Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lizzie asks…

What foods boosts your metabolism?

im trying to lose weight. cuz i started to gain it.
and i wanna know what everyday foods,fruits,drinks. boosts your metabolism?
so if somebody can give me a list i would gladly appreciate it.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hey, do you want to lose weight easily by doing nothing or get motivated to lose weight easily without even giving up half-way?

The key and answer to successfully do it is in Your Subconscious Mind.

The subconscious actually stores a multitude of memory patterns which will feed information to the conscious mind when activated. Data is never erased unless the subconscious mind gives that command.
For example, when you walk or drive to your destination, you do it automatically without being aware of it – that is your subconscious mind doing the whole process without your conscious mind.
The subconscious brain is very good at its job and works 24 hours a day on keeping us alive.

The subconscious controls and regulates involuntary functions of the body such as breathing, circulation, Metabolism, Digestion, hormone balance, etc.

So you may wonder.. How do you tweak or make your subconscious mind to lose weight easily? The answer is… Hypnosis!

Hypnosis is done by bypassing your conscious mind to your subconscious mind giving instructions and storing them successfully.
That is why people can quit smoking, feel extremely motivated, attain success easily, study easily and so on Successfully just after 1 session of hypnosis! Even faith-healing uses Hypnosis!

My friend tried hypnosis to lose weight. Initially, her weight was 198lbs and she lost 18.3lbs within 3-weeks! All by natural metabolism! And she never even change her diet but ate as normal!

The best thing about losing weight via metabolism is… It burns fat everywhere in your body equally! This makes your body look perfect in shape!

You will thank me because I can guarantee you Hypnosis Works! You can just let your natural metabolism be high and Lose Fat Doing NOTHING effectively and immediately or be motivated to stop binge eating and exercise regularly without pain or laziness!

Learn More:

Laura asks…

Will losing 10 pounds make a difference in my appearance?

I’m female, 5’1, 186, in high school. I know I’m overweight but will losing 10 pounds make a difference in my appearance, especially my thighs?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Losing 10 lbs a month is a good and safe target. Any faster weight loss is likely to be temporary only and in most cases you regain it all.

Running, jogging, cycling, swimming, dancing, push ups, sit ups, squats, brisk walking and power walking all help for weight loss but dieting helps more.

One of the healthiest weight loss diets is the DASH diet.

The healthy DASH diet can help you lose weight safely and effectively, lower your cholesterol and lower your blood pressure.

It is based on an eating plan rich in fruits and vegetables, and low-fat or non-fat dairy, with whole grains. It is a high fiber, low to moderate fat diet, and is rich in potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

You can see further details in a web search for “dash diet” + “lose weight”.

Diet Tips:

*Drink half your weight in ounces of water daily
*Stay away from all “white” foods (they are simple carbs that turn into glucose easily) – bread, pasta, white rice, white potatoes.
*Eat three meals a day and 3 snacks a day.
*Don’t eat anything 3 hours before going to sleep.
*Don’t eat any fast food
*Shop around the perimeter of your market. Stay away from packaged foods.
*Take a good multi-vitamin, omega-3, CoQ10, and a good antioxidant every day.
*Do not count calories. It’s a myth. The body counts nutrition

Helen asks…

Does not eating help you lose weight?

I want to lose weight but i cant. and ive heard that not eating and some exercise loses weight. is it true?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Not eating DOES make you loose weight… In the short-term. What the previous answers said were correct, under certain but very likely conditions.

When you stop eating, your body first begins to break down muscle. When this supply of nutrients is nearing depletion, it then begins to break down fat.

Now, during all of this, your body senses it’s impending death if things continue, so it slows down the metabolism, effectively putting the body in “starvation mode”.

Now, here’s where the gaining weight part comes in.

In starvation mode, your body will hold onto anything put in it; much more so than a person who’s eating normally. So, once you begin to eat again, you’ll almost certainly gain back the weight you loss, plus extra. This also makes any form of dieting harder in the future, as your body will remember what’s been done to it, and will hang onto that fat with everything it’s got.

