Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

George asks…

What are some good diets for my age and weight?

I’m 13, 5’6, and 180 lbs. I’ve tried diets before (and been to weight loss camp) but I can’t find anything that works. What would be some good diets or ideas to help me lose a large amount of weight fairly quickly?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Diets usually don’t work. You should count your calories and get into an exercise routine. Even on a diet, you should eat at least 1400 calories per day if not more depending on your activity level. After you are at the weight you want to be, you can increase to 1800 calories.

Donald asks…

What would happen if you and your horse traded diets for a day?

I know I’d be happy eating what my donkey Peter eats, but what about him?

Do donkeys like coffee, eggs, bacon, toast, ham sandwiches, Swanson’s Hungry Man, and red bull?

What would happen if you traded diets with your horse?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I would end up dancing around in my underwear to AC/DC into the wee hours of the night (my vet has perscribed a peyote diet to cure my horse’s snake phobia).

Robert asks…

Why are magazines so contradictory about diets and food?

Why do magazines dedicate so much space to diets and quick fixes and diet products, yet on the next page it’s all “Love your shape the way you are! Be confident!”, Chocolate cake recipes, advertisements for unhealthy food?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The magazines I read sure don’t offer quick fixes, they want you to live and lead a healthy lifestyle, and to be body confident, and if they do give recipes it’s for healthier versions of your favorite foods, and the advertisers pay money for their magazine so I’m sure they’ll take what they can get, try Shape, Fitness, Health πŸ™‚

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