Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Linda asks…

What diets are the best to lose weight easily and quickly?

I’ve been trying to lose weight for a long time but cannot seem to find a decent diet that suits me.
I go college 3 times a week so need something that I can also follow during these days. Need something which won’t leave me too hungry but can help me lose weight at the same time. Started going zumba and water aerobics for my exercise. Help? all suggestions are welcome
I’m about 5 ft 3
11 and half stone

weight loss cardiff answers:

I don’t exactly know a diet, but I for a light snack I would suggest a celery. Celery’s have such little calories that you’d burn calories eating it. Another thing: Games like Wii fit plus help loads too. They track your progress in losing weight as well, which I think is pretty good, and help you do exercises. But then you need a Wii (which isn’t really the best console out there)
Sorry about not knowing a complete diet, but I thought I might as well give a suggestion.
Good Luck!

Betty asks…

Whats a good actual working all natural diet pill?

I need to lose weight quickly and all naturally. Im willing to eat right and exercise with it.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Being fat and overweight is a major problem in the world. There are
millions of people who suffer from excess weight and who would have
liked to have a normal body. But the truth is most of these people
don’t really know the effective ways to lose weight, haven’t tried
hard enough although using the right methods, get discouraged too
easily or don’t understand the weight loss process and how the body
really works in relation to food, weight, fat, exercises. To lose
weight, you need to understand this process first so that you know
you’re going in the right direction for your weight loss objectives.
Food components like fat, carbohydrates, protein contain a specific
number of calories. Alcoholic drinks contain calories and water has no
Everytime you eat food or drink alcohol for instance, your body gains
calories. If your body gets too many calories than you burn, your body
will store the excess calories as fat and you’ll naturally gain
weight. For example, if you consume 2000 calories per day and you burn
1000 calories per day, the excess 1000 calories will be stored as fat
deposits throughout your body.
In order for you to lose weight, you need to burn out more calories
than you consume. For example, if you consume 2000 calories per day
and you burn 2500 calories per day, you will lose weight. Well you
might just say “Why don’t I just cut down on my calories intake
considerably, hence I don’t really have to burn many calories to lose
weight?” Well that would be starving yourself and is not a good idea
at all. This will make you weaker, hungrier and you will eat quite a
lot after. Anyway it does not help. Your body needs food and calories
to get energy. You need to eat enough so as not to starve yourself and
be able to burn these calories and more after. On the other hand, if
you burn out the exact same amount of calories that you take, you will
stay the same.
Two simple things to losing weight naturally revolve around proper
nutrition and exercises. There is no shortcut to losing weight in a
healthy way.
Consider these 2 tips to lose weight naturally:
(1) Eat normally and healthily
Don’t cut down on your usual meals. Take your breakfast, lunch and
dinner. Skipping your meals is not a good solution for your weight
loss goal. The thing is what you eat is what is important to help
combat your weight problems. If you eat more fats, you’ll have a
harder time burning calories because fats contain more calories per
gram than carbohydrates and protein. Try changing your eating habits.
For instance, instead of eating fried foods, try boiled or steamed
foods. But this does not mean you should avoid fatty foods at all cost
even taking your favorite snacks which can contain fats. The best
thing is to do it moderately.
Here are a few simple and healthy food suggestions. Add tuna in your
meals. You have tuna packed in oil or water. Opt for the one in water
which has almost no fat as compared to the one in oil with
considerably more fat. Tuna is low in calories and has a high
nutritional value. You can make a tuna salad with tomatoes, lettuce,
onions, olive oil and avoid adding any high-fat condiments like
mayonaise. If you want to add mayonaise, just add lightly. Then you
can make a tuna sandwich with it. Boiling chicken breasts without the
skin is a good choice too. You can also eat it in a sandwich as well.
When you eat meat, make sure you trim off the fats first. Adding fish
in your meals is recommended. Not only is fish good for health and low
in fat and calories, they are good for the heart because they are rich
in omega-3 fatty acids mostly oily fish like sardines, salmon, tuna,
herring amongst others. It’s recommended to eat at least 1 fish dish a
(2) Be active and exercise
Being active is one of the most important steps in losing weight. If
you are just idle and don’t move a lot, you won’t progress. You need
to exercise. Here are a few activities you can engage in ie weight
training, jogging, aerobics, swimming, bicycling, walking amongst
As you can see, losing weight doesn’t have to be very complicated. But
it does require some work from your part. If you adopt the habit of
eating normally and healthily, you will get that routine with time and
you will get use to it. At the same time, be active and exercise
yourself and enjoy the activities that you’re doing. You won’t see all
this as an ordeal but rather as your way of living and it’s a healthy
one. In the long run, you will be surprised by the results. Just give
it time and you will burn the calories, the excess fat and you will
lose your excess weight. Good luck in your weight loss goals.

Donna asks…

How to quickly but healthily lose weight?


I have been trying to lose weight for a really long time. I gain weight really quickly on my bum, thighs, and stomach. When I used to run everyday I used to lose weight and maintain a nice and healthy body shape. However, I barely have time to do anything anymore with school and a job. I only need to lose around 20 pounds and to tone my bum, stomach, and thighs.

I need some good foods to eat (that i can eat on the go while at school) and exercises that I can do easily at home everyday with my busy schedule. I can run in the basement (I’ve done it before). I also have an exercise bike.

My trouble isn’t always losing weight, but maintaining my body in a healthy way.


weight loss cardiff answers:

Exercising and eating healthy is a lifestyle change, ofcourse you’re going to gain weight if you stop working out and eating properly. Don’t bullshit, almost everyone has time to workout, the minimum is 3 days a week for an hour. Your exercise can come from sports if you’d like. Eating junk food in moderation and low fat diets is the best way to go. Heres some tips for losing weight.

Intermittent Fasting, do research on that. Google or go on Youtube and search “fastingtwins”. No this not a diet or starving yourself. Its more of telling you when to eat and when to stop eating.

For your diet, I would not recommend a low carb diet, just because it is probably one of the hardest diets for people to adjust too, people are in bad moods most of the time but not everyone, it’s not a great long term lifestyle, many people put on the weight again after the diet because they don’t know what to eat after they accomplish their goals, and you will not build muscle on that kind of diet. The best thing I can say about a low carb diet is it is probably the fastest way to lose weight. I recommend going on a low fat diet, eating around 40% carbs 40% protein and 20% fat, but you can change it up a bit to fit your own personal preferences. Make sure your carbs come from complex carb foods and not simple carbs foods. You can do your own research on the differences between complex and simple, its quite simple though. Plant based diets are good too, and the good thing about plant based and low fat diets is that you can live the rest of your life on this diet. You can have some cheat days, but everything in moderation is best.

Lastly you need to workout for any diet. Try working out for about an hour if you can, do some High Intensity Cardio and lift some weights. Try to workout atleast 3 days a week and give yourself atleast 1 day of the week to rest.

Do all this and I promise you’ll be melting the fat away. And if you apply the intermittent fasting to your diet you will lose weight very quickly, and just for the heck of it I will explain the basics. So when you apply intermittent fasting to your diet, all your doing is giving yourself a eating window. For example, I eat around 12pm and stop eating around 6pm, thats a 6 hour eating window, and during those 6 hours I eat all my calories for the day. Then I fast from 6pm till the next day at 12pm, a 18 hour fast, and I workout around 8am-10am for about an hour, so my body will be using my fat as energy since I haven’t eaten since 6pm, and after my workout I eat at 12pm. It’s such a powerful tool to losing weight, and you will not feel like crap, it will take maybe a week to 2 weeks of adjusting, but it will get better, and you can live your entire life like this if you wish.

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