Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Chris asks…

Post pregnancy (read c-section particularly) weight loss success stories?

My son is now 9 months old. He was born via a c-section. I gained 34 lbs during my pregnancy of which I have so far lost only 14 lbs. Also my tummy is sticking out and it appears as if I were 6 months pregnant even now!
I would love to hear from you ladies about your weight loss success stories.

What was your motivation?
How did you do it?
What diet (or rather healthy food) schedule did you follow?

weight loss cardiff answers:

My daughter is nine months old too. I gained about the same weight as you, 32-33 total. I started at 148 lbs. And can’t seem to go below 152. That isn’t terrible since I am still breastfeeding and haven’t tried too hard to lose it, but I’ll tell you what has worked for me so far… Good old eating healthy and working out. In terms of what to eat, whole foods whole foods whole foods. Whole grains, veggies, no processed foods, eat olive oil, organic, yummy sugar free foods.

In terms of working out… Last night my hubby watched baby so I could go for a quick three mile run, on the weekends I make an effort to bike (with baby in bike seat) my errands rather than drive, I sign up for sprint triathlons and short distance runs and middle distance bike races. Basically, I am just active. Given how much I move I hoped I would have been lower than my pre-pregnancy weight, but I think as long as we breastfeed the weight just kinda hangs on, compliments of the hormones. Don’t worry! I am sure you will be back to skinny you before you know it! Hang in there!

Paul asks…

Weight loss success much & how fast did you lose it?

Weight loss success much & how fast did you lose the weight? What did you do to lose it so quickly?

weight loss cardiff answers:

After i had my daughter i balloned to 14 and a half stone. I started eating healthy and doing 10 mins tae bo and lost half a stone in 2 weeks also the hour walk to and from nursrey when she got to nursrey age helped loads. Now i am more near my target weight it has seized up but as long as i am not gaining then i’m not worrying 😉 Basically healthy food and a minimum of 10 mins exercise and added walking on top 🙂

Lizzie asks…

Can anyone give me some good weight loss success stories?

How you did it? How much you lost? How long it took you?

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you are serious about LOSING WEIGHT, have a look at the list of sites:


Good luck 🙂

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

James asks…

Easy teenage weight loss?

Imm 14, i weigh around 125-130. Im 5’7 .. I want to lose around 5 lbs so i can get in shape and feel healthy again. I play lacrosse on weekends an lift weights 3 days a week. Any healty meal plans? Workout scheduals i can do at home?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I would suggest to concern with your doctor as this is critical issue

George asks…

How often should I change my workout for weight loss and what are the best cardio workouts to change them to?

My objective this summer is to lose 10-15 pounds (whatever is do-able) before the beginning of September. I am a 22 year old female who is 5′ 5″ and 128 pounds. People tell me I look great and do not need to lose any weight but I would feel a lot better if I did.
About a year ago I got done to 118 but this was because I did cardio (a lot of running) for an hour to an hour and a half a day and ate 800-1000 calories every day for 8 months.
I want to be that weight again so badly but my body is very stubborn in keeping my body weight at my current weight or above. I am thinking that there has to be an easier way to lose about 10 pounds that won’t take 8 months! I don’t know why it takes me so long to lose weight (and with so much effort) but there has to be an easier way.
I know that I have to change up my workouts. I am just starting swimming. Right now I do a combination of running, walking, eliptical, stairmaster, swimming, and toning. How often do I change my routines? Suggestions?

weight loss cardiff answers:

First of all, you should never eat so few calories. I think 1400 is the lowest any adult should ever go. You’ve probably killed your metabolism and are going to need to get it back to normal. It’s really hard to lose any weight when your metabolism isn’t well-tuned. I can speak from experience on that one. Eat small meals throughout the day and your body won’t freak out and think it’s being starved and store calories as fat. You don’t need to change your workout up that often to lose weight. The best weight-loss strategy is actually to do strength-training. Lifting weights build muscle, which burns calories even when you’re sitting still. Plus, you’ll be stronger and more toned so you’ll look better. You sound small so you’re probably not going to bulk up or anything (one of females’ biggest fears). I subscribe to Women’s Health, which always has little inserts with a workout for the month (or the summer, or whatever) that I love. They’re a great place to get started.