Now, it’s very easy to think “I’ll just not eat anything!”. But it’s extremely difficult to beat your hunger and body’s desire to live. Almost certainly, you WILL eat again. And if you don’t… Then your life will end.

And don’t think you’ll be enjoying the thinness either. Let’s look at some of the effects of anorexia:

* Extreme weight loss
* Body mass index less than 17.5 in adults, or 85% of expected weight in children
* Stunted growth
* Endocrine disorder, leading to cessation of periods in girls (amenorrhoea)
* Decreased libido; impotence in males
* Starvation symptoms, such as reduced metabolism, slow heart rate (bradycardia), hypotension, hypothermia and anemia
* Abnormalities of mineral and electrolyte levels in the body
* Thinning of the hair
* Growth of lanugo hair over the body
* Constantly feeling cold
* Zinc deficiency
* Reduction in white blood cell count
* Reduced immune system function
* Pallid complexion and sunken eyes
* Creaking joints and bones
* Collection of fluid in ankles during the day and around eyes during the night
* Tooth decay
* Constipation
* Dry skin
* Dry or chapped lips
* Poor circulation, resulting in common attacks of ‘pins and needles’ and purple extremities
* In cases of extreme weight loss, there can be nerve deterioration, leading to difficulty in moving the feet
* Headaches
* Brittle fingernails
* Bruising easily
* Low self-esteem and self-efficacy
* Intense fear about becoming overweight
* Clinical depression or chronically low mood
* Mood swings
*Withdrawal from previous friendships and other peer-relationships
*Deterioration in relationships with the family
*Self-harm, substance abuse or suicide attempts

So… Either loose weight a healthy way, or become skinny for a short while, and then die.

The choice is your’s.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Carol asks…

How many kilos can someone lose in 3 months and half?

I need to lose about 25kg if i exercise and eat well i can lose about 4kgs in 11 days without starving myself this should be healthy? im not doing anything major just running power walking & eating right 🙂

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hey, do you want to lose weight easily by doing nothing or get motivated to lose weight easily without even giving up half-way?

The key and answer to successfully do it is in Your Subconscious Mind.

The subconscious actually stores a multitude of memory patterns which will feed information to the conscious mind when activated. Data is never erased unless the subconscious mind gives that command.
For example, when you walk or drive to your destination, you do it automatically without being aware of it – that is your subconscious mind doing the whole process without your conscious mind.
The subconscious brain is very good at its job and works 24 hours a day on keeping us alive.

The subconscious controls and regulates involuntary functions of the body such as breathing, circulation, Metabolism, Digestion, hormone balance, etc.

So you may wonder.. How do you tweak or make your subconscious mind to lose weight easily? The answer is… Hypnosis!

Hypnosis is done by bypassing your conscious mind to your subconscious mind giving instructions and storing them successfully.
That is why people can quit smoking, feel extremely motivated, attain success easily, study easily and so on Successfully just after 1 session of hypnosis! Even faith-healing uses Hypnosis!

My friend tried hypnosis to lose weight. Initially, her weight was 198lbs and she lost 18.3lbs within 3-weeks! All by natural metabolism! And she never even change her diet but ate as normal!

You will thank me because I can guarantee you Hypnosis Works! You can just let your natural metabolism be high and Lose Fat Doing NOTHING effectively and immediately or be motivated to stop binge eating and exercise regularly without pain or laziness!

Learn More:

Mandy asks…

Is weight training or cardio better for weight loss for a female?

I’m a female in my early twenties that wants to lose 15 lbs. Is cardio or weight training better and why?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I’m going to suggest both, and here’s why: weight training will build muscle, and muscles burn more calories than fat – ALL the time, not just when you are using them. Cardio burns more calories while you are actually doing it, and you can run, cycle, cross-country ski or swim for a lot longer than you can pump iron. Also, cardio will improve your overall health more.

