Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

John asks…

How Much weight can you lose in 2 weeks?

if i stick to a good diet, and exercise for 2 weeks, how many pounds will i lose? will it look like i’ve lost weight?

weight loss cardiff answers:

When my parents lost their jobs we went hungry for about that long, eating very small meals from time to time. I lost 20 pounds.

Chris asks…

How much weight can i lose in 2 weeks?? How??

I need to lose weight in 2 weeks…Please help …!!!! No pills or diet programs like curves, jenny craig or anything like that…

weight loss cardiff answers:

You could lose as much as 15 pounds in 2 weeks SAFELY if you follow these tips:

1. You MUST exercise if you want to lose weight and keep it off, so do something every day, even if it’s just a 15-minute walk around the neighborhood. Don’t say you don’t have time for exercise; you have to MAKE time. Yes, it takes time and effort, but you’re worth it, right?

2. Walk as much as you want, but don’t do cardio for more than 40 minutes at a time. If you do, you risk burning muscle instead of fat. Walking is the preferred exercise for weight (READ: FAT) loss because it burns fat almost exclusively and it burns almost as many calories per hour as jogging. You can also breathe much easier while walking, and walking doesn’t pound the heck out of your ankles, knees, and hips like jogging does.

3. If you do strength training, use light weights and do lots of repetitions. That’ll really help you “tone up.” If you’re at all concerned about your midsection, you’ll need to do abdominal exercises that hit all the major muscle groups (upper abs, lower abs, obliques, transverse abdominis, and back muscles) every other day. WARNING: Ab exercises burn very few calories, so don’t rely on them to burn fat. What they will do is give your gut that “sucked in” look 24/7 if you do them regularly. Google each muscle group with the word “exercises” and you’ll find websites that’ll show you exercises to work that muscle group.

4. Your diet will make you or break you. You have probably learned bad eating habits over time (most people do). That’s not your fault, but now you have to deal with it. Make a commitment to yourself to unlearn those bad habits and re-learn better habits.

5. Eat breakfast every day within an hour of getting up. It kick-starts your metabolism. Studies have shown that people who skip breakfast are 450% more likely to be overweight than those who eat breakfast every day.

6. Eat six small meals or snacks per day instead of three squares per day or one big meal per day. If you eat too much at one sitting, your body stores the extra calories as fat. Go too long between meals and your metabolism slows down. Your body expends energy digesting your food, so eating smaller portions more often keeps your metabolism running high because you’re constantly digesting food.

7. Avoid these as much as possible:

— Trans fat (any type of partially or fully hydrogenated oil)
— High fructose corn syrup (soft drinks are LOADED with it)
— Fast food
— Junk food
— White sugar, white flour, white rice, white potatoes
— The deadly C’s (cookies, cakes, candy, chips, cola)

8. Build your diet around these trim-body-friendly foods:

— Nuts, any kind (almonds are best)
— Beans/Legumes
— Fresh vegetables (green is GREAT!!!)
— Dairy products (as long as they’re low-fat or non-fat)
— Eggs
— Lean meats (fish and poultry top the list)
— Olive oil
— Whole grain breads/cereals/pasta
— Fresh fruits (anything that ends in “berry” is a winner)
— Tea (green tea or black pekoe tea)
— Cold water or ice water (your body has to expend extra calories to heat it up)

9. Desserts and treats are the exception, not the rule. Having said that, however, (1) you can have a couple of pieces of chocolate every day – just don’t overdo, and (2) Allow yourself one “cheat meal” every week where you eat and drink whatever you want as long as you don’t gorge yourself. That’ll help keep you from feeling deprived and it’ll make it easier to stick with your new healthy eating plan.

Good luck!

“The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense.”

— Thomas Alva Edison, inventor extraordinaire

Linda asks…

Is it possible to lose weight in 2 weeks?

i am going on a last minute holiday in 2 weeks and need to lose a bit of weight and tone up

is this possible in 2 weeks 2 notice some difference in my body?

if so how?

weight loss cardiff answers:

It is enough time to lose 4-5 lbs by combining diet with exercise, but not enough time to produce any real reshaping. Weight loss requires a much longer commitment for that to happen.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

George asks…

Where to find weight loss tips, programs and detox programs for dummies?

Where to find weight loss tips, programs and detox programs for dummies?

weight loss cardiff answers:

You can try for many weight loss tips and detox programs

Sandra asks…

What are your best weight loss tips?

