Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sharon asks…

Seeking Tips for Weight Loss Maintenance…?

I’ve been on a diet or as I would like to call a lifestyle transformation plan for the past four and a half months.
My initial weight was 183.5 pounds ( I’m 5’4) on October 11th, 2008 and I am now down to 141.5 pounds.
My goal weight is 135 pounds.

I started out with 37.5% body fat and I’m now down to 23.5% body fat.
Also, I was a size 44 in pants and now I am a size 38. I already donated all of my jeans and skirts so I would never have anything to go back to 🙂

I am on a strict diet regiment ( I’ve been keeping a food journal for the past four and half months, never consuming more than 1,220 calories a day). Additionally, I have a personal trainer with whom I do strength training twice a week and engage in 1 hour cardio workouts 5-6 times a week. Lastly, I used acupuncture to control my appetite.

I plan a weekly menu to witch I stick to, and while I eat dark chocolate 3-4 times a week, I mostly consume whole grains, fresh vegetables and a lot of lean protein. I eat 5-6 small meals a day, with breakfast and lunch being the largest meals ( though never going over 370 calories). I am also taking vitamins, and get preform monthly blood work in order to ensure that my body is not missing any essential vitamins.

I have almost reached my weight goal and I would like to get some useful tips on how to add calories to my daily menu without gaining weight. I am under strict supervision of a licensed dietitian that has approved my weekly menus, but I am still afraid to go over my daily 1,200 calorie intake.

Here is a sample of my daily menu:

A cup of Fiber 1: 140 calories
Coffee with 1/3 of skim milk: 45 calories
Nonfat yogurt: 54 calories
Tot: 239 calories

A large red apple: 120 calories
Coffee with 1% milk: 51 calories
Nonfat Activia yogurt: 51 calories
Tot: 222 calories

Two cucumbers: 24 calories
A piece of light bread: 34 calories
Tot: 58 calories

Tomato+cucumber+ whole red pepper+ green beans+ 2 tsps of black pepper+ 2 tbs of salsa+ 1/2 cup of sliced carrots= 176 calories
11 pieces of light pastrami ( small slices)= 98 calories
Light instant soup= 60 calories
A piece of light bread= 34 calories
Tot: 368 calories

Granola bar= 92 calories
Chai with 1/3 of a cup of skim milk= 40 calories
Tot: 132 calories

Two pieces of light bread= 68 calories
Two table spoons of nonfat cottage cheese= 24 calories
Cucumber: 12 calories
Tsp of pepper: 5 calories
Sugar-free apple sauce: 60 calories
Pecan: 13 calories
Tot: 182 calories

Tot calories for the day: 1,200

– I must add that I feel full and energized, but the only downfall is that my period is late and I have contacted a healthcare professional about this and she preformed all the neccesry tests on me, and though my test results were fine, my period is already almost a week late and that is causing me to be a little bit concerned.

Thank you for your support!

weight loss cardiff answers:

5 Weight loss and good diet articles

10 Weight Loss Myths to Waste Your Time

Should I work in my fat burning zone to lose more weight?

Questions and Answers about Fat Loss and Exercise

Burn More Fat – Secrets of Exercise Physiology

The Law Of Attraction And Weight Loss: Can You Think Yourself Thin?

Mary asks…

Any Weight Loss Tips?

I’m 5’4 female 16 years old and I weigh 175 pounds. I know my bmi is currently 30 which means I’m now obese. I want to lose 15 pounds a month. Any weight loss tips? I reallyyy want to lose 60 pounds.

weight loss cardiff answers:

80% of weight loss is diet.
You can eat a healthy diet and lose weight.
You can eat a healthy diet and exercise and lose more weight.
You can exercise and eat a poor diet and not lose and even gain weight.
A good healthy diet high in fiber, lean meats, eggs, complex carbohydrates, whole grains, antioxidant foods, healthy beverages and low in added sugar and salt help people lose weight, lower cholesterol, increase energy, improve brain function, lower blood pressure, reduce cancer risk and have a more positive lifestyle!
You need to eat a lot more food and a lot more fiber!
Diets that exclude foods from any food group are fad diets and do not lead to permanent weight loss or solve any other health issues.
First, try to kick your fiber intake to 40 grams of both soluble and insoluble fiber.
Whatever you do, get your fiber from your food, not from a jar.
Fruits and vegetables have good fiber in them. A high fiber diet increases the metabolism.
Try a breakfast cereal with at least 20% of recommended daily allowance of fiber in it. They are usually low in sugar so there is a double benefit. Blueberries or raspberries on top add more fiber and antioxidants. But fresh or frozen, not the kind in syrup. Oatmeal with berries or a bit of fresh honey is also good.
Raw nuts are a great source of fiber, healthy fats, and antioxidants. Avocados are the best.
Lots of beans, peas, and grains are high fiber. Whole grain breads. Fiber kicks up the metabolism so you actually burn more calories. These foods will give you more gas in the beginning but if eaten daily, the bacteria in the digestive tract will elevate lowering the gas output.
This will get you on the path for a healthy daily bowel movement. This helps clean the system and aids healthy digestion. A high fiber diet reduces transit time – the amount of time it takes food from when it is eaten to when it is expelled. This reduces toxicity in the system both from internally produced, ingested, and external toxins.
I know it goes against everything you’ve heard or read but eating lots of the right foods will actually help you lose weight!
Next, take an age appropriate basic daily multivitamin. Don’t look at your multivitamin as nutrition but more as an insurance policy. Think of it as filling in the gaps in your daily diet as opposed to a primary source of nutrients.
You have to drink lots of water to be healthy. But you can disguise it. Fill your glass all the way full with ice before pouring low sugar beverages. Try iced green tea with a splash of orange juice in it for sweet. More antioxidants. Add lemon juice to water for flavor. Slice up a cucumber and float it in pitcher of water. Gives it salty fresh taste. But you must drink up to 100 oz of water daily to help your body get rid of waste and the natural toxins.
Last, you need to get 8-9 hours of quality sleep depending on your age. All recent sleep studies report a connection between poor sleep patterns and weight gain. This includes going to bed as close to the same time every night including weekends. Most of us stay up late Friday and Saturday night and it throws us off.
You must combine a healthy diet with exercise to multiply the benefit. Whether an hour a day in the weight room or just a 30 minute brisk walk every day, the added benefit of a regular exercise program really do increase and accelerate healthy weight loss.

I lost 30 pounds in 5 months by spending my money at the grocery and gym and have kept it off for over two years. Less than 3% of people that attempt weight loss lose it and keep it off for three years. It is not easy. It is a lifestyle change.
Good luck and good health.

Charles asks…

I am 14 years old and weigh 240. Weight loss tips/help?

I’m 14 years old, about to turn 15 in September. I have been looking all over for some sort of plan or help for my problem but I haven’t found anything yet. I realize I am over-weight and I would like to slim down by November. I know losing it fast isn’t the way to go but I’d prefer like, a nice lb loss per week. I realize a lot of weightloss products can and probably are very harmful for me, I’m not one of those stupid fantasy 14 year olds xD

I just desperately need help losing weight. Lay off the soda, high in calorie things, such and such,

I do plan to exercise.

I am female, I am 5’6 1/2.

I would like to lose roughly 50 pounds before november, but ill take whatever I can lose.

Can anyone help me with this? if so email me at

I can also buy certain things to help as well, so if you know anything tell me about it.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Weight loss is very easy if you have the right mind set. Think of it this way, if you stick to your plan, in one year, this won’t even be a worry anymore, and you’ll be completely free. I lost over 100 lbs last year, and heres how i did it. First is exercise, if your very overweight as i was, weight loss is extremely easy, you really just need to walk. I start walking maybe a mile and a half every day, and then once i started losing weight, it became 2 miles, then 3 miles, then 5 miles, and eventually i was walking 8-12 miles a day, and if you walk familiar paths, it really doesn’t seem that long at all. The only thing that sucked where the blisters, but you get used to them eventually, and your feet become like leather. And as far as diet goes, just find healthy foods you enjoy. For me it was a fruits and smoothies, rice cakes, salad, and chicken, with the occasional steak (i was lifting as well). And that’s really all you need to do to lose the initial weight, however once you trim down, you should kick up your exercises if you want a lean body.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Paul asks…

Should a skinny person go on a fast or liver cleanse diet?