Some things which will help you maintain a healthy weight (see… for calculations which will tell you if you are at a healthy body weight, and will also show how you measure up against other young ladies of your age and height), are:

1) Build physical activity into your life-style: cycling and walking are great ways to get around whenever possible, swimming is a fun, all-round exercise, sports are also excellent and more fun than just “exercising”…. Of course you can also go to the gym, but don’t fall into the trap of depending upon gym time and activities to get enough exercise and physical activity!!

2) Cut out snacking….. Period. Eat at regular intervals: this is much healthier for your body, and you’d be surprised at how many calories snacks can add up to!!

3) Cut out junk foods – or at least minimize them. They add lots of calories but almost no nutrition. Soda pop is a big culprit, but pizza, white bread (yes, it’s a junk food – the vitamins they add to white flour are nutritionally almost useless), chips, burgers, etc.

4) Maximize the fruit, veggies, nuts and so on categories: find out which you like best and find tasty ways to prepare and cook them, and you’ll be more likely to eat more of them!!

5) Get enough sleep: this is important to losing weight and staying healthy all-round: when you don’t get enough sleep, your energy levels are low and you’ll be less likely to get out and do things: in short a sleep-starved person is often a lazy one!! Besides, the old excuse that you don’t have time for sufficient sleep (7 to 8 hours for most folks) is a false one: if you sleep well, you’ll be much more energetic and alert and you’ll get more things done in less time than you would if you skimp on sleep in order to “save time”!! Darkness and quiet are important for getting high-quality sleep. Keep your room cool at night, don’t hide your head under the covers (where you’re breathing in what you just breathed out….), and be sure to drink enough before you go to bed. A good shower followed by a nice shot of cold water also helps you to get to sleep!!

6) Drink plenty of water – more than you normally would: this will give you more energy, and will help your body function more efficiently overall. The color of your pee will tell you if you are drinking enough: it should be almost clear: if it is distinctly yellow you are not properly hydrated and need some more water. Sure you’ll go to the bathroom more often, but the increase in energy levels and the decrease in tension levels will make it more than worthwhile, trust me!!!

7) Eat a good breakfast, and a light supper. Breakfast gives you energy for the morning, and revs up your metabolism for the day. Without a proper breakfast you will be sluggish and not as energetic or alert. Breakfast foods should be ones which digest easily – this means bacon, hash browns and sausages are out while whole grains and yummy fruit are in!! Yougurt makes a good breakfast food too…. // A light supper will mean you don’t go to bed on a full stomach: a practice which is bad for your health since it impairs the quality of your sleep.

8) STRETCH properly and thoroughly at three times: 1) After a bit of a warmup, so you are not stretching cold muscles, 2) After your exercise session, and 3) carefully, just before going to bed, so you won’t be nearly as sore the next day. (and 4) whenever any of your muscles are tight.) // Proper stretching: a) choose stretches which effectively stretch the muscles you want to stretch out, and do them as instructed: i recommend having a couple of sessions with a personal trainer, and asking them to teach you about the basics of weight training and proper stretching.

A tip for your cardio: Do “interval training” instead of just going at the same speed all the time. This means going at it as hard as you can, for short intervals during your training: this has all kinds of benefits which you can Google – including burning more fat, faster!!

Wishing you all the best!!

Joseph asks…

So is this good enough to keep my weight off or at least keeping it constant?

I do 50-100 sit-ups and stretches almost everyday (at least 5 times per week)… Can this help to keep my weight off or at least keeping it constant? I am very depressed… Recently I have been gaining 1 kilo and i get so cranky everytime… Can anyone suggest any easy exercises to do at my home? I have not been losing weight now… I’m so sad…

weight loss cardiff answers:

This can be enough if you eat the right kind of foods.

To lose weight fast and effectively four aspects of life should be changed: what to eat, how to eat, behavior and activity level.