Hey im hoping to lose about 10kg in a year or so. What are ur best weight loss tips that have worked for you??? I do go to the gym already so its not like i dont do any excersise but it just seems to help me maintain my weight rarther than lose any. Thanks

weight loss cardiff answers:

When you are losing weight, you should exercise and diet together.
If you exercise without dieting, you will get bigger appetite, which
will lead to increase of weight, or muscle grow
underneath the fat layer, and make you bulkier. If you diet without
exercising, you will become flabby and will have excess skin. For
diet, go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food
after 7 p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending on
your initial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If
you don’t eat wheat then you don’t eat all those sticky, fatty goey
cakes, you don’t eat junk food, and you don’t eat biscuits. But your
diet is still balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to
calculate points or to buy special meals or plans. For exercising,
start with walking, and then switch to running/jogging. Running is the
most efficient and calorie-burn exercise ever. If you are overweight a
lot, walk first or you may have health complications (heart attack,
disjointed bones and so on). Weight lifting is a good means to target
your problem areas for men and women. It’s not necessarily to become a
bodybuilder or even join a gym – a couple of dumbbells will help you
to target your problem areas (stomach, butt, legs, arms, chest).

Susan asks…

Weight loss tips?Including how to get a flat stomach, what to eat, and how to get rid of cellulite?

I’m 63kgs and I want to be 52kgs. I’m a normal weight for my height at the moment by the way.
Also, what’s the best way to get a flat stomach? Mine is relatively flat, just a little bulge which is SO annoying and WON’T shift!
Is my weight loss goal unrealistic too?
Also, I’m a peanut butter ADDICT 🙁

Does anyone have any tips? Thanks 🙂

weight loss cardiff answers:

I used to be 147 pounds and now I’m 110 or 109.
Lol, I’m a peanut butter addict too but here’s the thing.
In order to lose weight you’ll have to stop eating any type of oil including excess oil such as fried oil.
Don’t put too much oil when you cook food just use little bit of olive oil.
Eat a lot of healthy stuff like broccoli, spinach, fish, and etc.
I gave up chicken when I used to diet and exercise because chicken has more fat than fish and also fish has less calories and is more nutritious than chicken because it provides the omega-3s, fish oil which is healthy for your heart and hair.
Also, exercise EVERY SINGLE DAY
Don’t forget to do this because just dieting doesn’t me i’ve been there.
Do bicycles for your cellulite, and yoga for a flat stomach.
I do this yoga for a flat stomach>
1. Breath in and inhale and suck in your stomach.
2. Leaving in that position bring your chin close to your middle of the chest and dont exhale until 15 or 30 seconds
3. DOn’t lift chin but slowly exhale as much as you can and slowly lift chin.
This is what i do and I have a flat stomach and also they have yoga for thighs too all you have to do is look it up but I recommend bicylces laying down or up.

You can eat peanut butter but just once a week.
hope i helped =]

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Donna asks…

Exercise questions, loss of weight 158-125?

Alrighty! I am eighteen years old in April, though that might not have anything to do with anything, I’ve been told it has a lot to do with growth and nonsense so I will post it anyway! 🙂

I lost a BUNCH of weight(baby fat) apparently at around age thirteen to fourteen, I was WAY over weight and I was almost 160 pounds, and I’m very proud of myself for cutting out junk food, processed food, and certain foods etc. I did it all on my own, and I was happy. I went from 160 pounds to 135 pounds in a year, and by the next year I was 116 pounds. I wasn’t too skinny for my body shape, yet I wasn’t heavy at all. I’ve gained about I’d say ten to fifteen pounds since then, but I’m still fairly small considering I am five six. I want to lose the ten pounds I’ve gained but, even if I do I have excess (skin) I guess? That I need to tone up. I’m starting zumba classes next month and I’ve been told it is a lot of dancing/cardio etc. If I’m wrong please correct me is this a good program, whether it is or isn’t I’m getting it for free so I’m going to do it anyway haha! But, I was wondering what exercises I should do to FIRST tone up my stomach(the top where abs I guess should be? is just like skin) And, after that my legs, and butt. So I was wondering though I know you cannot tell me for certain the amount of time, but from December to April should I be toned? And even before then how long after if I do this daily will I start to see results! I WOULD like to add that I once did sit ups for five days and could already feel the muscles in my stomach tightening, and I lose weight easily, and am almost certain it could be the same with exercise

Also, if you would like to add dietary preferences that would be helpful I don’t know what exactly would help speed this process(:



weight loss cardiff answers:

Just workout w/ a trainer

Sharon asks…

HELP ME lose weight?

