Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Donald asks…

What evidence is there for the existence of an all powerful deity and why are billions of people afraid of it?

Obviously many people are convinced that an all powerful deity exists, but I ask where is the evidence for it’s existence? Furthermore, these people seem to be terrified of this deity, thinking it will hurt them, if they don’t follow it’s every command. Well, I for one fear no one, including deities! IF there is a deity, and I find it to be unfair, and cruel, like a dictator, I will take it down! Whose with me!?

weight loss cardiff answers:

You will take down an all powerfull deity? That would be pretty interesting to see.

Laura asks…

Theists: How does your deity let you know if you have crossed the line from faithful follower to zealot nut?

We’ve all read the news stories about folks like Scott Roeder, Marie Moore, Eric Rudolph, Jan David Clark, Dena Schlosser, Andrea Yates, the Hutaree, etc.

Most if all of these folks probably started out as simply faithful religious people who wanted to do the right thing in God’s eyes, But somewhere, something went terribly wrong and they became dangerous, deranged religious zealots.

If you crossed that line, would your deity let you know? If not, how would you know? How do you know you haven’t yet?

weight loss cardiff answers:

God usually lets me know by Him giving me a very loud trumpet blast through a large ram’s horn.

Sharon asks…

Is a deity without a doctrine like a ship without an anchor?

Does the doctrine maketh the deity? So without the doctrine, the deity is formless and the best people can hope for is mystical deism, right? And mystical deism is not enough for people; people are inherently irrational and they’ve been conditioned into believing a bunch of nonsense…they want the doctrine of nonsense! They want the delusion! They want the stories of men living inside fish for 3 days! They can’t handle ordinary reality, right?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Rudderless people need someone to think and choose for them. It’s more fear-based than ignorance. Dogma and doctrine give them a set of rules to follow and the threat of Hell and promise of Heaven give them motivation.

It’s a lack of intellectual curiosity to burden one’s self with mere belief/disbelief. It’s intellectual honesty to simply accept that we cannot know.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sharon asks…


I have thunder thighs and a big butt so i always have trouble finding the right jeans!!!
I want to actually lose weight i dont want to make muscle because i want to be able to fit into a smaller pair of jeans because im 14 and a size 7!!!!
Please help me out on some ideas that will help me achieve my goal.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Muscle weighs more than fat, so it’s OK to build muscle while losing fat. Don’t be afraid of making muscle.

Eat healthy – don’t cut the calories too much, but do eat a smaller amount. Eat fruits and veggies, lean meats, and whole grains (100% whole wheat bread instead of white, brown rice, etc.)

Drink water – cut out the soda/pop. Try to get 8 cups (measuring cups – 8 ounces) of water each day.

Couple a healthy diet with cardio workouts – 3-5 days a week, 20-30 minutes per session to start. You can walk, jog, bike, play basketball, do aerobics… Whatever you enjoy doing that gets your heart rate up. You don’t have to work out so hard that you feel like you’re dying – work out to the point that you can talk fairly easily, but not jabber on and on. 🙂

Do strength exercises to build muscle (yep, I’m suggesting this). Building muscle helps you lose fat even faster by speeding up your metabolism. Sit ups, push ups, squats, lunges… All these will help. Do these only every other day – don’t strength train the same muscles two days in a row.

Hope this helps! I also recommend, a free web site that helps you track your nutrition and fitness, plus gives lots of good information and encouragement.

Sandra asks…

LOSE WEIGHT!?!??!???????????

i calculated my basal metabolic rate, BMR its called, with the online calculators and formulas they provided, and the approximate number that i got from all the calculations online is around 1300 +/-

That’s rather low… and im trying to lose ALOT of weight. Im not overweight, but i would like to be thinner. I was hoping to lose around 5 to 7kg in the shortest time possible. And the fact that i seldom exercise makes the matter worse. I’ve been able to drop my weight previously, but as soon as i started eating a little bit, i gained back all my weight again.

(SERIOUSLY, IT WAS MAD!!! Last year holidays, i dropped 4kg after dieting for like, eternity, mostly by eating a tub of 48kcal yoghurt for breakfast, lemon juice dressing salads and fruits for lunch and a 90kcal alpen light granolar bar for dinner, and after that, i went back to eating normally and by ‘normally’ i mean eating 3 full meals a day, does not consist of any fried food, sweets, sugary liquids and not much meat, NO milk NO cheese, and reduced my exercise from running 1.2km every alternate day to only cycling once every week, and the devastating fact was that i was gaining 0.5kg everyday.) So all my efforts went down the drain in less than a week. MY GAWD.

so now im trying to diet again, and i am trying to increase my metabolic rate. and the fact that my bmr is low is making me feel helpless. i sleep less than 6 hours a day due to studies and stuff, and therefore have no time to do any form of exercise.

