Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Ruth asks…

How can I lose weight fast without a lot of exercise?

How can I lose weight without a lot of exercise? I have tryed so many diffrent things, and nothing has seemed to work for me. I have tryed everything. Does anyone have any secrets? Is there anything out there that I can do without breaking my budget?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Weightwatchers is the best diet out there. Also you have to exercise at least 3 days a week and hard enought that you break a sweat.

Michael asks…

How many calories should I eat a day to lose weight?

I am 17 years old, height is 5’7, weight is 190 pounds. I dont do very much activity just walking around the house, up and down staris, shopping, etc. I really want to lose weight and I was wondering how many calories should I eat in a day when I dont exercise? Do I HAVE to exercise to lose weight? Or can I lose weight without exercise… and how many calories should I eat if I DO exercise? Please please pleaseeeeeee help!!!! thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

My mum lost weight without exercise, she cut out all sugars though, even natural fruit sugars.
But she ate her veges, meats and didn’t have breads.
She lost 10 pounds pretty quick and now looks awesome =]

Lizzie asks…

How can I lose weight without exercising?

Am very lazy
Not fat but lazy but I have been gaining weight
I eat loads of fatty foods how can I cut down on them and lose weight without having to exercise?
btw…fast foods are like drugs to me I am VERY addicted to them.
I know I should excersise but I know I won’t.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Eat less. If you really CAN’T give up fast food then just eat less when you go there. Also, maybe don’t think about it as exercise, but try forcing yourself to move a little more. For example, park further away when you go to the store so you have to walk a little more. Maybe try taking the stairs if you’re only going up a couple flights. If you will do absolutely no exercise, then really the only thing you can do is eat less and better.

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