I’m 5’3 and almost 125 (highest I’ve EVER been). Luckily I’m very muscular, eat fairly healthy, and stay active.

However, I am bigger than ever and would like to slim down to 110-115. I just am ALWAYS hungry and maybe I’m stressed. Plus, when I do watch my weight and exercise I don’t even lose weight!

Ugh, any tips? Motivation? Secrets?!! Like the most effective way. You have to realize I’m VERY busy, easily stressed, and have little free time. It’s hard for me to plan/cook hard meals or exercise ALOT. I already do 2-3 times a week at school for about 90 min (light activity/dance). I try to run when I can.

THANKS!! The faster results would be nice.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Running is the most effective exercise when it comes to losing weight. Every spare minute you can run, do it. When you get hungry b/c of stress don’t eat a lot and make it something really healthy, eating is good when the food is healthy. Plus, you might be just gaining weight b/c ur going through puberty. Ur hips widen and ur mucles and stuff grow so they have more mass. So don’t freak if you don’t lose to much weight too fast. So far it sounds like ur doing a great job. Another thing that helps me out is yogurt. Whenever I want to have a snack b/c I’m stressed or just hungry I eat yougurt. It makes me feel kinda full pretty fast for a little thing of yogurt, and it is good for you. Good luck, and the best of health!!!

Steven asks…

My friend really wants to lose weight but still eats very badly?

She weighs 168 pounds and looks really chunky. She is always complaining about how she hates being fat and that she wants to lose weight really fast. I told her what she has to do to lose weight, I even offered going walking with her on my free time. But she gives up to easily. One day we went walking because she wanted to walk for 2 hours but after 10 min of walking she gave up and said she wanted to go home. And the past few days shes been eating chinese food, candy, mcdonalds,cake, and soda. She annoys me so much! I feel bad when she says she’s fat because ive been in her situation before but shes not willing to do anything about it! I asked her why she went out to eat chinese food and she replies ” sorry but I had to, it was really yummy”. Her family is not supportive at all! Her whole family always offers her the worst things to eat. for example when she ate a big chocolate chip muffin which had 900 calories. And they all are over weight.
The question is how can I make her understand that just by wishing she loses weight she wont get anywhere? What can I do to help her out?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The thing is, working out is great but eating better foods makes you lose weight more than exercise alone. It’s actually more important than exercise because…*dun dun dunnn* you ARE what you eat. If she eats that crap than yes, she won’t lose any weight and will feel tired all of the time.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lizzie asks…

Weight Loss Tips that are very easy! for teens?

please give me some easy tips which can lead me towards losing weight! thanks

weight loss cardiff answers:

Get off your ass, don’t drink soda, don’t eat fast food….

Linda asks…

fourteen-years old, 5’3″, 130-136lbs. weight loss tips?

i’m fourteen-years-old, 5’3″, and 130-136 pounds.
i’m called fat constantly, however, my body is very muscular.
i play school and junior olympic volleyball, softball, cheerleading, and track.
therefore, i’m very busy.
i need easy weight loss tips, that won’t cause me to lose my muscle.

weight loss cardiff answers:

A fact that seems to be hard for women to accept is that weight loss isn’t the most important thing. Fat loss is. It sounds to me like you are a very healthy, active teenage girl. The best thing for you to do is continue eating a healthy well-balanced diet and stay active in your sports. I know that at your age, what others think of and say about you seems so important, but some day you will realize that it’s really not. Don’t base how you feel about yourself on the opinions of others. Be yourself! ♥

Sandra asks…

Easy 10 points!! weight loss tips?

hey im trying to lose weight im 154 pounds and my terget weight is 120-130 pounds
so basically i want to know any weight loss tips you have .
best answers gets 10 points 🙂
i am on a heathly deit and do zumba tiwce a week and horseriding once a week and a half hour walk every day.

weight loss cardiff answers:

It sounds like you do quite a fair amount of exercising. Cut out soda and eat lots of salads and stuff like that. If your having chicken, grill it. Eat plenty of fish as well. Half sparkling water, half juice is a wonderful soda alternative. La Croix is a relativaly cheap brand of sparkling water. Good luck!!!!

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