Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Chris asks…

Weight loss pills that work?

I go to the gym 4 timesa week anddo huge amountof cardio excercise –
I eat really healthy and also swim twice a week – But I’m still 5stone over weight Immiserable and depressed and need a solution but I cnat afford a gastric band – You know of any pills that work???

weight loss cardiff answers:

Many weight loss pills only work by curbing appetite. But the fact that you’re so active means you need to eat a lot of protien and even carbs to ensure you can keep up. Others also work by reducing the amount of water in your system… Again not a good idea if you are working out… You need to have as much water to feed your muscles as possible.

Generally, women need to increase their strength training(lifting weights, squats, etc.) and protien intake (shakes immediately after working out) to increase muscle mass and speed up metablolism to burn fat better. For some, (and it sounds like you too), cardio does almost nothing to burn fat. I guarantee if you focus more on strength training, with only light cardio (20 minutes of walking), your metabolism will shift in about 2-3 weeks and you should start loosing weight.

If you still want to try a weight loss pill, i’ve seen some results with “slim quick”, but it’s expensive and you have to remember to take it on a regular schedule – which many women also don’t have the luxury of. Also watch because some types of pills are addictive and literally the minute you stop taking them you gain it all back.

I’ve also heard of some health benefits packages covering the costs of gastric bands or other surgical procedures when it’s necessary to prevent serious illness or injury… Check that out with insurance companies in your area.

William asks…

Anyone know anything about weight loss pills?

Im looking for some weight loss pills that actually work. Does anyone know of any work?

weight loss cardiff answers:

You will be searching for a long time my friend because the fact is, there are no weight loss pills that work. Please trust me when I say you don’t need a weight loss pill to lose weight. Nobody does.

Every weight loss pill company says to diet and exercise while taking their product. Why, because that is how you lose weight, through diet and exercise.

That is how they get you. They make you believe that it is their product that caused the weight loss when in fact it was actually your hard work. What happens when you don’t diet and exercise while taking their product and see no weight loss results.

They say to you, “Well, we do reccomend diet and exercise as well”. It’s a win win situation for them.

Each pill has there own set of side effects and hidden dangers and all have the potential to cause harm. Why would you take the risk when you can lose weight by simply eating well and exercising.

There is no magic secret to weight loss. It is all about hard work, commitment, goal setting and desire. If you want to lose weight you can and you will.

This following website gives you the tools you need to develop a healthy lifestyle and maintain it for a lifetime.

Good luck and all the best with your weight loss goals

Michael asks…

wat are some good weight loss pills?

what are some good weight loss pills that actually work and dont make you to jittery and what are some other good ways to loose weight? thanks

weight loss cardiff answers:

Don’t take diet pills. They are unnatural and dangerous. It is not the lack of pills that got you heavy; that is not the fix you need. It was (most likely) improper diet and lifestyle that got you the extra weight. That is the fix you need.

The best way to lose weight is through the principles of balance and moderation. You need to eat good food and eat enough of it.

Shoot to lose 1-3 pounds per week. No more. Don’t go hungry, just keep yourself filled with good, natural foods.

Don’t worry about calories. Caloric science is flawed for several reasons. 1) it assumes 100% absorption, but we all absorb and excrete different amounts; 2) It assumes all calories are processed the same, but calories from natural sources are burned more slowly and evenly than from refined sources; 3) It assumes that the amount of energy released by combustion (burning) in a lab is the same amount of energy released when the food is broken down enzymatically in the gut; 4) It assumes that the same exercise done by different people will burn the same amount of exercise, but different exercises will be harder or easier for different people; 5) Correlation does not prove causation. People who are heavier eat more calories: did the calories make them heavy, or did being heavy make them need more calories? Maybe they are both symptoms of a deeper problem. 6) people in China consume 25-40% more calories; even the sedentary office workers have more calories and less obesity than we.