Here are fast tips that can help:

First: Fast weight loss composes of a multi-faceted technique that consists mindset, exercise, and in other cases, diet supplements. Begin by learning a diet food plan that can easily be accustomed with. Incorporate an exercise plan that allows even at least fifteen minutes a day like brisk walking, running, swimming, and dancing.

Second: Set realistic approaches. The ability to focus and have proper mindset enables someone on a diet to quickly lose those extra pounds. With discipline and proper mind set, a dieter will never be discouraged and lose focus.

Third: Listen as the body speaks. Each and everyone’s body metabolism reacts differently to different fast weight loss programs and plans. Try substituting one program for another to compensate the body’s reaction. Exercise program must be suitable to one’s body, as others are not able to exercise as rigorously as others can. If walking is all that can be done, then walk for this is proven the best exercise. Muscles burn more calories than fats so it’s also best to put on a little muscle and looking good too.

Fourth: Eat more fibers for it makes a person full sooner and stays in the tummy longer, slowing down the rate of digestion. A single serving of whole grain bread moves fat through the digestive system faster. Grains turn into blood sugar that spikes the body’s insulin level. Thus, making the body more energized and ready to tell the body when it should stop burning fats or start storing.

Fifth: Keep away from fried foods especially deep-fried as this contains a great amount of fat. Although fish and chicken appear leaner than beef, this white meat can contain more fat than when a beef is fried. It is recommended for those on strict diet to opt for grilled food as this does not have or contain less amount of fat after the food is cooked.

Sixth: Takes lots of fluid. Drinking at least six to eight glasses of water a day keeps the body refreshed. Since weight loss depends on how the body eliminates body wastes, the body must stay hydrated.

All in all, discipline and consistency is still the best practice and the key to a rapid weight loss success. Light dieting, workout, and right amount of supplementation applied in a regular way everyday will result in faster weight loss than having a massive action only to be followed a return to old habits as this would only lead to gaining more weight than when the weight loss plan has started.

If your looking for more ideas you can visit

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sharon asks…

Do you have to burn off all of what you eat to lose weight?

Like, say you eat UNDER your amount of calories as you are meant to but you burn most off, will you still lose weight effectively? Like say your meant to eat 1800 and you eat 1200 and burn off 100, will you still lose weight cos you have eaten under?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yes. Assuming your numbers are all accurate.

Bear in mind that:

1. Any BMR estimate (1800?) you get from websites or calculators or wherever is only an ESTIMATE. Everyone’s metabolism, digestive efficiency, and daily activity level is somewhat different, so your’s could easily be ± 10%.

2. Same goes for the impact of your exercise (100?). Note that exercise machines cannot and do not measure calories burned. They only give you a number calculated from the machine settings.

3. Its unlikely that your estimate of calorie intake is any more accurate than the rest of your numbers.

I’m not trying to discourage you, just to make you understand that weight loss is not a neat, linear, calculated, precise thing, ie, “I’m going to eat X calories, burn Y, and lose Z pounds every 10 days”

It would be if you could measure your fuel use and intake precisely, but you can’t. Most people underestimate their calorie intake and overestimate the impact of their exercise. Eat a little less, exercise more, and let the scale take care of itself. Think months, not days.

Charles asks…

At what certain times during the day is best to eat to speed up metabolism?

I am trying to lose weight, and I would like to know what times during the day is best to speed up my metabolism. I know I will also need to eat healthy and exercise. I just need to know what times to eat please.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hey, do you want to lose weight easily by doing nothing or get motivated to lose weight easily without even giving up half-way?

The key and answer to successfully do it is in Your Subconscious Mind.

The subconscious actually stores a multitude of memory patterns which will feed information to the conscious mind when activated. Data is never erased unless the subconscious mind gives that command.
For example, when you walk or drive to your destination, you do it automatically without being aware of it – that is your subconscious mind doing the whole process without your conscious mind.
The subconscious brain is very good at its job and works 24 hours a day on keeping us alive.