I’m currently on a liver cleanse diet to hopefully remove toxins from my body but the problem is I am skinny. I lose weight easily and by removing many foods from my diet, I feel like I will lose a lot of weight. Should I even be on this diet?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Cleansing has absolutely no medical benefit and is in fact harmful to the digestive tract.
There is no “build up” of bad plaque or sludge in a normal system. If this was the case we would have people dying left and right from malnutrition since their bodies couldn’t absorb nutrients.
Since we reabsorb most of the water in our food and drink through the large intestine, If it was coated with “mucoid plaque”, we would all be sloshing around like sponges yes?
We “cleanse and detox” 24 hours a day through respiration, sweat, liver, and kidneys.
We can help by eating a healthy diet with minimal added sugar and salt. Lots of fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grain foods, beans, peas, and brown rice keep a system as healthy as it can be.
Minimal alcohol, caffeine, soda.
Read food labels. If you can’t pronounce it, don’t put it in your body.
Cleanses actually flush out the beneficial bacteria and enzymes in the digestive system.
A high fiber diet works every time.
Spend your money in the produce department instead of giving it away.

Linda asks…

When you lose weight does your face get thinner too?

I want to lose weight and fast. I have chubby cheeks and want to get rid of them. So I was wondering if losing weight will thin my face out? Tips?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yes…The fat of your cheeks also reduces with your body fat..It surely does..When i was in my home town i was a bit healthy,then i shifted to hostel and there i faced a lot of problem in eating,i started playing sports…I could spot the difference..Like passport size photos,normal pics,i could easily see the difference..And if you just want to make your face thin,without any body weight loss,drink a lot of water..

Sandy asks…

How to lose a decent amount of weight in a week or two?

I need to lose weight. And fast!! I’m 6’0″ right now, and I’m a 15 year old girl. I’m about 145lbs and a size 6. but I need to lose weight! I need perfection! I want to be around a size 2 or 4 if possible. Im not anorexic so please don’t think that I am. But how can I lose enough weight within a week or two? I’ve heard that chewing sugar-free gum helps you lose weight because of Sorbitol in it. Is this true? And what other ways can I lose weight really fast? I’ll do whatever it takes.

weight loss cardiff answers:

The fastest way to lose weight would be to go on a Ketogenic Diet. Cutting out all sugar, and limiting your carbs to just 20 a day and you could easily lose up to 20 pounds in two weeks. The way the diet works is that by limiting you bodys main fuel supply (carbohydrates) it is forced to burn its own fat stores for energy. Also because burning fat for energy is sort of inefficient it increases your metabolism indefinitely.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Donald asks…

What is the best diet in the world?

Hey! What is the best weight loss diet in the world? Does it really work?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Only think about that – there are about 80 million Americans whose ever life target is to lose weight, $30 billion are spent on various programs and diets annually. If you are one of those 80 million, then this article is for you.

It’s not only about the money, though the amount is great, but it’s also about the number of approaches and methods used, the physical and emotional efforts spent, or in some case wasted. In the range of all existing approaches it’s pretty simple to get lost and at the same time not that easy to realize which one really works and which of them works without any harm to your health. Health made a resolution to find a golden mean, i.e. To choose programs which are a balanced combination of widely known weight loss factors, such as increased physical activity, consumption of less calorie food, reasons and a controlled nutrition.

For that purpose there was created a panel of experts, who were to pick out 60-70 most known diets and then cut the list down the best 7. So, please enjoy this list:

“The Weight Loss Plan of the Structure House”

“The Walking Method”

“The Weight Watcher Program”

“A Special Diet of EatingWell”

“The Eating Plan based on Volumetric Approach”

and more..

Michael asks…

What are the best weight loss and muscle building supplements that work?

