Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Joseph asks…

How much should I run a week to lose weight?

I am 16-year-old and am not over weight but would like to be in better shape.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Of the many forms of cardiovascular exercise, running is one of the most efficient ways to take off excess weight. When trying to lose weight via running, the cardinal rule is to burn more calories than you take in, so keep your calorie expenditure and your calorie intake in mind when planning how much you’ll need to run a week to lose weight.

Charles asks…

Could I lose weight in 1 week and 3 days?

By going for a 35 minute bike ride every day, eating healthy, and only drinking water. I am not over weight , I just want to lose about 10 pounds. how much will I lose in a week and 3 days?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Depending on how your bike ride is, if it is a full speed or just strolling around, you could definitely do it. Just eating healthy isnt specific enough, Watch the amount of calories and carbs you take in specifically. If you dont give your body what it needs to gain weight, it cant. Water only is a very good point. On top of biking you should also do some ab workouts, like crunches and oblique crunches, along with some jogging or running up and down stairs.

Donald asks…

How to lose weight this Week?

Is there a way, or is it possible to lose 3 lbs in a week? if so, how? and how would i do this in a Healthy way? please let me know

weight loss cardiff answers:

3lbs in a week isn’t that hard to do. Most of our bodies weight is water. If you do cardio work for an hour a day along with stretching and healthy eating, this should be a very attainable goal.

Our bodies digest carbohydrates for the first 15 minutes of a workout then fats for the next 45 minutes. This gives us an hour, at a cardiovacular rate, that we are burning off unwanted materials from our bodies.

Your diet for the week shouldn’t be filled with lots of fruits, since some fruits are high in sugars. A healthy amount of these is needed, however, to promoted the lean muscle to keep off the weight. Turkey, chicken, and poultry will add protein which will make you gain muscle mass. Fish is a healthy source of protein that has a low fat content. Try to adjust what you eat, stay away from soda, carbonated drinks of all type and even coffee.

Best of luck to you

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