The subconscious controls and regulates involuntary functions of the body such as breathing, circulation, Metabolism, Digestion, hormone balance, etc.

So you may wonder.. How do you tweak or make your subconscious mind to lose weight easily? The answer is… Hypnosis!

Hypnosis is done by bypassing your conscious mind to your subconscious mind giving instructions and storing them successfully.
That is why people can quit smoking, feel extremely motivated, attain success easily, study easily and so on Successfully just after 1 session of hypnosis! Even faith-healing uses Hypnosis!

My friend tried hypnosis to lose weight. Initially, her weight was 198lbs and she lost 18.3lbs within 3-weeks! All by natural metabolism! And she never even change her diet but ate as normal!

The best thing about losing weight via metabolism is… It burns fat everywhere in your body equally! This makes your body look perfect in shape!

You will thank me because I can guarantee you Hypnosis Works! You can just let your natural metabolism be high and Lose Fat Doing NOTHING effectively and immediately or be motivated to stop binge eating and exercise regularly without pain or laziness!

Learn More:

Jenny asks…

How to lose weight easily and effectively?

Hi, I’m 15 and I weigh about 120 kgs, I desperately need help, I have suffered a lot due to my weight with bullying and I nearly commited suicide because of the bullying, I hate it, I have trouble trying to stay commited to diets and exercise, so if there’s anyways, please help, I don’t want to die before I’m 20,

weight loss cardiff answers:


Go to this link. It gives you inspiration and no more thinking of suicide. Ok tc

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Chris asks…

Has anyone lost weight using apple cider vinegar?

I bought the Bragg brand apple cider vinegar and wanted to use it for weight loss by taking a tablespoon before every meal mixed with water, and of course exercising and watching what I eat. Anyone have success losing weight using apple cider vinegar? Thanks.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Nope. It didn’t helped anyone I know.

But Hey, do you want to lose weight easily by doing nothing or get motivated to lose weight easily without even giving up half-way?

My friends and even my mom has done it – it worked for them!

The key and answer to successfully do it is in Your Subconscious Mind.

The subconscious actually stores a multitude of memory patterns which will feed information to the conscious mind when activated. Data is never erased unless the subconscious mind gives that command.
For example, when you walk or drive to your destination, you do it automatically without being aware of it – that is your subconscious mind doing the whole process without your conscious mind.
The subconscious brain is very good at its job and works 24 hours a day on keeping us alive.

The subconscious controls and regulates involuntary functions of the body such as breathing, circulation, Metabolism, Digestion, hormone balance, etc.

So you may wonder.. How do you tweak or make your subconscious mind to lose weight easily? The answer is… Hypnosis!

Hypnosis is done by bypassing your conscious mind to your subconscious mind giving instructions and storing them successfully.
That is why people can quit smoking, feel extremely motivated, attain success easily, study easily and so on Successfully just after 1 session of hypnosis! Even faith-healing uses Hypnosis!

You will thank me because I can guarantee you Hypnosis Works! You can just let your natural metabolism be high and Lose Fat Doing NOTHING effectively and immediately or be motivated to stop binge eating and exercise regularly without pain or laziness!

Learn More:

Robert asks…

Can you lose weight by eating small meals?

Is it better to eat small meals throughout the day, or just stick to 3 square meals a day? Which is better for losing weight?

weight loss cardiff answers:

It is not healthy to restrict the amount of calories that you consume by starving yourself. Opposed to the traditional thinking that three meals a day is best, today’s research now shows that 5-6 smaller meals each day can actually help you achieve your weight loss goals. If you limit your calorie consumption too drastically your can put your health at serious risk.

While trying to lose weight, more and more people are victims of “roller coaster diets.” Your body will experience starvation from diet plans that restrict your calories, and thus decrease your body’s metabolism. Your body doesn’t use a lot of calories when this occurs, and that leads to extreme hunger.

