Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Helen asks…

If I get a bearded dragon could I feed it different types of worms instead of crickets?

I’ve already started researching but I wanted to ask if it would be okay to feed it different types for worms instead of crickets? Crickets really freak my mom out and I’m sure she would never have to take care of the dragon if I got one but she still isn’t that crazy about having them in the house. Can someone tell me if this is okay or is this a big no no? Thanks for the help!

weight loss cardiff answers:

First, don’t listen to lara M. Pinkie mice and fruits should be weekly to montly treats, not something given very often or consisting of 100% of a dragons diet. Surely hers won’t be alive much longer. You can feed it many types of worms instead of crickets. When they are young, I would just stick though w/ small crickets and wax worms as the tough shell of mealworms and others can be extremly hard for a young beardie to digest. Mealworms can cause serious problems for young dragons so there’s no need to risk it. Once your dragon gets large enough, which doesn’t take too long, it can start taking larger worms and silk worms are the most nutritious worms that you can give a dragon. They are also quite large so you will only need to give your dragon a few in each sitting. As they get older, you’re going to switch to a large majority of salads over insects anyway. Just tell your mom that it’s only for about 4-6 months that you would probably need crickets. After that you should be able to stick w/ worms (silk, super, butter, wax, etc)

Lisa asks…

How many wax worms to feed my fire belly newt?

I have tried feeding my newt a few different foods (bloodworm, (both frozen and fresh) and frozen tubifex worm) but she wouldn’t eat them, so i bought some wax worms in the hope that they might encourage her to eat, this worked and she ate one, i know it says to feed as much as she will eat in 15minutes but she wouldn’t eat more than one, i was just wondering if it’d be best if i gave her around 3 a day, one in morning, mid afternoon and evening since she wont eat more than one at a time?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Wax worms are very high in fats and should not be offered as a long-term or staple diet.

Allow her one a day unit she is “plump” and also offer her small earthworms [nightcrawlers] and Phoenix [calci-] worms as a healthier alternative.


Sharon asks…

How many earth worms should I feed my RES turtle a day?

Yes I know I shouldn’t only be feeding him worms, but he likes Em them most. He does eat pellets here and then tho but how many worms should feed him a day?

weight loss cardiff answers:

If it’s the main part of the diet, as much as he can eat in about 5 minutes. I’m guessing that’s at most 2 worms chopped up finely, close to the pellet size.

As you are only using the pellets as a supplement, I would suggest you add a bit of plant protein into your turtles diet as well (unless he’s young, as in under 4-5 inches, in which case he’ll probably turn his nose up at plants anyway.). If he’s young, then it won’t make a difference for awhile, but as they get older, turtles need more plant protein in their diets.

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