Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Steven asks…

will a raw diet give my dog worms of any kind?

im reasearching alot about a raw diet for my dog but cant find any info if a raw diet can give my dog woms my dog is a deer type chihuahua

weight loss cardiff answers:

I have been feeding my dog raw for over 6 months with no problems. I know several people that have been doing it for years and I can’t begin to explain how great their dogs are doing. None of their dogs have had worms.
You are on the right track, please continue on your quest to move your dog to raw. It is one of the best things I have ever done for my dog.
Also, please do not let the ignorance of others steer you away from raw. If they too researched raw and commercial foods, many more would switch their dogs to raw or at least off of commercial food.
As far as “if it isn’t good for humans, it can’t be good for dogs”, humans and dogs are different. Dogs digestive tracts are very different from a humans, which enables dogs to eat raw meat with no problems. Raw feeding is very digestible and dogs are able to get all of the nutrients out of it. Unlike some of the commercial dog foods, dogs are unable digest and get the nutrients.

Chris asks…

frozen blood worms?

I gave my guppies frozen blood worms!! They all went crazy for them… I have tried live ones before but they were not realy interested?! Any other suggestions

weight loss cardiff answers:

Keep giving your guppies frozen blood worms,still alternate there diet,blood worms one day,flakes the next fish fish pellets keep them happy and healthy.

Lizzie asks…

Is it true Martin Luther lived solely on a diet of worms?

weight loss cardiff answers:

No, but….

You might be a Lutheran if you used to think the book (and movie) How To Eat Fried Worms was a parody of the life of Martin Luther.

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