Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

John asks…

What are the best weight loss pills for women?

I am 18 years old,5’5 and I weigh 115 pounds. This is about average..but I want to tone up my stomach a little bit and shed maybe like 4 pounds in that area. I heard that weight loss pills help, but I will be working out alongside the pills. So what would be the safest thing that would give me the most energy in my workout.. thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

I’m a second year med student, and we actually JUST talked about weight loss today in a clinical management class.

Given your height and weight, your BMI (body mass index) is 19.15. That is WONDERFUL. Your weight is completely normal. You have absolutely 0 need to consider taking a diet pill. Just FYI, BMI is the standard calculation used by doctors to determine if people are at a healthy weight given their height. A BMI < 18 is underweight, 18-25 is normal, 25-30 overweight, and 30+ is considered obese. As you can see, your BMI falls on the lower end of normal. If you were to lose weight it could be unhealthy for your growth and development, and cause different problems for you.

From what you said you desired to do (lose 4 pounds and tone up your abs), those goals can be accomplished by doing ab workouts at home for 5-10 minutes a day before you go to sleep on the floor of your room, and taking out one piece of junk food per day and substituting it for a healthier alternative. If you're already working out, just make sure you do a brief ab workout daily (your abs can take it) and you'll see improvement in no time. Also, make sure your form for crunches/sit-ups/leg lifts is good. So many people THINK they're doing a good ab workout but it is completely useless. You have to mix things up and do different exercises for your abs or your body will get used to what you are doing and you will see very little benefit from continued training.

Also, it is considered medically unhealthy to lose more than 1-2 pounds per week. So don't try to drop 4 pounds in 4 days, it won't last.

Jenny asks…

My doctor told me there is no weight loss pills on the market?

I am about 70 lbs over normal weght and when went to my doctor he told me there is no weight loss pills on the market. I am thinkng how can that be? They have medicine for everything!

And I am not relying on pills I do diet and excersize, this would just be additonal help.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I highly recommend forgetting about the weight loss pills. This is going to be one of the biggest wastes of your life. It’s not that they won’t work, because they do, but in the end, you must rely on them. And the moment you start seizing to take them, you will gain your weight back. In fact, you will gain more than you actually lost in the first place. Many people make this mistake, and they wonder how they got there, but actually, it’s really not that hard to understand. So just stick with WATCHING WHAT YOU EAT (not exactly DIETING) and exercising and exercising and exercising. I wish you luck with your weight loss! And for the best results, I DEFINITELY RECOMMEND P90X!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This workout is definitely intense, and you need to totally commit if you want such great results. Good luck!!!

Mary asks…

Do you think weight loss pills are a good solution?

Some friends suggested to try some weight loss pills in order to lose about 20lb. i`m not overweight but still wanna lose some weight, i`m really busy, don`t have time to go to the gym or follow a regular workout. What should I do? Do you think weight loss pills are a good solution? Thanks for answering.

weight loss cardiff answers:

You wanna take weight loss pills for only 20lb u wanna get rid of? Be serious, cut the snacks at work, use the elevator instead if the stairs, take the bus home, walk in the park during weekends, and you`ll see results. You can count your calories. I use the diet and fitness planner at – it`s real good, has lotsa meals to choose from and helps you see how much you eat and now much you burn. All u have to do is to keep what you burn on top of what you eat.

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