What are the weight loss and muscle building supplements or drinks or pills to take that really work?!? Please help!

weight loss cardiff answers:

None of them are approved by any medical or dietary organization because they just don’t work. Except for making money for the sellers.
80% of weight loss is diet.
You can eat a healthy diet and lose weight.
You can eat a healthy diet and exercise and lose more weight.
You can exercise and eat a poor diet and not lose and even gain weight.
A good healthy diet high in fiber, lean meats, eggs, complex carbohydrates, whole grains, antioxidant foods, healthy beverages and low in added sugar and salt help people lose weight, lower cholesterol, increase energy, improve brain function, lower blood pressure, reduce cancer risk and have a more positive lifestyle!
You need to eat a lot more food and a lot more fiber!
Diets that exclude foods from any food group are fad diets and do not lead to permanent weight loss or solve any other health issues.
First, try to kick your fiber intake to 40 grams of both soluble and insoluble fiber.
Whatever you do, get your fiber from your food, not from a jar.
Fruits and vegetables have good fiber in them. A high fiber diet increases the metabolism.
Try a breakfast cereal with at least 20% of recommended daily allowance of fiber in it. They are usually low in sugar so there is a double benefit. Blueberries or raspberries on top add more fiber and antioxidants. But fresh or frozen, not the kind in syrup. Oatmeal with berries or a bit of fresh honey is also good.
Raw nuts are a great source of fiber, healthy fats, and antioxidants. Avocados are the best.
Lots of beans, peas, and grains are high fiber. Whole grain breads. Fiber kicks up the metabolism so you actually burn more calories. These foods will give you more gas in the beginning but if eaten daily, the bacteria in the digestive tract will elevate lowering the gas output.
This will get you on the path for a healthy daily bowel movement. This helps clean the system and aids healthy digestion. A high fiber diet reduces transit time – the amount of time it takes food from when it is eaten to when it is expelled. This reduces toxicity in the system both from internally produced, ingested, and external toxins.
I know it goes against everything you’ve heard or read but eating lots of the right foods will actually help you lose weight!
Next, take an age appropriate basic daily multivitamin. Don’t look at your multivitamin as nutrition but more as an insurance policy. Think of it as filling in the gaps in your daily diet as opposed to a primary source of nutrients.
You have to drink lots of water to be healthy. But you can disguise it. Fill your glass all the way full with ice before pouring low sugar beverages. Try iced green tea with a splash of orange juice in it for sweet. More antioxidants. Add lemon juice to water for flavor. Slice up a cucumber and float it in pitcher of water. Gives it salty fresh taste. But you must drink up to 100 oz of water daily to help your body get rid of waste and the natural toxins.
Last, you need to get 8-9 hours of quality sleep depending on your age. All recent sleep studies report a connection between poor sleep patterns and weight gain. This includes going to bed as close to the same time every night including weekends. Most of us stay up late Friday and Saturday night and it throws us off.
You must combine a healthy diet with exercise to multiply the benefit. Whether an hour a day in the weight room or just a 30 minute brisk walk every day, the added benefit of a regular exercise program really do increase and accelerate healthy weight loss.

I lost 30 pounds in 5 months by spending my money at the grocery and gym and have kept it off for over two years. Less than 3% of people that attempt weight loss lose it and keep it off for two years. It is not easy. It is a lifestyle change.
Good luck and good health.

David asks…

What are some really fast, easy diets that work in 2 weeks?

I already exercise, but I really want to lose like, 10 pounds in two weeks. So if you have any easy diets that are good tell me. And like, are there any good weight loss drinks, or power bars or something? Thanks:)

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hey buddy

if you wanna lose weight
short term = drop carbs (bread, rice,sweets,pasta)
long term = increase your metabolism… How?
By building more muscle… The more muscle the more calories
your body has to burn to just maintain the muscles…

Natural Bodybuilder

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lisa asks…

What is an easy weight loss exercise plan ?

I’ve gained a few pounds over the summer and would like to loose them. what are some easy ways to loose a few pounds . I’ve got a cross trainer at home , how many minutes should i be on it daily. I try to walk as much as possible and i do 10 push ups and 10 sit ups before before bed (not a lot but its all i can manage). I’m also on a weight loss diet .

weight loss cardiff answers:

I have an easy way to loss weight: 1-2 weeks, cannot eat any food including sugar, like: bread, milk, fruit, only can eat vegetables and meat, YES, meat. And Vitamin supplement. 3-5 weeks, you can eat milk, fruit, Oat, of course, vegetables and meat canbe, and Vitamin supplement too. Then, please keep a good diet. Normally, you can loss 10 pound in 20 days.