Mark asks…

Does anyone have any good weight loss advice? EASY 10 points?

Current Weight: 152lbs
Current Height: 5’7″

For some reason, within the past year or so, Ive been gaining alot of weight. No matter how much i try snacking down, I still gain it.
Just last summer i was 123, and I was very slim, And i LOVED my body.
But then winter hit, and i packed on the pounds, and I though id burn it all off in the summer, But ive just been gaining!

Ive tried calorie counting, running on a treadmill, crunches!
No matter how little or much i eat, i gain gain gain.
And im SO sick of it.

Does anyone have ANY advice?
Does Yoga work?
Any workout routines?
Any youtube workout videos?
What about being a Vegetarian?

Thanks so much!

weight loss cardiff answers:

As soon as u wake up…drink a glass of water distilled water…eat a big breakfast as long as its organic food(it helps better than eatin a lil bit and starvin) organic food is expensive but it helps tremendously, also most of it tastes great…drink one big glass b4 u eat and it will make u fuller u wont eat as much..if u drink a teaspoon or two of apple cider vinegar..its nasty but it helps and the burnin in ur stomach…jus means its workin…do all types of cleanses…liver, colon, candida etc…organic sugar… No splenda, nutrasweet etc…take digestive enzymes..ull find at a health store…jump on a mini trampoline 10 min a day….walk at least one full hour a day…dont eat n e thing w/ msg…(monosodium glusomate) no sodas whether diet or not…no high fructose cornsyrup…eat organic apples.and or grapefruits all day as many as u want for snacks…eat a big salad before ur meal meal w/ ur glass of water and u will get fuller faster….yoga, pilates, kungfu, helps also, i have hip hop abs…it works wonders…..its fun and it targets all the areas needed…u learn how 2 dance 2…its great well take care hopes this helps….i know diets suck…but w/ organic food, oils, snacks, seasoning, bread, sugar etc….u can eat hamburger and fries, steak, grilled chicken etc, all u eat now jus a lil more expensive but still tastes like it came out of burger king lol
also i dont think ur overweight…but i know how it feels 2 be skinny than all of sudden put on some pds…and w/ this type of diet…ulose fast and u can keep up w/ it..and its good so u dont go back 2 eatin all the stuff that made u gain..and once u hit ur goal weight…if u wanna go out and eat at applebees…or the steakhouse u wont gain 20 lbs jus lookin at the food lol…u can still eat a meal or two a week of ur choice that is nonorganic if u like

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Paul asks…

In THIS CASE is it safe to lose weight while pregnant?

I am not pregnant, first off. But I was always wondering if you weighed over 200 lbs, became pregnant, then started eating healthy, would it hurt if you lost weight? I am not talking about fasting or extreme dieting, but if you went from eating fast food and the sort to eating a diet that’s actually recommended by doctors plus the 300 extra calories for baby. I am just looking at it as the fast food and junk that a person consumes being replaced by healthy meals MAY cause initial weight loss regardless of being pregnant or not.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yes. In fact, many obese women lose weight in early pregnancy. If it is the result of a healthy diet rather than, dieting, it’s usually safe.

Susan asks…

How can I lose weight while being pregnant?

I’m 220 lbs right now and am pregnant again.. YAY, but I need to know if I can still lose weight while I’m pregnant and not take anything away from the baby. Any one know?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I lost weight with both my pregnancies. I went to a dietician and got a food plan. Being overweight, I could only gain 10-15 lbs. I actually lost 10 all under my Dr’s supervision and not dieting, just eating right.

Laura asks…

Did you lose weight while pregnant by changing your eating and exercise habits?

Did you lose weight when you were pregnant because you changed your eating habits or started exercising daily?

I plan to change my diet to be very healthy and walk daily once I am pregnant, I was wondering if I should expect a weight loss.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I lost weight because:

1) I ate better
2) I ate small meals more often which always causes me to loose weight but is hard to find time for when you are working and not pregnant
3) My metabolism shot through the roof (I could tell, and my temp went from 97.4 when not pregnant to 98.9 while pregnant)
4) I didn’t eat any junk.