Asian cultures have long ago figured out how we should be eating, Ever since we have looked to science to tell us how to eat we have seen more obesity and diet-related disease. If we eat like the Asians, we will look like the Asians. This doesn’t mean you have to eat Asian food, just adhere to the principles that are common to the different cultures and cuisines.

You should eat mostly vegetables, mostly cooked (cold and raw foods slow your metabolism because they need to be cooked in your stomach) and a wide variety, mostly fresh and in-season and local, simple grains (more rice, less bread), some fruit, a little meat, no dairy (it’s for infants and grows tissue), and no artificial foods.

Avoid artificial foods, including sugar substitutes. Don’t worry about calories, fat, protein, carbs, nor any one component of food.

There are several books that explain this strategy of eating. “The Asian Diet: simple secrets for eating right, losing weight, and being well” by Bussell explains the diet and its rationale. “The Asian Diet: get slim and stay slim the Asian way” by Tran has recipes that adhere to the principles. “The China Study” by Campbell has the science behind the recommendation.

Get some exercise every day, but not too much and not always the same exercise. Start slow and work your way up. Calisthenics are great, as is Tai Chi. Walking and swimming are also great. All other exercises should be in a wide rotation.

Follow the principles of balance and moderation and you’ll be fine. Most diets in America are not balanced nor moderate.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Laura asks…

what is the best weight loss pills?

i try many weight loss pills, but my body not any change, so who can tell me what is the best work weight loss pills?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I suggest you do more Exercise, and the second choice is try weight loss pills, if you only use weight loss pills to fast weight loss, it is not good way, so you must try more way.

If you want choose weight loss pills, please go to:

Joseph asks…

Best weight loss pills?

I’m having trouble losing weight. I’ve been dieting and exercising, but to minimal results. Wanting to know the best pills to enhance my weight loss as well as give me energy. Let me know what you’ve tried that works and what to stay away from. Thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Weight loss pills, weight loss smoothies and all those “weight loss” products are all a lie.
The best and most healthy way to lose weight is to workout and eat healthy. It´s a very common and obvious answer, but its the truth. If you really want to lose weight i recomend you to do it the proper way. All these people taking pills is a sign that they, maybe want to lose weight, but are not ready to start a healthy life. Think about it, if you lose weight from surgeries or these “pills”, will you start living a healthy life just like that? Probably not. There´s a reason that working out is healthy and good for you.
If you just push yourself hard enough and start working out, you will see that it´s not so hard as it at first seem, and when you´ve started up (with the best training method for you) you will find it fun and hard to stop.

So my answer is, Eat healthy (avoid candy and snacks as much as you can, they will only slow down the process, but its okay for you to give yourself a treat once in a while, you dont have to quit completely, but be more careful with this kind of “food”) and workout as a minimum 2 times a week, I suggest you join a gym, it might seem hard at first, but once you´re there, its hard to stop (workout with a buddy for a funnier workout)

Lisa asks…

What is the best weight loss pill?

I’m looking for a weight loss pill that is safe, but fast working and effective. I’m about 5’4 and approx. 125 pounds. I’m looking to lose that much weight, but I have body fat that I just can’t get rid of. Please let me know of your personal stories, and what you think works best.


weight loss cardiff answers:

It’s not so much the ‘pill’ that you should be seeking as it is the ingredients. There are a variety of weight loss ingredients which, along with a healthy diet and proper exercise, will contribute to healthy weight loss. There is simply no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to the A/B/C of weight loss. What works for some people might not work for you, so, it’s a process of combination of proven techniques that must be properly fit for you and your physiology.

