Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Mandy asks…

Weight loss pills and adderall?

has anyone else heard of a type of zion pill?
something that causes extreme weight loss.
oh and what are the regulations for getting adderall like if you get a subscription

weight loss cardiff answers:

Weight loss pills come in a variety of names and sizes, choosing the one that works best would be highly dependent on the individual. This means that what may work very well for one person may actually be detrimental for another. That being said, there are some weight loss pills which work for most people.

The pills of which I am talking about are ones that don’t make you lose weight, but rather remove your constant cravings for food. Think of them as nicotine patches. You take one, and you no longer crave cigarettes, or in this case food. You must be sure that these are the types of pills which you are taking because most of the other types of pills can actually cause physical diseases such as cancer, and mental ones such as depression.

If you would like a good recommendation, I would recommend visiting the site that I will put in the source section. It is definitely a good place to start as it defines the science behind the pills which it is giving you. Visit their site and do some research. I hope this helps.

Sharon asks…

weight loss pills?

What is the best weight loss pill to use?

weight loss cardiff answers:

DO NOT TAKE DIET PILLS! They are dangerous!!

Last year I was visiting my parents and took diet pills (Leptopril -does not contain ephedra) on top on my exercise routine and normal diet. I was 26 at the time, 5’11, 180 lbs. By week three I was sick. I had diarrhea, dry heaves, dizziness, headaches, and a general feeling of being sick. I thought I had caught the flu or something. I had lost 13 lbs in 4 days. One morning I told my mom I didn’t feel good. My vision kept blacking out and I felt (for lack of a better way to say it) stoned. Later that afternoon I was walking from the bathroom to my bedroom (a 5 foot walk) and I passed out. I was rushed to the hospital emergency where they did a bunch of tests on me.

My pulse was up to 120, My blood pressure was 150/40, they had to start me on an IV, the did an EKG on me, took blood and urine samples, and a whole barrage of other tests.

They finally got me stabilized and said that I was dehydrated and malnutritioned. I told him that I took diet pills. When I mentioned diet pill, the doctors face lit up and said that’s why. He said they can cause a whole bunch of health problems, including death. He told me to toss the diet pills or next time I might not be so lucky.

I was kept in the hospital for almost 10 hours, given 3 or 4 IVs, potassium, juices, and monitored (by the EKG, blood pressure, and heart rate machines) every 15 minutes.

Please take my story as a warning. If you seriously want to loose weight there are better ways (I know because I’ve lost weight after this)

The quickest way is to cut out red meats, starches, breads, sugars, alcohol, and sodas.

Eat veggies (salads are good), soups, and drink TONS of water. If you get hungry between a meal, drink water to fill up.

In moderation eat white meats, and fruits (fruits contain natural sugars, and that can put on weight)

Practice portion control. Yes, you’ll feel hungry at first, but think of your goal, and soon your stomach will start shrinking and you won’t have that feeling anymore.

Eat 5 times a day. A small breakfast. A mid-morning snack, such as an apple. A small lunch. A mid-afternoon snack, such as carrots. A lite dinner. Do not eat any later than 7pm (6pm is better.)

Go exercise for at least an hour a day, incorporating weight training. Weight training builds muscle. Muscle burns fat. You get the idea. It also gives tone and definition. Also do a few yoga and pilates exercises to help tone those hard to reach and stubborn areas.

Nancy asks…

Cheap and effective weight loss pills?

im looking for cheap and effective and safe weight loss pills that i can buy online at either ebay or im 14, dont judge, my parents said it was ok aslong as it wont harm me.

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you are currently taking weight loss pills, or are even considering taking them, then you should be aware of weight loss pills side effects. While some side effects may seem minor and worth the risk, some side effects are very dangerous and can even be deadly.

Natural Weight Loss Pills Side Effects

At the very least, you must consider that most natural weight loss pills are not Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved. What this means is that the long term effects are virtually unknown. It also means that these types of pills have not gone through any type of research testing. Although natural diet pills might seem like the safer alternative because they are ‘natural,’ that is not the case.

Natural herbal diet pills carry much the same risk as prescription or other diet pills do. In fact, some can even be more dangerous. For instance, you have probably heard of ephedra (ma huang). Ephedra was actually banned from the market because of the horrible side effects that users experienced and the cases of death. Yet, you can still get ephedra in tea products and on the internet.

