
You’ll hear a lot of people tell you that you should have 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. That’s a typical bodybuilder’s formula and it’s a gross over estimate. Most experts use the following formula.
0.8 grams protein per Kg of body weight
0.36 grams protein per pound of body weight
Bodybuilders usually over estimate their protein needs because most of them are clueless and just pass along what they hear in the gym. And, why not? There’s no liability for getting a little too much so more protein is cheap insurance they are getting enough.
Bodybuilders believe they need a lot more protein that nonbodybuilders because they are building muscle. That, of course, is just wrong because most of the protein we all consume goes to the maintenance of our entire body including cell anabolization for all organs, skin, hair, marrow, smooth muscle, blood and much more which has nothing to do with skeletal muscles. And, people who are not building muscle are still replacing catabolized muscle cells which means most of the protein anyone uses will go to other than skeletal muscle repair. So, if you’re a 160 pound male and you need 58 grams of protein without strength training then another 10% would easily cover you for strength training. That would amount to 5.8 grams per day which would be 174 grams per month or about 6 ounces per month. And, six ounces of new lean muscle mass is a good number for the average growth of a 160 pound male who trains hard. Therefore, you can forget 1 g/pound and go with the 0.8g/Kg or 0.36g/pound and just add 10% if you’re a bodybuilder.
If you’re a total protein freak who really wants to make sure you have more than enough protein and you can handle the extra calories, then just double the amount from the formula. So, if the formula tells you to get 58 grams per day, make sure you get 116 grams per day. There’s no way you could possibly need more than that and that’s still well below the 1 gram per pound which bodybuilders use. Just remember that protein has the same caloric value as pure sugar (4cal/gm) so don’t get too much if you are watching your weight. And, protein in food usually comes with other nutrients including carbs and fats so weight watchers should be careful.
Always get protein from food. It’s the only way you can be sure you’re getting dietary balance and the amount of protein you need as supplements may or may not contain the amount stated on the product label. Supplements should always be avoided unless recommended by a health care professional according to the US NIH.
Remember, you will be limited in your ability to add muscle because you will not have your adult level of testosterone, the muscle building hormone, until your mid-20s. So, now is a great time to begin learning about how to get and stay fit, eat right, build muscle, etc. Here are some good places to begin.
Watch all of Scooby’s 180+ videos here –> http://www.youtube.com/user/scooby1961#g/u
Next, read everything here so you can learn a little anantomy and kinseiology as well as how to perform exercise in good form –> http://www.exrx.net/
Finally, buy this book and study it (you can skip over the heavy science stuff) –> http://www.bodybyscience.net/home.html/?page_id=18
Email me if you have questions.
Good luck and good health!!
PS: Here are some good websites you may find useful.
• BEST FOR TWEENS & TEENS http://teenshealth.org/teen/
• ANAEROBICS http://www.exrx.net/Exercise.html