Living in today’s world means having less time to make your a proper diet and weight control a priority. In an effort to ensure that everything gets done we sacrifice sleep, exercise and even a healthy diet. Today, eating is no longer the process of providing your body with nourishment. It has become an act of mere self-preservation in which we eat so that we do not die of hunger. Often times our diet is structured on convenience instead of health. We turn to fast food for our daily nutritional needs, making us the oh-so-popularly-obese fast food generation.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Mandy asks…

Weight loss pills and adderall?

has anyone else heard of a type of zion pill?
something that causes extreme weight loss.
oh and what are the regulations for getting adderall like if you get a subscription

weight loss cardiff answers:

Weight loss pills come in a variety of names and sizes, choosing the one that works best would be highly dependent on the individual. This means that what may work very well for one person may actually be detrimental for another. That being said, there are some weight loss pills which work for most people.

The pills of which I am talking about are ones that don’t make you lose weight, but rather remove your constant cravings for food. Think of them as nicotine patches. You take one, and you no longer crave cigarettes, or in this case food. You must be sure that these are the types of pills which you are taking because most of the other types of pills can actually cause physical diseases such as cancer, and mental ones such as depression.

If you would like a good recommendation, I would recommend visiting the site that I will put in the source section. It is definitely a good place to start as it defines the science behind the pills which it is giving you. Visit their site and do some research. I hope this helps.

Sharon asks…

weight loss pills?

What is the best weight loss pill to use?

weight loss cardiff answers:

DO NOT TAKE DIET PILLS! They are dangerous!!

Last year I was visiting my parents and took diet pills (Leptopril -does not contain ephedra) on top on my exercise routine and normal diet. I was 26 at the time, 5’11, 180 lbs. By week three I was sick. I had diarrhea, dry heaves, dizziness, headaches, and a general feeling of being sick. I thought I had caught the flu or something. I had lost 13 lbs in 4 days. One morning I told my mom I didn’t feel good. My vision kept blacking out and I felt (for lack of a better way to say it) stoned. Later that afternoon I was walking from the bathroom to my bedroom (a 5 foot walk) and I passed out. I was rushed to the hospital emergency where they did a bunch of tests on me.

My pulse was up to 120, My blood pressure was 150/40, they had to start me on an IV, the did an EKG on me, took blood and urine samples, and a whole barrage of other tests.

They finally got me stabilized and said that I was dehydrated and malnutritioned. I told him that I took diet pills. When I mentioned diet pill, the doctors face lit up and said that’s why. He said they can cause a whole bunch of health problems, including death. He told me to toss the diet pills or next time I might not be so lucky.

I was kept in the hospital for almost 10 hours, given 3 or 4 IVs, potassium, juices, and monitored (by the EKG, blood pressure, and heart rate machines) every 15 minutes.

Please take my story as a warning. If you seriously want to loose weight there are better ways (I know because I’ve lost weight after this)

The quickest way is to cut out red meats, starches, breads, sugars, alcohol, and sodas.

Eat veggies (salads are good), soups, and drink TONS of water. If you get hungry between a meal, drink water to fill up.

In moderation eat white meats, and fruits (fruits contain natural sugars, and that can put on weight)

Practice portion control. Yes, you’ll feel hungry at first, but think of your goal, and soon your stomach will start shrinking and you won’t have that feeling anymore.

Eat 5 times a day. A small breakfast. A mid-morning snack, such as an apple. A small lunch. A mid-afternoon snack, such as carrots. A lite dinner. Do not eat any later than 7pm (6pm is better.)

Go exercise for at least an hour a day, incorporating weight training. Weight training builds muscle. Muscle burns fat. You get the idea. It also gives tone and definition. Also do a few yoga and pilates exercises to help tone those hard to reach and stubborn areas.

Nancy asks…

Cheap and effective weight loss pills?

im looking for cheap and effective and safe weight loss pills that i can buy online at either ebay or im 14, dont judge, my parents said it was ok aslong as it wont harm me.

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you are currently taking weight loss pills, or are even considering taking them, then you should be aware of weight loss pills side effects. While some side effects may seem minor and worth the risk, some side effects are very dangerous and can even be deadly.