If you eat a healthy, well balanced diet (not diet as in weight loss but diet as in what you eat) with about 300 more calories do not pay any attention to the scale (But I wouldn’t count your calories). You and your baby will be healthy (I ended pregnancy 30lbs less than I started –the day after I gave birth to an 8lbs 2oz baby).

Saying you must gain weight is like saying if you eat nothing but burgers and fries it is healthy for your baby. It is about eating well and enough for both you and your baby to thrive. Trust me, eat well and as long as you feel healthy and energitic you and your baby will be FINE, your body will tell you if you are not eating right if you listen.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Helen asks…

Is there anyway i could lose weight without exercise?

Yes I know silly question, but I’m in school right now 5 days a week in a radiography program and the studying is tough and leaves me with little or no time to exercise or go to the gym like I used to. I don’t want to get skinny I just don’t want to gain weight (which happens very easily to me). I’m trying to eat right but sometimes its not enough. Any suggestions, serious ones please. Thank you. P.S. I’m 24 yrs old, 135 lbs and 5’1 if that has any significance.

weight loss cardiff answers:

             How I Lost Weight

By the way, I’m a 14 year old girl.

1).  A NO carb diet.  This isn’t Atkins.  Atkins is a LOW carb diet.  What I did was cut out carbs completely.  These are the only things I ate: Steak, Grilled Chicken, Ham, Turkey, Eggs, Sugar Free Jello, Swiss Cheese and Pepper Jack Cheese.  This is what I drank: Water, Diet Soda and Crystal Light Drink Mixes.  You obviously don’t have to eat EVERYTHING I listed, but that’s the most variety you’ll get. If you hate meat and what not (Like I do) then it’s going to be hard.  But it’s worth it!  I went from 199 to 165 in a blink of an eye!  And you need to take a multivitamin on this cause you won’t have much energy.  Oh and in like 2 weeks I had lost my sugar cravings COMPLETELY, I wasn’t even hungry!

2). Restrict calories.  This got me from 165 to 150 FAST (I missed carbs alot so I changed diets).  I ate exactly 1200 calories a day.  If you don’t have the calorie count then don’t eat it,  NO GUESSING.  I only ate processed foods cause they told me the calories.  It sounds unhealthy but it isn’t.  And be exact, at the end of the day make sure you’ve eaten 1200 calories.  Not 1160, not 1245.  1200.  Eat small portions, every 2-3 hours.  I think that’s what helped me the most.

3).  This isn’t really a diet, more of starvation, BUT it worked.  It got me from 150 to 144 in like 3 days.  Make ice cubes with any low/no calorie/carb drink mix.  When you get hungry, just suck on them.      

And try to EXERCISE.  If you can only do a little, try anyway,  then gradually work towards more.  GOOD LUCK 🙂

Steven asks…

Can I lose weight easily without counting calories?

I’ve lost just about 10 pounds this summer already by counting calories and exercising about an hour a day.

The thing is, I HATE counting calories! I love making my own recipies and crazy kinds of foods where you have just a bunch of different ingrediants (or from cook books) where you have no idea what the calories are. I could count the calories of each ingrediant but it’s exhausting!

I was wondering that if I just bump up my workout to be more than an hour (like 2 hours, and trust me I love to exercise) and just eat whatever I want (as long as I’m not OVER EATING) would you find it to be effective.

I tried it yesterday and it was so much easier not to have to worry! What do you think?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yes you can! I am at the moment, all I do is eat healthy stuff and don’t over eat. Don’t eat whatever you want, still watch what you eat! I hate counting calories, it involves weighing stuff out, keep tally etc. There’s no need, it’s easier to do without

Maria asks…

How can I keep my figure firm and toned looking without losing anymore weight?

I am female. I am skinny and lose weight easily. I like to eat healthy foods. I’d like to incorporate exercise to my daily routine but I seem to lose weight so easily. What sort of physical activity can I do to stay firm and toned?

weight loss cardiff answers:

This is a good source of infographics on multiple topics including topics on health and wellness

This one especially focused on diet and exercise regimes

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