Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

James asks…

How do I convince my friend to get gastric bypass?

SORRY THIS IS A LITTLE WORDY!!! Hello. My best friend is a beautiful, smart, funny, pretty 25 year old woman. However, her lifestyle has caused her to gain significant weight recently, and she is overall living rather unhealthy, and now gaining weight rapidly.
she has always been a bigger girl, but 2 years ago was about 225 lbs (at 5’4″ tall) and currently is 270. Last summer she was about 260 but she lived with me for 2 months and lost 13 pounds with out even trying! But gained it all back plus another 10. That’s 23 pounds in 7 months. Her weight is just skyrocketing. It is 100% due to the way she eats, drinks and lives. She is lazy (I love her but we all have flaws and that would be one of the few she has.) I just mean she sleeps a lot, is not active and uses the minimal amount of physical effort in things. She also eats unhealthy. I will say, to be honest, she doesn’t truly overeat, its WHAT she eats and when. She eats only 2-3 times per day in big meals and she often eats pasta, like almost daily. She drinks a lot of koolaid but, worse than that, she drinks a lot of alcohol. I think the inactivity and the constant drinking are what is causing the rapid weight gain more than the food. I basically, could easily help her on a weight loss plan, like i said, just living with me made her lose weight significantly. The problem is her lack of motivation or concern and the laziness. She wants to lose weight, her goal is 100 lbs in 1 year (which I think is a reasonable/ realistic goal) but is full of excuses. I just don’t think she is up for it. Problem is, it affects our friendship and her lifestyle. She doesn’t want to do the active things I like to do and she seems to think I make her look less attractive. She actually said if she got married I wouldn’t be in the wedding because I am too hot LOL. I appreciated the compliment but obviously this joke is a window into her lack of self confidence. She currently doesn’t work or go to school, either. Our friend group is basically all healthy, relatively fit, very active/ busy and attractive. I think it makes her feel even worse that we all “have it together”. Thing is, this girl is GORGEOUS! But the weight takes away from that outer beauty now and puts her in downward spiral. I just feel like this whole rut she is in is pushing her away from her loving friends and towards some people who are the types who just sit around and drink all day. I actually think gastric bypass may be a good option for her because it kind of forces a healthy lifestyle and I doubt she has the motivation otherwise. I know that sounds awful but it is getting to a point where the risks off her current lifestyle or more than the risks of surgery. I don’t want to see her as an alcoholic or bedridden, diabetic, heart issues etc. I love her and she has a young daughter who I do not want to see lose a mom at a young age, and I don’t want to lose my best friend. I know a few people who got the surgery and though a couple have had some issues, they all lost weight, feel better and would do it again if they could. Also she is young and healthy so she is a good candidate. I think she doesn’t want to do it because of how it forces the healthy lifestyle on her. But really, I just don’t think she’ll lose weight the old fashion way, she won’t put in the needed work. Has anyone ever had an intervention with a friend about this surgery? What did you say and how do I go about it? Obviously it is touchy and she is rather sensitive and somewhat easily offended, though more open to my opinion than most people. Please share your stories! Thank you
Just read the first couple answers so I am adding this in. Thank you for the suggestions but they do not help with what I am asking so far. First off the surgery is 100% free where we live- no cost at all. And I do offer to workout and be active with her. I invite her to walks and work out with me, she won’t, I even kinda trick her by saying something is only “a few blocks away” and it is farther LOL. I also don’t drink and I tell her my positive healthy diet tips (I lost 35 lbs last year) but again, she just is in a long-term rut. I understand surgery has risks but severe obesity and alcoholism beginning young are even worse. If you do have tips that kind of force the healthy lifestyle like surgery does, that’d help too.

weight loss cardiff answers:

If she is very lazy and not willing to make some big changes in her lifestyle, then getting a bypass is not the answer for her. It will work at first, but she will just gain the weight back over time. The surgery is just a tool for her to use as she makes the big changes in her life. If she is not willing to do that and make a commitment to change, then it’s not for her. The people you say were successful in their weight loss probably made a big effort to change when they had their surgery. Now if your friend really wants to make a big effort to eat right and do the right thing when she gets the surgery, she might have a chance of it being successful long term. Getting the bypass is no miracle cure for obesity by far. It still takes work and commitment to keep the weight off over time. It does make it easier to do that, but it still takes effort on the part of the person getting the bypass. It doesn’t cure laziness and bad eating habits. That’s up to the person getting the bypass.

