Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Maria asks…

Would eating a bigger breakfast and smaller lunch and dinner help me lose weight?

I’m 16 and I don’t have the metabolism that most teenagers do, so I gain weight pretty easily. I also love food and will sometimes have crazy binges. But when I put my mind to dieting, I do pretty well. I actually do have willpower I just don’t really use it when I’m not in my “diet mode.” I know that breakfast is actually supposed to be the biggest meal of the day, but I generally don’t eat much. Will it help if I do, but cut down on portion size for my other two meals. I also always eat a snack when I get home from school because my lunch is at 10:15, so I’m hungry again by the time I get home. I actually usually eat more snack than dinner. So should I increase breakfast and decrease everything else?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yes. That is what you should do.
Eat like a king for breakfast
eat like a prince for lunch
eat like a poor man for dinner
you can also cut out carbs completely at night.

William asks…

Help on Loosing weight for Teenagers!!?

Hi,I am a secondary 2 boy living in Singapore.I am overweight and wants to lose some weight.When I started to run or jog,I get breathless easily and also get teased by my classmates.I am currently in the Taf program which helps Overweight students to lose weight.I wana get out of taf quickly.Please Give me some good advice on loosing weight and no Rude Answers.Thanks alot!

weight loss cardiff answers:


All you have to do is eat three balanced meals a day, and if you get hungry between any of those meals, just snack on fruit, any sort of fruit you like. And for losing fat, you need to do cardio.. (4-5 times a week,preferably…) . If you keep up the cardio, the fat will drop off you!..(meaning;you will lose the fat very quickly with cardio!).
Do activities such as swimming,running,cycling,skipping,walking at quite a fast speed,dance… Etc etc etc !!
Don’t stick to just one cardio workout or you will get bored. Always swap round and do something different every week!
It sounds pretty simple, although it’s hard for the first 2-3 days, or even for the first week! But don’t give up. Every time you have a craving, or wanting to just give in to that chocolate bar : just think about all of the hard work you’ve done to get you where you are now. And just visualise yourself ”fit”.
Don’t forget to eat delicious low-fat meals and keep them exciting… And drink plenty of water, you should always aim for at least 1.5 L a day.
I’m on a healthy diet too… And I tell you what – WE CAN DO IT!!
Prove your classmates wrong 😉
Take care! X

Mandy asks…

I want to lose weight easy and fast…Any tips!?

I want to lose 20 pounds easily and I want more toned legs and butt.
Are there any easy/ cheap diets to go on?
Or are there any easy exercises to go on..?
If so, please tell me!
And I am a teenager- FYI.
Thank you for all the help!

weight loss cardiff answers:

I think you have the wrong idea about weight loss. The slower you lose the weight the better, trust me! When you go on some extreme diet and exercise program and you lose weight very fast, you will most likely gain the weight back very fast once you stop dieting.

The best way to lose weight would be to:

1. Eat healthy.
2. Eat smaller meals throughout the day, preferably 4 to 6 meals a day.
3. Exercise 3 to 5 times a week for at least 30 minutes. (run/walk on the treadmill/outside, go swimming, or play a sport)
4.Drink plenty of water.

And when I say eat healthy, this means stay away from: candy,White bread, canned soups, chips, any/all junk food, and NO TV dinners.

Make sure you eat alot of: Fresh fruits, Fresh vegetables, Lean meat, Skim/1% milk, Foods with healthy fat (almonds/peanuts/all natural peanut butter), and Oatmeal.

If you must eat bread, make sure you get 100% whole wheat bread.

I hope this helps. Remember, be patient! You do NOT want to lose weight fast! It is not healthy and you will gain it all back even faster than you lost it.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Chris asks…

Any good weight loss tips?