I have to consume less than 1200 kcals aday in order to lose weight at all. i dunno why. or maybe the weight drops too slowly for me to notice any change.


weight loss cardiff answers:

Stay away from pills, don’t diet…eat right and eat healthy. Diets like the atkins diet place your body in shock. I signed up for an online personal trainer because

1). Personal Trainers Hold You Accountable and set you up with daily plans for exercise and nutrition

2) An ONLINE personal trainer is about 1/3rd the cost of a real life personal trainer…and I have KEPT my weight off and they still hold me accountable via the Internet…technology is amazing!

I use and love my Virtual Mel trainer

Mandy asks…


Can i lose weight by dancing ? currently im about 124 pounds, adn 15 years old. So how long should i dance each day?
i want to get down to about 110 pounds in two months.
any advice?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Well, depending on the dancing, 30 minutes a day, four times a week should be enough exercise. You also need a proper nutritional plan as well. To be in the safe range you should lose 1-2lbs a week and you are working with 8 weeks, so you should be able to do it.

Eat healthy, e-mail if you have any questions.



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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Steven asks…

Can somebody give me some weight loss tips?

I’m sixteen, six foot one and play Volley Ball like nine months out of the year between School, Club and my Advanced Volley Ball gym class, but I can’t seem to get my weight under 200lbs. I know it’s not terribly bad because of my height but just knowing that I’m over weight puts a real damper on my self esteem can anyone help by giving me some weight loss tips whether they be exercise, healthy foods, or anything else you’ve used to lose weight?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Of course, physical activity helps lose weight, but do not over exert yourself. Do not skip meals either and do not try and starve yourself! There are plenty of healthy foods out there to eat. You can just stay away from fast foods, fatty foods, foods with lots of sugar and lots of salt. You can stay away from carbonated drinks. Water is really good for you. Do not try and lose a lot of weight in a short period of time, usually a rebound effect will happen and you will gain it all back. So, lose weight in a reasonable amount of time. I’m trying to drop some weight myself. I try not to eat as much, because I love to eat! It is better to eat in smaller portions more times a day than eating 3 huge meals daily. Like you can have a little breakfast, snacks, lunch and dinner but in smaller portions. I like to get on my Wii Fit Plus because it records my weight and the exercises are not that intense. But you can try walking, running if you are in shape for it. Do not do more than you can handle. But while exercising make sure you drink plenty of water but NOT too much water! Just enough. You dont want to dehydrate yourself or overhydrate yourself. Plus it is a lot of online tips out there for weight loss. Hope this helps and Good Luck!

Mandy asks…

Quick weight loss tips for women at home?

Hopefully someone can help me out here. Could anyone recommend some tips for quick weight loss? I’m wanting to work out at home if possible and I don’t have a lot of money for equipment. Are there any exercises that anyone can suggest? Any help would be awesome!


weight loss cardiff answers:

Pushups, situps, crunches, squats, run around the block. The usual. If youre a beginner and pushups are too hard you can do them against your wall, or against a couch.
You could also watch tv then during commercials do pushups or situps until your show comes back on. Make it fun. Always stretch before you work out though (Roll your neck, wrist, hips, ankle, try to touch your toes, etc.)
Eat healthy. Put down the chips and grab an apple, or put down the soda and grab a water.
Cut down on the candy, if you crave chocolate, eat an alternative, like Nutella on toast. It taste EXACTLY like melted chocolate, and it’s healthy.

Laura asks…

does anyone know how weight watchers figures out their POINTS system? Or any weight loss tips/tricks?

I’m 5’6 and 190 lbs. Just curious if anyone knows how many points i should be eating in a day. I try to stay around the realm 1500-2000 calories a day, but i don’t get much exercise. If anyone has any weight loss tips that helped them I would love to hear it! I’ve had two babies and the weight just doesn’t wanna seem to come off. And has anyone heard of the weight loss drug Phydremine? Thanks for any suggestions!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hi Ash! There are two links below that will help you out. The first one is an article that explains how to calculate your points and do weight watchers. The second link is a great reference site for people doing weight watchers that has points for dining out, recipes, articles and more. Good luck with your goals!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sandra asks…

How much weight can I expect to lose from a 10-day master cleanse program?

