Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Helen asks…

i need to know how i can lose weight easily and fast?

i really want to lose a lot of weight but its hard for me to work out cuz my body hurts randomly but i HATE the size i am and really wish i weighed like 105 pounds. im 16 and thinking about taking weight loss stuff because i literally hate myself for being the size i am help please

weight loss cardiff answers:

You need to work on accepting and loving yourself first, hon, you’re young, don’t hurt your body.

Ruth asks…

How can I lose weight fast and effectively, without getting discouraged so easily?

I need to get my motivation up instead of letting my depression get to me. I have only gained 6 pounds in 2 months but I feel it. I need to lose about 30 lbs to be at normal weight. Please help me. I do drink lots water, and I move around all day, up and stairs, running after kids, I dont know what the deal is. Please any suggestions. Thank you.

weight loss cardiff answers:

First you have to look at what you are eating and drinking. Here are a few tips:
1) If you are drinking full calorie soda switch to diet. I know someone who lost 20lbs in time this way.

2) don’t eat right before you go to bed. Your body is going into shut-down mode so and tends to move the calories into storage aka fat

3) Watch what you snack on. If you snack on chips or high starch foods try switching to fruits and vegetables instead the don’t pack as much calories and are healthier.

4) Don’t or cut your meat intake when i became vegetarian the pounds just flew off of me.

5) try to eat 5 small meals during the course of the day instead of three big ones. It’s easier to digest and makes you feel like you are eating more.

6) make sure your not taking any medications that could have the side effect of weight gain. If it does at least you know what you are fighting against.

7) Find an excesses buddy. Studies have shown that if you have someone to work out with you form a symbiotic relation ship that leads to success.

8) Always choose stairs over the elevator. Creeping in more activities in the day really helps in the long run.

9) Find your weakness. If you are a sucker for ice cream stop buying it. If the temptation isn’t there you can’t give in.

10) don’t be a scale bunny. Determine your progress by how well you feel not what the number reads. If you making good progress you will feel it in your clothes.

George asks…

How to you lose weight easily and fast?

I want to lose weight and I need to be healthy in order to play soccer and I’m in danger of overweight but I Get caught on food easily for no reason I always eat junk food -_- help and tips please?
I’m 15 a male and a soccer player

weight loss cardiff answers:

Mario,ur grace.

Eat healthy – don’t cut the calories too much, but do eat a smaller amount. Eat fruits and veggies, lean meats, and whole grains (100% whole wheat bread instead of white, brown rice, etc.)

Drink water – cut out the soda/pop. Try to get 8 cups (measuring cups – 8 ounces) of water each day.

Couple a healthy diet with cardio workouts – 3-5 days a week, 20-30 minutes per session to start. You can walk, jog, bike, play basketball, do aerobics… Whatever you enjoy doing that gets your heart rate up. You don’t have to work out so hard that you feel like you’re dying – work out to the point that you can talk fairly easily, but not jabber on and on. πŸ™‚

Do strength exercises to build muscle (yep, I’m suggesting this). Building muscle helps you lose fat even faster by speeding up your metabolism. Sit ups, push ups, squats, lunges… All these will help.

U can have a try,i wish u the best in all ur endeavors.

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