Natural Weight Loss Pills Side Effects

At the very least, you must consider that most natural weight loss pills are not Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved. What this means is that the long term effects are virtually unknown. It also means that these types of pills have not gone through any type of research testing. Although natural diet pills might seem like the safer alternative because they are ‘natural,’ that is not the case.

Natural herbal diet pills carry much the same risk as prescription or other diet pills do. In fact, some can even be more dangerous. For instance, you have probably heard of ephedra (ma huang). Ephedra was actually banned from the market because of the horrible side effects that users experienced and the cases of death. Yet, you can still get ephedra in tea products and on the internet.

Other side effects of natural weight loss pills can be:

increased heart rate
undesirable interactions with prescription drugs you are taking
stomach irritation
nervousness or irritability

Prescription Weight Loss Pills Side Effects

Prescription diet pills, although safer because they are FDA approved, can and often do, carry some of the same risks and side effects. Most prescription diet pills are appetite suppressants, or fat absorbers and blockers, and are prescribed as a last effort when nothing else has worked.

Some of the side effects are related to amphetamines, which means they are highly addictive and must be monitored by a doctor. They can:

increase blood pressure
cause dry mouth
cause constipation
cause insomnia

Over the Counter Diet Pills Side Effects

The most dangerous of diet pills are the over-the-counter types. Some of the side effects to be aware of are:

heart irregularities
high blood pressure
stomach irritation
heart attack

There are literally hundreds in this category, and they are not regulated at all. This means you really do not know what you are getting when you buy these pills. Many of the companies make false claims that are too good to be true and carry huge risks!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Mandy asks…

is there a weight loss pill that works?

i lead a very busy life between work/school/and ,my kids… i’m looking to shed a few pounds… but don’t have time to go to the gym.. it there a weight loss pill that will work?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Weight loss pills are like penis enlargment pills…… They don’t work. Most are a scam that exploit peoples insecurities and brings them down only to be brought back up with the realization that there’s a solution to the problem if they buy and take the pill. If you look at the commercials of some of these weight loss pills and it starts showing before and after pics.. If you focus on the bottom at those tiiiiiny letters that are shown for half a second… It clearly states the people in these before and after pics exercised AND dieted while taking the pill…. Was it the exercise and diet that made them lose weight? Or the pill? It’s like those pills or drinks that are supposed to make you test negative for drugs and the like… They say take the pill and then drink 8 full glasses of water and urinate frequently before the test….. Was it the pill.. Or the 8 tall glasses of water that flushed their system that made them test negative? :p

I understand you have a busy schedule but it’s in my opinion that the only true way to lose weight is through aerobic exercises (different from weight lifting/strength training) such as jogging and swimming and a diet of 2,000 calories. Anything helps :p if the kids are old enough to play at the park then next time you’re at the park rather than watching the kids play, play with them and run around :p

if i’m not mistaken (which i might be) it takes about 3,000/3,500+ calories to gain one pound and losing one pound is harder than gaining it. In all honesty, it shouldn’t be percieved as a weight loss regimen. It’s a lifestyle choice. Usually, once a person reaches their target weight they’ll relapse and regain it within a few months if it’s not considered a lifestyle choice. Sorry for the crummy spelling, im really tired.

Donna asks…

any actual results from weight loss pills?

for summer exercise, i go running every morning.. just looking to lose what i gained this winter..

does anyone have any success stories from any kind of weight loss pills? i’m looking at the mango pills and that kind of stuff..


weight loss cardiff answers:

Weight loss pills are basically a scam industry. I know that because I have experimented with a few different types. Truth be told if you are going to work out get energy supplements because they work better than any weight loss pill. GNC vitapacs are good energy supplements and by many are considered the best. Also changing your diet can help you lose weight surprisingly fast.

Charles asks…

has anyone tried weight loss pills?

has anyone tried wight loss pills ? and ve they worked ? if they ve worked plz do let me know the name of it

weight loss cardiff answers:

Weight loss pills work if you’re willing to put up with:

back pain
abdominal pain
joint disorder
etc ….

Join a gym

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