Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

James asks…

Does anyone have weight loss success stories men?

weight loss success stories men

weight loss cardiff answers:

I have a couple of water bottles next to the couch.. Each time I sit on the couch I pick them up and lift them up and down.
It is boring and it seems useless to do but if you get used to do it,., after just 20 minutes you will start sweating and your arm will get tired.
Just change arm and carry on, eventually it will become automatic and you might even want to progress to some dumbells, maybe a little bit heavier than the water bottle.

Nancy asks…

Weight LOSS success stories Need to know how you kept it off.?

I would like to know about anyone who has lost weight and (kept) it off.

Like 50 -100 lbs or more. What did you do to maintain it?

I need to know there (are) in fact people who can keep it off after a long period of time like 3-10 years.

Thank you very much.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Weighed 277 in 2002…..been 190-200 since…..
I eat whatever i want but i go to the gym 15-20 hours a week….

David asks…

Your weight loss success stories?

Share your weight loss success stories. I’m just asking because I’m currently trying to lose weight and tone up. Thanks

weight loss cardiff answers:

I had great success a few years ago when I tried the Atkin’s diet. I followed it to the letter and lost around two stones in six weeks. If you follow it properly, and increase your carbs gradually, the weight stays off and you can eventually eat what you like without gaining any weight. I believe that it works by starving your body of carbs, when you introduce them agian, bit by bit, your body breaks them down and you gain no more weight. Obviously, some decent excercise is a must to rid yourself of any “loose, hanging bits” that appear when you lose so much, so fast. It certainly worked for me…

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