You should eat between 5 and 6 smaller meals each and every day to increase your body’s metabolic rate. Your body will be able to burn calories all day long because your metabolism will increase. If you eat foods that are high in protein during your six meals, you’ll be able to increase your metabolism even further.

Because of the thermic effect of food, you’ll be able to boost your metabolism by eating regularly. To create the thermic effect, you’ll need to absorb and digest a lot of calories of food. Ranging from 3 to 30 percent, different foods have different percentages of the thermic effect. A 30 percent thermic effect can be taken from high protein foods. Tuna, salmon, and turkey are all good examples of this type of foods. By simply digesting these foods, 30 percent of their calories are burned. Complex and fibrous carbohydrates burn away 20 percent of their calories during digestion. Spinach, broccoli, green beans, and corn are all good examples of fibrous/complex carbohydrates. Refined carbohydrates and fats have a very low thermic effect. Dietary fat is stored very easily because of this.

Your energy level will rise while you eat 5-6 smaller meals each day, while your hunger level will diminish. Helping to prevent hunger, you will also be able to maintain better balanced blood sugar levels. In order to increase your body’s metabolic rate, you can develop muscle. You can maintain insulin levels in your body by eating regularly. This will promote muscle growth by facilitating amino acid production in your muscle cells. You can gain a steady output of insulin by eating every 3 hours – this is very good for storing glycogen and for muscle growth.

Your targeted weight loss will be easier to accomplish as a result of eating healthy foods more regularly. Your body will also gain the advantage of processing minerals and vitamins more effectively. It is important to maintain a consistent schedule for eating. Planning your meals this way will be well worth the effort, although it might be difficult to adjust at first.

Get into the habit of feeding your body foods that are rich in nutrients – that will help to prevent hunger and cravings. The best way to go is to incorporate a weight loss program including a good diet of lean protein, fruit, vegetables, and healthy fats. Eating a diet like that with 5-6 meals each day will increase your body’s metabolism, increase your energy, and accelerate the growth of muscle. You’ll also store very little fat, and you can make your diet more effective by combining it with cardiovascular exercise and strength training. You’ll start on the fast track to weight loss and burning fat by using these methods.

John asks…

How do should I start off weight lifting?

My doctor suggested for me to try weight lifting to lose some weight but I don’t know what to do or how to start. Any tips on what I should use and a good work out?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Weightlifting or strength training is any exercise that moves your body through a range of movements against some kind of resistance. Regular strength training keeps the muscles strong which can help to prevent injuries and chronic joint pain. If you are living with joint pain, strengthening the muscles that surround that joint will help to take pressure off the joint and therefore reduce pain. Below are some tips for weightlifting.

1)Use the appropriate weight. The right weight is one that allows you to do the exercise for 10 repetitions with good form. Using a lighter weight and doing higher repetitions may not be challenging enough to your muscles to get the most out of your routine. Using a heavier weight may cause you to neglect your form which can lead to injury.

2)Once you find a weight where you are fatiguing on the 10th repetition stay with that weight until you can easily do 12 repetitions. Then go up by two to five pounds. Go up a smaller amount for smaller muscles like your biceps and go heavier for larger muscles like those in your back or legs.

3)With all exercises exhale as you lift the weight and inhale as you lower the weight. For most this feels opposite to what the body wants to do. However if you inhale and then lift the weight you can actually raise your blood pressure. By exhaling as you exert yourself and lift the weight you keep the body calmer by reducing the strain.

4)Move slowly. Take a four second count to both lift and lower the weight. Weight lifting should always be done slowly and with control in order to most effectively isolate the muscle and to prevent injury. Never try to combine aerobic exercise and weightlifting such as walking with hand or ankle weights. When you are doing aerobic exercise the goal is to move fast enough to raise your heart rate. However holding weights when moving this quickly puts too much stress on shoulder, knee and ankle joints and can lead to injury.

5)Make the movements smooth. Never use jerking or bouncing movements when lifting weights. This puts too much stress on the joints and if you are moving quickly and bounce you are not effectively isolating the muscles.

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