Charles asks…

What can you tell me about Weight Loss Surgery?

I am meeting with a doctor next week about weight loss surgery and I was wondering if anyone went through this and can give me some pointers.I have a BMI of 40 and really need this surgery. Any tips? or personal stories? Thank you!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Before you do this, please try what I suggest for 5 days. After the surgery you will be forced to do this anyway, it’s just that if you eat more than a few ounces you will throw up (and isn’t that just bulemia)

I *thought* I had a healthy diet, no fat, high carb, adequate protein & kept getting sicker and fatter. I started Atkins 5 years ago just to get my appetite under control. I am disabled and can’t exercise & I didn’t think it was possible to LOSE weight without hunger and exercise (which was how I always controlled my weight before I was disabled, I NEVER believed in low calorie diets) I started Atkins (didn’t weigh first) and my tight clothes got huge quick (or I shrunk) I have never tried to lose weight and when my calories got too low, I would force (lol, it was tough I tell you) myself to eat an extra 1000 calories a day with strawberry ice cream (cream, frozen strawberries, artificial sweetener and a stick blender) to bring it to 2000 cal a day & I still lost weight (over a hundred pounds) without trying, just making different low carb choices. I can’t worry about my weight until my health is better, but with low carb balancing my hormones, I am starting to heal. My cholesterol & triglycerides are now perfect (they were high before). Dr.Atkins was a cardiologist, low carb was a health plan easier sold as a “diet” Read any of his books for easily understandable science. Lutz “Life without Bread” & Taubes “Good calorie, bad calorie” are excellent books that dispel all the nutrition myths. I’m spreading the word one person at a time! I KNOW it WORKS!

You will lose more body fat eating protein and fat (don’t eat protein alone) than not eating AT ALL. To lose weight fast eat all you want but nothing but meat, eggs, healthy oils, mayo, butter and half an avocado a day (you’ll need added potassium). Keep your fat percentage high. Adding in green vegetables & some cheese will continue weight loss but at a slower pace.

If you starve yourself, your body will freak out and will want to store every ounce in case it doesn’t get nourished again. You need to give it adequate nourishment so it doesn’t slow your metabolism down to adjust for lower calories.

Simple carbohydrates (sugar, flour, bread, cereal, pasta, potatoes, rice) triggers insulin which can store the calories you eat into fat. The more protein you eat the more the fat burning hormone glucagon is released. The more carbohydrate you eat the more the fat storage hormone insulin is released.

High insulin levels unbalance other hormones. Controlling your insulin level will balance out other hormones & allow human growth hormone (HGH) to be produced naturally so you will gain lean muscle even without exercise. Any exercise will greatly increase your muscle mass with high HGH levels.

Reducing body fat and increasing muscle mass will have you in awesome shape in no time. Good luck!

Thomas asks…

What is the best weight loss plan you have found that really worked for you?

Me and my hubby are trying to concieve, but I’ve been told that this probably wont happen unless I lose at least 50 pounds. (told by a doctor not my hubby) My weight is causing an insulin problem which does not allow ovulation. I have started by getting rid of all caffine drinks, and cutting out the sweets. I’m filling my body with plenty of water and walking 20 minutes a day. I know its just a start and will take some time, but does anyone know any good, healthy ways to diet and exercise without hurting your body?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Weight watchers is a great program for weight loss. It really works if you stick with it. And starting out walking 20 minutes a day is awesome, but you’ll have to ramp it up to lose the weight. Find a Jazzercise class in your area. Me and my friends swear by it. Go and have fun and don’t give up, it gets easier the more you do it. There is a woman in my class that has lost 80 pounds with the WW/Jazzercise combo. And I’m working on it, I feel better than I have in my whole life! Good luck!

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