How much exercise a day should I do if I elwant to lose 5-10 pounds by jan 10th because that’s my birthday and I will be at school :0 so I will only have tea and it will prob be big lol so any good ideas? Any easy weight loss tips?!
Apparently I need 1767 calories a day. How much should I eat to lose weight?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Do you see the box near the top of the page?
The one labelled ‘Search for questions: ‘?
Well type in ‘lose weight’.
You will find over 518,682 pre-existing questions.
Try the misspellings ‘loose weight’ and there are another 119,033
In all there are over 637,715 Health section questions requesting solutions to being or thinking you might be overweight.
On average these each yield 6 answers, that is nearly 4 million answers.
(Without searching for any other variations on the question!)

I can usefully summarise these answers in 4 words:

EAT LESS DO MORE. Are you desperate enough to try this???

David asks…

Does anyone know any good weight loss tips? (easy 10 points)?

I know that a balanced diet is required, but what foods are those exactly?? And how many of each food should I have per day?? What are good meals to eat?? Also, how long should I spend working out?? Since I don’t have any gym equipment, what can I do at home that will help?? Thanks in advance to anyone who answers. XOXO

weight loss cardiff answers:

First..I am sorry some people have no manners like your first responder..second, try looking at Fitness are fantastic with great advice…I like the low carb diet for me, worked great and good food and I am never hungry.
You don’t need weights, you can use all kinds of household items like chairs for stepping and balance workouts, milk jugs for weights, etc
good luck hon!

Jenny asks…

Easy to do weight loss tips?

Does anyone know small, easy to do things that help loose and keep off weight? I have already taken some steps like taking walks every day, and limiting the amount of times I have fried food to once or twice a week if at all. Help?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Fat Loss 4 Idiots – Well, I would imagine that people are waiting with baited breath for the answer to that question. To begin, you must look at what does not work. When you have eliminated all the rubbish, you will arrive at the best possible answers for fat loss.

Food Diet

The internet and television are full of particular food diets. The green tea diet, grapefruit diet, acai berry and thousands more. You have celebrities and talk show hosts singing the praises of these wonderful new diets. However there seems to be a problem, they are impossible to stick with and they are dangerous to boot.

To get to where the rubber meets the road let us speak frankly. Who in their right mind wants to spend the rest of their life eating the same thing? My guess is no one! You may be thinking that is true but you do not have to remain on the diet for life. Okay but then what happens when you go back to eating the way you were before the diet? You gain all the fat back and it usually brings along a few friends.

The other end of this spectrum involves cutting out only one or two food groups. This may be a little easier to swallow, but it still has a problem. The human body requires certain types of foods to be healthy. When you take one of them completely away, you reduce the body’s efficiency or worse.

Your body needs carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals in order to function the way it was designed to. Therefore, all the above diets should be thrown in the garbage where they belong.

Diet Pills

Eat whatever you want and still lose fat, have you seen this commercial? Have you ever asked yourself what that kind of diet pill must be doing in your system to achieve that?

Diet pills work in one of several ways:

1)Decrease your appetite so you eat less

2)Increase your metabolism so you burn more calories

3)Relieve your body of fluids so you weigh less (at least temporarily)

4)Clean out your colon so you weigh less (again temporary)

Bottom line is this there is little a pill can do in your body to help you lose fat that is good for you or long lasting. Appetite suppressants are often little more than fiber that makes you feel full. Metabolism boosters can increase your heart rate in order to burn more calories and the last two’s fat loss will only last until you rehydrate and eat again.

Good Fat Loss

Sorry folks but the best fat loss plan in the world is to eat healthier and exercise more. Fill your body with good foods from all the major food groups then get out and move your body. There is no magic diet pill that will accomplish that for you. A good start would be to keep a food journal for two weeks. This will allow you to see what is keeping you from your fat loss goals. It could be the three Cokes that you drink every day or the twice a week stop for fast food. You need to identify your trouble spots to develop a healthy eating plan. Then go for a walk, even a little walk will do your body good.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Donald asks…

How is it possible to eat low sodium and low sugar diets?

I can get a handle on the low calorie diets, there are plenty of good meals I can make that are low calorie.

