Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sandy asks…

is it healthy to lose this much weight in 3 days?

My roommate claims she’s supporting me with my diet.
I’m on a No Sweets/Dairy Diet (I am taking multi-vitamins, so don’t worry about me not getting calcium).
She is “following” the No Sweets part (yet she ate Cap’n Crunch the other day).

Anyways, I’ve lost 6.6 pounds in 3 weeks, which is ahead of my schedule [3 pounds in week 1; 2 pounds in week 2; 1.6 pounds in week 3= 6.6 total] and then she goes and brags about losing 4 pounds in 3 days.

Is it healthy to lose that much weight in 3 days?
She isn’t overweight.
In fact, she complains about being fat when she weighs over 129 pounds.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Remember that your bodys weight also consists of food in your body, clothes your wearing while weighing yourself, etc. So the day she weighed herself she could have been in sweats or, to be honest, hadn’t taken a poop in awile, then when she weighed herself been in lighter clothes and had an empty digestive system. I’ve gone from 115 to 109 in 2 days and hadn’t even been on a diet! So yes it is possible

Richard asks…

How can i lose weight in 3 days?

So im only 13 years old and i have this “important” thing i have to go to on saturday. and i wanna lose at least a few pounds by then. And yea i know i got go on a diet and drink water and exercise. ive tried all of that but ive GAINED weight instead of lost weight. Actually, ive been trying this whole diet thing combined with exercise but ive been getting no where. One day i weigh 139.8 and then the next i weigh 143.8. and that day was the day where i ate the healthiest foods and worked out the most. My BMI says im over weight and if i want a healthy weight i have to weigh 137 at the most. and my weight changes every 10-15 min. believe it or not. i weigh myself so much cuz i feel horrible about myself. WHAT DO I DO. I CANT HANDLE LOOKING LIKE A FATTY

weight loss cardiff answers:

Seriously wanna lose weight in 3 days? Then don’t eat. I know I’m gonna hear a lot of negative comments but its the easiest way to lose the most weight. BUT definitely dont go anorexic on me. Its ok to fast occasionally but if you start getting obsessive over it, Its time to find a healthier, more subtle way to lose weight.

Donna asks…

If I just drink my acai smoothies for 3 days, will I lose weight?

Plus exercise a LOT (running and aerobics class). I may eat a small portion for supper. But yeah, if I just drink those for my other meals, do you think I’d lose some weight?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Enjoy wasting your money on Acai smoothies.

Any weight lost will be the result of exercise and dieting, not the result of Acai.

Acai is just a regular berry like blueberries or rasberries. Unfortunately, some corporation though a great way to make money would be to stretch the truth and turn Acai into some sort of miracle product. Now everybody has been brainwashed into thinking Acai is this amazing product, when it’s just a freaking berry.

To lose fat:
1. DON’T BELIEVE THOSE FAD DIETS! DIET PILLS ARE GIMMICKS! Yes, Acai berries/pills/juice is a fad diet.
2. DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF! Unless you are 4ft tall, a 1,200 calorie a day diet is DANGEROUS and won’t work in the long run.
3. Calculate your BMR. Do a google search. A good calculator would ask for your age, height, weight, and activity level.
4. Eat healthy and eat about 500 calories a day less than your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Your BMR is how many calories you need per day to maintain your current weight.
5. Eat 5-6 small meals a day. This keeps your metabolism up. Each meal should include fruits, veggies, water, and protein.
5. Drink at least 64oz (8 8oz glasses) of water a day. No soda (that includes diet soda).
6. Do light/moderate cardio 3 to 5 times a week for 30 to 45 minutes each time. Running and aerobics class are great.
7. Do some strength training to make sure you lose fat and not muscle. Don’t worry; you won’t look like the hulk if you lift weights.
8. You should lose about 1-2lbs (.45-.9kg) per week. If you lose more than that, chances are the rest is stool, water weight, or even muscle mass.
9. Weigh yourself only once a week at the same time (ie every Friday morning). Your weight fluctuates a lot during any 24hour period because of water and food intake and also bowel movements.
Be patient and be smart. If you follow this guideline you will be very happy with your results.

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