Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sandra asks…

how much money does it take to make diet pills compared to the price of buying them?

I’m writing an essay about diet pills and wondering how much money does it take to make diet pills compared to the price of buying them. Cite sources please ?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Just from observations from the media, like with everything else, not much money is used when making diet pills. They more than make up for it, by charging the consumers, boo koo bucks. What a ripoff, especially when most of the diet pills have never been approved by the FDA. Why? The drug companies know that they contain unsafe ingredients, but they don’t care. It’s all about the almighty dollar. These pills will remain on the market as long as people continue to buy them.

William asks…

Are diet pills damaging to your health in the future?

I use to take diet pills to lose unwanted fat, but currently I am just eating healthy and running.

weight loss cardiff answers:

So currently you’re just eating healthy and running…So why do you need diet pills ? I think you’re on the right path to a healthier person.

But, if you think diet pills could help you to lose weight, first I would discuss this with your doctor and have a prescription for a pill.

If you prefer herbal products, there are tons of them on the internet.

Now, are they damaging to your health ? Well,
first are you allergic to certain components used in the pills ?
2. Almost all drugs have side effects, in short or long term.
3. Now in the future : diet pills should only be used for quick weight loss and short term weight loss goals. Only an healthier lifestyle coupled with exercise should keep you away from unwanted fat. Future is not an option when you take diet pills

Michael asks…

What happens when you take diet pills while on paxil?

I know you are not suppose to take diet pills while you are on a SSRI but does anyone know what happens if you do? I want to start taking them but not if the mix can be deadly.

weight loss cardiff answers:

DIET Pills are dangerous alone, so mix with something else is even worse.
Diet pills cause serious health issues. You don’t need them, just change your eating habits, drink 64 ounces of water daily, eat breakfast, eat fruits and vegetable.
Watch your portion sizes,buy a food scale and weigh your meats, and other foods, learn what a serving size is.

Please no diet pills.

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