Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Daniel asks…

What is the healthiest long term diet program for obese people?

I’m an obese person trying to loose weight. I recently was told I am pre-diabetic. I am looking for a program for lifelong health, not a quick fix. What lifelong health/ weight loss programs have people had good luck with? Prefer something online. Please share additional details.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Perhaps you could try The Great Australian Diet discussed below.

Created by Australian health guru Dr John Tickell, the Great Australian Diet is touted as a return to natural foods and natural eating patterns. Tickell, an obstetrician turned sports medicine specialist, claims that after travelling the world and studying foods, he has discovered several simple rules which can help anyone lose weight healthily.

He describes the Great Australian Diet as “anti-Atkins, anti-CSIRO” and emphasises the importance of carbohydrates in the diet, saying that the “two most important foods we eat -fruits and vegetables- are carbohydrates”. Dr John also criticises the low GI diet because, he says, it frightens people off eating carbs.

The Great Australian Diet is actually rather complicated, and may not be as easy to follow as Dr Tickell seems to think. First of all, he replaces the glycemic index with the HI, or ‘Human Interference’ factor. This means that foods which have been highly processed, such as salami, white bread and white rice, are considered unhealthy, and are replaced by unprocessed alternatives- raw and lightly cooked vegetables, fish, especially deep water fish and sardines, and small amounts of lean meat. 2/3 of the diet should be composed of vegetables and fruits, and 1/3 ‘bonus’ foods, which are essentially lean proteins, and after the initial two day cleansing period, which is very low calorie, 15 different types of plants should be eaten every day.

Since no calorie guidelines are given, and only vague instructions to eat 4 or 5 nuts and so on, this may be the downfall of many dieters. After all, its pretty easy to forget how many nuts, seeds and grains you have eaten. It may also be hard for people on busy schedules to keep to such a demanding diet, since eating out is restricted really to grilled fish and an occasional steak and vegetables.

But the Great Australian Diet is much more than just an eating plan. Dieters get points for watching the sunset, hugging their children and other ‘coping’ activities, and use gentle exercise techniques to strengthen trunk and arm muscles. Walking is also part of the diet, which claims over 91 days to re-educate the body into natural rhythms. One of the selling points for me at least, is the resting weeks- after each three weeks on the diet, there are two weeks when you are allowed to eat freely, and recuperate. However, although it seems pretty healthy, the Great Australian Diet is never going to be voted easiest diet of the year.

You can see further details in

Sandra asks…

What foods should I eat in order to get skinnier?

I am 5′ 5″ tall about about 147 pounds. I would like to lose a 27 pounds and reach 120 by this summer! If anyone knows which foods are the best to lose weight fast and any other weight loss suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!

weight loss cardiff answers:

I definitely think that your goal is attainable, but you are going to really have to do some work to get there.

First, I would look at possibly doing a cleanse to get the system cleaned out. There is roughly 5 to 15 pounds of food that is left in peoples colon that 90 percent of americans don’t know about. That will help for starters, because the colon is where you absorb nurtrients from the foods that you eat.

There are alot of different cleanses out there. A couple that I am aware of, is the Master Cleanse, and also a watermelon cleanse. Trust me, there are a lot out there!

Second, I would definitely look at changing your dietary habits. I would look at eating for your proper bloodtype(not something most people even know about), and also talking to a nutritionist if you have the money. The most power you will be able to have is the knowledge about how your body works specifically, and they will help you will that knowledge.

Look at what foods you do enjoy that are good for you. I went on a completely all raw(uncooked) fruits and vegetable only diet. It was incredible, and I admit hard. You can look at that as an option, as when I coupled that with exercise daily, the fast melted right off! So look into what you think you would be comfortable with food wise. Look at getting more lean meats, salads, vegetable, and fruits into your diet.

Third, I would look at what you plan to do for exercise. I would seek out a personal trainer if you have the cash, and the time to get to the gym. They will help you get a workout regimen that will be tailored to what it is that you enjoy, and at the same time will help you get into shape. The more muscle that you build, the faster you metabolism will burn. You can get that by lifting weights.

Also, you can get an acountability partner. Someone that wants to do the same thing that you do. You know how it is always easier when you have someone to do it with=)

Last but now least, remember that you are making a lifestyle change, and you might possibly have to change somethings drastically in order to obtain your goal. Also write it down!

Remember to take it at your pace, you can’t eat an elephant whole as the saying goes. This won’t happen over night, take small steps at first, praise yourself for your gains, and keep moving forward one day at a time.

Take care, good luck, and I know you can do it!!,


Linda asks…

Can someone help me with foods and drinks that help with weight loss?

I’m looking for a drink that will cleanse me out or that is really healthy to drink (other than water which i’m already drinking) and also any foods suggestion and tips about excersizing?

weight loss cardiff answers:

When it comes to food, it’s much easier to follow a diet than improvising on your own. The important thing is to avoid carbs, increase your protein and fat intake to make up for the lost carbs. Stay away from processed foods. That’s about it. I’ve been following a diet for a while now, and I must say that it has exceeded my expectations.

As for exercising. Just do the simple things. Jogging, running, biking, swimming, and other workouts that make you really sweat. Sweat burns fat so the more you sweat the more weight you lose.

Don’t forget to drink lots of water when you’re working out. Also rest in between those workouts, don’t overdo it.

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