Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

David asks…

How much exercise should I do everyday?

So, I have got about 40 pounds to lose. I am currently on South Beach, and planning to start Zumba at home as I have heard great things about it. I also have easy access to the gym. I am wondering how often, and how much I should be working out. I am able to exercise everyday of the week, although I do not know if that’s such a good thing. Also, for weightloss, what time of the day do you think exercise works best? Thanks.

weight loss cardiff answers:

It depends on your goals. Do you want to get more fit? Do you just want to maintain your current fitness level? How fit are you now?

If you are very inactive and unfit, start off slowly. Do 20-30 minutes, four days a week. Be careful not to strain, and always warm up first.

If you are currently somewhat active and looking to improve your fitness, go for at least 30 minutes, five or six days a week. Then you can gradually increase it if you wish to become very fit. A very fit person would be putting in at least six hours per week.

You should include all components of fitness- cardio, strength, and flexibility.
So, for example, you could walk, bike or run 3 days a week and do weight training and stretching the other three. Never train the same muscles with weights two days in a row.

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Ruth asks…

When cycling for weight loss, is it better to bike for longest distance or longest pace/time?

Just wanting to see what is best for someone wanting to use cycling as a form of weight loss.

Goal wise I’m pretty sure both are what I need to be doing, but answers from seasoned pros are most welcome.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Cycling is a cardiovascular sport and you determine how much time and effort you put into it. You want to start out with an easy 10 min warm up ride. That will help prevent muscle pain and allow you to ride longer. After the warm up you want to pedal at a high cadence 70-90 rpm’s in a gear that is easy to spin. That will use you slow twitch muscles that use fat as a fuel and can go for a very long time. Pedaling slower then 70 rpm’s and mashing on the pedals will wear out your legs very quickly. You want a pace that you can do for a long time but hard enough to get your breathing elevated.

Start out with 20-30 min rides and work your way up to a hour or more. Once you can go for a hour start climbing hills to get stronger. You can also do intervals where you can go fast for 30-90 seconds and then slow down to recover. Once you catch your breath do it again. It will help you build more muscle so you can burn more calories even at rest.

You wont get anywhere without a good diet plan. You burn only 35 calories per mile so the more miles you can do in a hour the faster you will lose weight. At slow speeds cycling burns less calories then walking. A cheeseburger, large fries, and a large coke can take 40 miles to burn off.

You need a good plan and stick with it, it will take a few weeks before you see decent results.

Lisa asks…

How do I get enough motivation to stick to a diet and lose weight?

I know more about weight loss, healthy diet and everything that goes with it than most dieticians, but I just can’t seem to get the mindset that will allow me to start and then stick to an eating plan.

I have lost weight a number of times before – 35kg once, but my motivation just isn’t there now.

How do I get it back? And keep it!

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you set goals, I think it makes it a loooot easier.
Think about if you have any specific events coming
up, like a wedding, parties, event, etc. Then you can
set a goal of about 2 pounds each week. If you keep
telling yourself that you can do it, and start seeing
results, you will ultimately have the drive to continue
working your way to optimal health.

Take Care and Good Luck (: (:

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