Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lisa asks…

Weight loss for women?

Has anyone ever tried those cleansing pills and such, I’m very skeptical and I wanted know if anyone has tried them and what their results were.

Also, I’m very short on cash and a gym is just not an option right now. It’s very easy for me to lift with my dumbells and such at home and it seems it’s easier for me to gain muscle than lose fat/weight. Why is this?

Is there anything I can do that doesn’t involve running or riding a bike that would be just as much of a cardio workout that I’m looking for?


What do you use to keep motivated? I’m 5’7 and 180 lbs and I can’t seem to shed this weight no matter what. I’ve been working out since probably Spring Break 5 days a week for 50 min or more and I still have no results. My mother is moderating my portions and what I eat and I’m trying to be active. Why am I stuck at this plateau?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Cleansing pills may or may not work for you. It’s different with every person. Pretty much what cleansing pills do is gets rid of all the toxins in your body, and all the extra fecal matter built up on your intestine walls. With people who have a high toxic load/fecal matter (everyone has at least some), the cleanse allows them to lose 5-10 pounds. Cleanses may also make your body work more efficiently (boost your metabolism). Although it can be helpful to clean your body, it’s not a usually a quick fix to losing weight.

You have to keep up your weight-training if you want to lose more weight. More developed muscle needs more energy. Therefore, your muscle will burn more calories even if you’ve sitting. Usually people who want to lose weight use cardio as a method and then find themselves at a plateau. If you lift weights, you usually find yourself losing more weight. And of course, it’s easier for women to build muscle rather than lose weight, because we’re genetically built that way. Our body has a lesser muscle mass than guys (back to that weight-lifting! Which is why guys lose weight faster!), and a higher fat %.

As for exercise that can be exciting and very cheap:
– Dancing, roller-blading, cleaning the house (not very fun, but still considered a calorie burner!), gardening, window-shopping, playing sports (soccer’s a good one), or go to a discount store/video store and buy exercise dvd’s (they have some pretty good aerobic ones, along with pilates, yoga, you name it!)

Everyone is different when it comes to motivation. Some people find if they reward themselves when they reach a goal, it keeps them moving. For me, it’s more intrinsic motivation. Just the feeling of how good I feel after working out and eating right keeps me on track. You have to do this for you, not for other people. You shouldn’t be doing this to look good, you want to feel good! If I’m ever tired, I tell myself to go workout, because no matter how tired/lethargic you’re feeling, exercising always makes you more energized.

The plateau may also be caused by what/how you’re eating. You should be eating whole grain bread (not the same as whole wheat) instead of white bread. Same goes with pasta and rice. Always pick brown over white! Try to make your plate 2/3 vegetables (this doesn’t include potatoes). Try to also eat 6 small meals a day instead of 3 big ones. And your breakfast should be the biggest meal of the day and dinner your smallest (contrary to popular belief). It’s common sense when you realize that you will be burning off that food all day. What’s the point of eating a large meal at 7pm, when you’re about to lay down and sleep all night!?

The big thing that people don’t realize, is how much of their calories comes from liquids! Try to drink as much water as possible, and cut out any soft drinks and fruit juices. Many people think fruit juice is better than soft drinks, but they can have A LOT of sugar in them! Also, study have shown that even though diet sodas have no/little calories, they still contribute to weight gain. If you need/want to drink soda or juice, try filling your cup about 1/2-2/3 of the way, then fill the rest with water (for juice), or club soda (for soda). Also, try drinking a lot of green tea throughout the day. It helps boost your metabolism, and decreases your appetite.

If you have any other questions, let me know!

Sandra asks…

Help please with weight loss?? PLEASE?

I am 5’4. 14. Male. I will be 15 in the summer.
I would like to lose fat, around my stomach, arms, legs, and face.
So I weigh around 55-56kgs.
I REALLY wanna lose weight by summer, but I would like to lose around 15-20 pounds in the next month, or 2.
Can you please tell me what foods to eat? I know it sounds stupid but it’s so much easier for me when someone gives me instructions, like what time, and what to eat. And what are the best exersises, please be specific, and when should I do these, how many should I do, how many times a day?
And do Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse pills work?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Ugh that isn’t very healthy to lose that much at once, but I will suggest beyonce’s diet.
I heard of this diet and didn’t think it would work, but it did.

Take a clean one-gallon jug and pour in the following:

3 Quarts of Water

1 Cup Lemon Juice

1 Cup Pure Maple Syrup (not maple flavored, but the REAL stuff) or molasses

1 Teaspoon Cayenne

Shake it all up and drink 8-12 glasses a day.
I exercised for one hour 3 days a week.
I lost 17lbs in 10 days.

This shouldn’t be used more than 2 weeks, but you can do it 1 time a month and on top of the exercise and you can find other healthy eating at
Free Diet Plans and Weight Loss Programs
Since your a guy you should do alot of weight’s, Cardio, Running, and maybe you can find some kind of sport or like karate is good to lose weight.
Yahoo has a weight lose group on this site. Go to All Yahoo and click on health than you will see the weight lose, gain, or bulk up for guys.
Good luck to you.

Chris asks…

Are juice fasts easier to do than, say, the Master Cleanse fast?

Do you get less hungry while doing a juice fast? Do you need an actual juicer, or can you use a blender? This fast would be for weight loss.

weight loss cardiff answers:

A juice fast is easier on your body than the Master Cleanse fast. It is better if you use a juicer, because most juice fasts require a clear liquid. A blender leaves in the fiber. It will clean you out good, but you can have some really nasty cramps.

For optimum health do not do a juice fast for more than three days. It will slow down your metabolism, and put you in starvation mode. When you come out of it you will gain weight because you lowered your metabolism.

While you are fasting, try Body Flex by Greer Childers. It’s an oxygenation system. Her newer stuff is too commercial, you don’t need all the contraptions. It’s the breathing techniques that work. Then practice yoga stretches.

Because you are definitely on a reduced calorie intake diet, the breathing and yoga help your body burn the fat and maintain a higher metabolism.

If you feel queasy, dizzy or just plain out of it, check in with your doctor immediately. Don’t do this if you suffer from glaucoma, diabetes or are pregnant. Hope this helps, good luck.

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