Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Mark asks…

where can i find fat blasting aerobics on the internet, for free ?

I want to lose 25 pounds. If you have diet recipes you can add them too…thanks !

weight loss cardiff answers:

Actually, there are a lot of them on youtube. People post tapes as more than one video. Sometimes they join them together in the form of a playlist.

Ken asks…

Has any one done the Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet?

If so how do you preparer it and what else can you eat while your in these diet???

The lemonade diet recipe detail is here:
• 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon.
• 2 tablespoons of grade B Maple Syrup.
• Add cayenne pepper according to your preference
• A glass of pure water.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I did the master cleanse diet for 7 days. First I suggest you get the book “The Master Cleanse” by Stanley Burroughs. It’s very cheap on Amazon or,especially if you buy it used.

The book contains all the reasons for being on this diet, how to make the drink, and (very important) how to break the fast when you go back to solid food.

You will have to listen to your body and decide how closely to follow Burrough’s suggestions. He recommends eating NO food at all during this fast. Instead drink 6 to 12 glasses of the lemonade each day, and most likely you will not feel hunger at all.

Combine 2 tbsp of fresh lemon (I was a fanatic & added lemon pulp from the lemon) with the other ingredeints you mentioned. The water should be warm (Burroughs calls it medium hot). Cayenne can be up to 1/10 of a tspn. I used even less.

For the 7 days I was on the cleanse, I felt fine and didn’t get hungry. If you don’t want to fast competely, my suggestion is to stick to raw veggies & fruit. Keep bacon cheeseburgers to a minimum =)

There are critics of the Master Cleanse diet. The cleanse was great for me, but you can see the critics in the 2nd link below.

One Final Note: Beware of people who answer your question and suggest you buy products from their own website. For example, see the first person who answered your question.

Sandra asks…

What is a good diet recipe website?

healthy recipes.. low in calories.. anything like that.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I get mine from cooking light’s website or weight watcher’s online message boards (You don’t have to be a paying member to use them or have an account so you can post yourself). They have a recipe review board that’s really helpful. I also use the recipe calculator at to calculate the nutritional value of all my recipes. It really helps you tweak your own recipes to make them healthier. You can make changes to the recipe and see how it affects the nutritional information. You can also search for other users recipes.

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