Richard asks…

what is a good and efficient way to lose wight?

i am going home at the end of the year to scotland and i would like to lose some wight and look more healthy so do you have any suggestions of a quick and easy weight loss program that doen’t involve starving yourself ?

weight loss cardiff answers:

80% of weight loss is diet.
You can eat a healthy diet and lose weight.
You can eat a healthy diet and exercise and lose more weight.
You can exercise and eat a poor diet and not lose and even gain weight.
A good healthy diet high in fiber, lean meats, eggs, complex carbohydrates, whole grains, antioxidant foods, healthy beverages and low in added sugar and salt help people lose weight, lower cholesterol, increase energy, improve brain function, lower blood pressure, reduce cancer risk and have a more positive lifestyle!
You need to eat a lot more food and a lot more fiber!
Diets that exclude foods from any food group are fad diets and do not lead to permanent weight loss or solve any other health issues.
First, try to kick your fiber intake to 40 grams of both soluble and insoluble fiber.
Whatever you do, get your fiber from your food, not from a jar.
Fruits and vegetables have good fiber in them. A high fiber diet increases the metabolism.
Try a breakfast cereal with at least 20% of recommended daily allowance of fiber in it. They are usually low in sugar so there is a double benefit. Blueberries or raspberries on top add more fiber and antioxidants. But fresh or frozen, not the kind in syrup. Oatmeal with berries or a bit of fresh honey is also good.
Raw nuts are a great source of fiber, healthy fats, and antioxidants. Avocados are the best.
Lots of beans, peas, and grains are high fiber. Whole grain breads. Fiber kicks up the metabolism so you actually burn more calories. These foods will give you more gas in the beginning but if eaten daily, the bacteria in the digestive tract will elevate lowering the gas output.
This will get you on the path for a healthy daily bowel movement. This helps clean the system and aids healthy digestion. A high fiber diet reduces transit time – the amount of time it takes food from when it is eaten to when it is expelled. This reduces toxicity in the system both from internally produced, ingested, and external toxins.
I know it goes against everything you’ve heard or read but eating lots of the right foods will actually help you lose weight!
Next, take an age appropriate basic daily multivitamin. Don’t look at your multivitamin as nutrition but more as an insurance policy. Think of it as filling in the gaps in your daily diet as opposed to a primary source of nutrients.
You have to drink lots of water to be healthy. But you can disguise it. Fill your glass all the way full with ice before pouring low sugar beverages. Try iced green tea with a splash of orange juice in it for sweet. More antioxidants. Add lemon juice to water for flavor. Slice up a cucumber and float it in pitcher of water. Gives it salty fresh taste. But you must drink up to 100 oz of water daily to help your body get rid of waste and the natural toxins.
Last, you need to get 8-9 hours of quality sleep depending on your age. All recent sleep studies report a connection between poor sleep patterns and weight gain. This includes going to bed as close to the same time every night including weekends. Most of us stay up late Friday and Saturday night and it throws us off.
You must combine a healthy diet with exercise to multiply the benefit. Whether an hour a day in the weight room or just a 30 minute brisk walk every day, the added benefit of a regular exercise program really do increase and accelerate healthy weight loss.

I lost 30 pounds in 5 months by spending my money at the grocery and gym and have kept it off for over two years. Less than 3% of people that attempt weight loss lose it and keep it off for two years. It is not easy. It is a lifestyle change.
Good luck and good health.

Donald asks…

I am starting a weight loss competition in my family, whats the best way to measure progress?

I wanted to start a weight loss competition this summer in my family, but I wanted it to be fair. For example its probably easier for my 260 pound brother to lose a pound than my 160 pound mom.

So whats is the best way to compare? Should it just be percentage of mass? Should fat be considered? Should i buy a body fat analyzer? Because i guess if someone lost 10 pounds of fat and gained 3 pounds of muscle, wouldn’t that be better than someone else who just lost 9 pounds of fat?

Just curious what people’s thoughts on this are, i want it to be as fair as possible but with accurate measures of comparison.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Go to publix and get on the weight scale, measure your waist,hips, and legs

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