I weigh 155 lbs, 19years old 5’11″…I’m definitely slightly underweight but I’m very athletic and workout quite a bit so I’m not mal nutritioned or anything I’m infact very healthy. I want to do the master cleanse for a few reasons, 1) to slow down my eating/lessen my eating/get into better eating habits and 2) to cleanse my colon, It’s one of the healthiest things you can do. BUT I don’t want to lose too much weight…10+ days without eating will certainly cause weight loss…im guessing about 15-20lbs, how easy will it be to gain it back?….I’ve seen people do 40day Fasts and lose a shit ton of weight but gain it back fairly quick, just wondering and hoping for your good comments 🙂
Matthew please don’t comment on what you don’t know. Not everything is a scam. The Master cleanse program is very cheap…its just lemons and maple syrup basically. Don’t tell me it’s a scam and I will only lose 4lbs because It isn’t…it’s not something someone is selling for 100$ to make a quick buck it’s something someone made up and it worked, so they shared it with the world. FOR FREE. I know people who have done it and have had amazing results. My simple question is how long will it take to regain the weight loss and is it safe for me to be doing it because Im only 155lbs
I don’t believe someone could do a 10 day master cleanse program if they were lazy…its not eating. A lazy person would die.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Cleansing programs are for suckers! No offense but chances are you got sucked in by some BS add on the internet and you decided to spend your hard earned ca$h on it
sorry to tell you but eating your cereal every morning and drinking lots of water basicaly does the same thing
cleansing programs, or “cleansers” just basicaly empty your intestines of POOP!….
You will poop alot… You will poop dark… And you might even poop too much!
Cleansers are what lazy poeple look for…. And easy quick way to lose weight…. Unfortunetly… The max amount of weight you can lose from cleanser, is about 4lbs (if you have alot of poop build up

in my opinion… Poeple who use cleanser are lazy… No offence…. But its a scam… And you just got played

Donald asks…

What is a quick and easy way to lose weight?

I’m a fourteen year old girl and I don’t want serious weight loss. So please don’t say just workout and eat right and i’ll get result. I just wanna lose a COUPLE of pounds and slim down just a LITTLE. So is there anything I can do? Any foods that I can cut out of my diet. Like maybe soda and fried foods? Is there anything I can drink to cleanse my body and lose a couple pounds. Something like that. Maybe not snacking at night. Anything like that, that will guarantee weight loss in a couple of days or maybe two weeks? Any help? Thanks.

weight loss cardiff answers:

1. First start by getting up earlier than usual. Around 5:30 AM to do some of you workouts. Getting up early shocks your metabolism because the body needs more energy to get going. Right? This will start your system on the road to weight loss. That early start with about 10 minutes of stretching. Have a cup of coffee to get the blood going also.

2. Do all the sit-ups you can. Just do them. 15 or 20 whatever, we don’t have a lot of time to work with. Rest 1 minute repeat, do this for 6 sets. Already you are breathing hard and feel worn, because the body is working extra hard at being up earlier and then going right into exercise. If the early morning hour lets you get your cardio in, go ahead and do it. 30 minutes.

3. Diet. Cut all current meal portions in half, just cut them in half, nothing fancy or complicated, CUT IN HALF! Cut out all bread products, all gravies, candies, chips, night snacks, etc. If you crave at night eat a banana, other fruit or best a non-fat yogurt. There are some tasty ones out there.

4. In the evening do another 6 sets of sit-ups maxing out each set. Cardio again. The trick is to stay with getting up earlier. Yes it’s hard, that’s why it is so effective. Why do you think the Army gets up so early, it is intense training to the max.

Laura asks…

Weight Loss?

I’m trying to lose weight, but I need some advice. I want to lose 30 pounds and this is my plan. Mornings I will either eat oatmeal or drink a protein shake, lunch I’ll have a salad, and dinner I will have something like brown rice with fish or chicken. I plan to use the treadmill 4-5 times a week and everyday I will do the stationary bike for an hour. I will also incorporate ab exercises, weight training, and body sculpting. I will drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. However, my question is that is there some sort of diet that will kick start my plan by allowing me to lose a few easy pounds, like a cereal diet, master cleanse, detox diet. Any other advice would be helpful also. Also, what is better to walk uphill on the treadmill for an hour or run? How quickly can I see results, please help thanks.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I would say you have a good plan in place. Remember that if you make it too strict it will be impossible to follow. Overall you should take in 60-80 grams of protein per day and 125 grams of ‘good carbs’ per day. Watch those extra add ons like condiments. Your exercise routine is very stringent. The cardio will burn off the calories, but remember if you want to maintain the weight loss you will need to build some muscle. More muscle will burn more calories. The best quick start I have seen is no carbs for 10-14 days. Only eat protein, then ease back onto good carbs. This will give you a good starting point.

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