But now all the science is saying diets should be low sugar and low sodium. What the heck am I supposed to cook that falls in this range now? I have no idea what to even buy at the grocery store to avoid BOTH sugar and sodium.

Any ideas of some good uncomplicated meals that are not just salad after salad and/or just skinless chicken breast.
what are pilipino foods?

weight loss cardiff answers:

All you need to do is to eat pilipino foods…pilipino foods are very delicious than any other food

Joseph asks…

What diets have actually worked for you?

I’m a firm believer in not just dieting but creating a healthy lifestyle, something that a person can stick to. With that being said, what diets have worked for you? Have you stuck to them and made them apart of your lifestyle or did you just diet short term?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I think I’ve tried to lose weight with all sorts of diets such as the soup diet and shakes, and also eating under a dangerous 600 calories or skipping meals which was all out of desperation. I finally took the time to feed some knowledge into my head on healthy eating and excercising and soon realised that commitment was all that it took to make ones success. I cut out late night snacking and watched my food portions. It depends on every individual and their obstacles.

I lost over 35 lbs from including lots of physical activity into my daily routines and watching what I put in my mouth. Now and again I will eat at fast food places or treat myself to ice cream but it’s not as much as I used to before. Today I’m still kicking near a 40 lb loss and plan to practice healthy eating and excercise for the rest of my life… Or else it wouldn’t be a ‘lifestyle change’ 🙂

William asks…

What would ySometimes people with low iron in their diets develope a condition where blood does not c?

Sometimes people with low iron in their diets develope a condition in which their blood does not contain the normal amount of oxygen. Explain why this is so.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Loosely speaking, iron helps in transporting oxygen in the blood. Without iron, efficiency of blood to carry oxygen is greatly reduced, called anemia.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lisa asks…

Once you lose weight is it possible to get rid of the stretch marks ?

Also can you still get like six-pack abs when you lose the weight ?
My weight is 240lbs, and I am really trying to lose this weight. Also what types of workouts should I do to get rid of the weight, and then workouts to getting six pack abs ?

weight loss cardiff answers:

As you lose weight the stretch marks will go away naturally. Unless you have your weight surgically removed in which case I don’t think the marks will go away. Do it the natural old way and lose it steadily with exercise and healthy diet and its possible. Any workouts work for getting rid of weight, maybe cardio would help.

And then for the six pack do chest exercises / weight lifting..

David asks…

How much weight will I lose if I start to jog and do weight watchers?

I want to lose weight but I am not all about that diet pill stuff. I tried weight watchers before but I was really busy with getting things ready for my wedding that it was the last thing on my mind to eat right.
If I do weight watchers and run/gym how much weight do you think I would lose in about 2 weeks?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Everyone body is different. Remember too if you decide to exercise you have to use your activity points calculator to determine how many extra points you get for the day. But everyone’s body loses weight at a different rate. Someone who jogs everyday while on weight watchers for two weeks could lose 5 lbs where are someone else could lose only 2. A bunch of different things factor into this including what you are eating everyday, how much activity you are doing, how fast your body reacts to exercise (some people need to exercise only days before seeing results while others need to exercise a month before seeing results) how fast your body gains muscle mass, how much water you are drinking, how much water your body retains after exercise and so on and do fourth so there is no way of knowing how much you will lose but cardio IS the best form of exercise for burning fat. Just make sure you are at least doing moderate exercising meaning you are pushing yourself but not too hard (just hard enough that you start to sweat after about 10-15 minutes) and doing at least a half hour of exercise each time.

Lizzie asks…

How to lose weight without looking like your going on a diet?

I need to know how to lose weight without looking I am dieting or anything. My mom won’t let me lose any weight but I think I need to lose some weight. The thing is I don’t want her to know I am dieting, so what is a good way to diet without her noting it?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I would like to recommend you my weight loss program that works just amazing. I find right weight loss program and applied the program, then I lost weight easy. You must have the program that works. You can find the best program weight loss that worked for me and lost 15 pounds after one month. You can find more info here link below.


Good luck!

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