Other side effects of natural weight loss pills can be:

increased heart rate
undesirable interactions with prescription drugs you are taking
stomach irritation
nervousness or irritability

Prescription Weight Loss Pills Side Effects

Prescription diet pills, although safer because they are FDA approved, can and often do, carry some of the same risks and side effects. Most prescription diet pills are appetite suppressants, or fat absorbers and blockers, and are prescribed as a last effort when nothing else has worked.

Some of the side effects are related to amphetamines, which means they are highly addictive and must be monitored by a doctor. They can:

increase blood pressure
cause dry mouth
cause constipation
cause insomnia

Over the Counter Diet Pills Side Effects

The most dangerous of diet pills are the over-the-counter types. Some of the side effects to be aware of are:

heart irregularities
high blood pressure
stomach irritation
heart attack

There are literally hundreds in this category, and they are not regulated at all. This means you really do not know what you are getting when you buy these pills. Many of the companies make false claims that are too good to be true and carry huge risks!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Donald asks…

How can I get an Adderall prescription for weight loss?

I know that Adderall is used for ADHD but it is some times used for weight loss. I would like to talk to my doctor about it, however, I dont know how.

Can anyone give me some sort of help as to getting it prescribed without having to take any other drug first?

i.e. ritalin for ADD or what not.

weight loss cardiff answers:

It’s better and way easier to get Phentermine. You can get it from a weight loss doctor or sometimes maybe even a general physician. It’s very helpful. Phentermine and Adderall affect appetite the same way, at least for me. However, be warned that either one of these can only be taken for about 2-3 months at a time, with about an 8 week break between, because your body builds a tolerance. Once a tolerance is built, the weight loss will plateau, and you need to give it a rest for the medicine to leave your system, not to mention it’s not good for your blood pressure. Some weight loss doctors provide shots (B6, B12, & Lipo combined is the best) which can be received once a week even when off Phentermine, so that’s helpful.

Mark asks…

Why is amphetamine no longer used for weight loss?

It is just because of the abuse potential, because I’m sure it’s not that bad. Used for weight loss, it probably would be more effective and easy than any other treatment. I can’t believe they’d rather cut you open and mess with your stomach instead of just give you a prescription for amphetamine. I take the stuff for ADHD and it doesn’t seem like anything anybody would want to abuse.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Amphetamine is an appetite suppressant of the phentermine and phenethylamine class. There are many prescription diet pills on the market as well including the popular and most commonly prescribed prescription appetite suppressant Phentermine. It is sold under the brand names: Lon amine and Adipex. These supplements, like most others, suppress the appetite and stimulate the central nervous system. Keep in mind that each diet pill has its own set of potential side effects. Many, especially stimulant-based diet pills, are habit-forming and lend themselves to abuse. Abuse of these drugs may lead to psychological and/or physical dependence.

Our own metabolism system play a vital part in controlling the amount of body fat burned in the process of providing energy to the body. Knowledge about our own metabolism function is the mother to all weight loss programs. With the knowledge you not only reduce your weight but able to maintain an ideal weight and living a healthy life. Best of all you can eat what you most enjoyed without gaining any weight. This website is dedicated to expose the risk of diet pills and highlight the criteria of a safe & effective weight loss program. Probably it could save your life.

Charles asks…

How well does Zoloft work for anxiety, insomnia and does it cause weight loss?

Just wondering how effective zoloft is for anxiety, insomnia and does it cause weight loss or gain?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I took Zoloft years ago (it’s been around awhile, but that doesn’t make it any less effective). I took it for over two years.

I recall it being more of a calming medication, and I was prescribed it for depression, anxiety. And calm days made for easier nights falling asleep. There is often an initial weight change that resolves itself in a matter of a month or two. Thinking back, Zoloft was one of the better tolerated meds for me, with only one side-effect that I couldn’t stand: it messed with my libido. I could “perform” well but I couldn’t “finish”. Which is not so bad for guys who finish too soon.

Sorry if that was more information than you wanted to hear. As far as weight gain, Zoloft was not problematic for me.

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