Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Laura asks…

Are calorie calculators accurate for weight loss? Has anyone tried them and found them to be dead-on?

For instance the ones that tell you:
If you weigh “a” and you want to weigh “b” and your bmi is “c”, then you need to take in “x” calories per day in order to achieve your goal.

Also, if so, Is there a particular website’s calculator you trust?

weight loss cardiff answers:

There is way too much individual variation in metabolism and digestive efficiency for any of them to be all that accurate. On top of that, you have the error in measuring your caloric intake.

Robert asks…

Can I really lose weight by just cutting calories?

I used a weight loss calculator that said if I consumed 1200 – 1300 cal per day I would lose 2 pds a week. So I can eat whatever I want, as long as it doesn’t go over those calories? Like today I only have on meal, but it consists of a stromboli and a Mountain Dew.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yes however it is really hard to stay within those caloric amounts. But it can be done.

Carol asks…

Why am I losing more weight than the weight loss calculators predicted?

Before I came up with my weight loss plan, I utilized about 5-6 different weight loss calculators online, all of which asked me for my sex, age, height, weight, activity level, and the amount of calories per day that I planned to consume. I put everything in, and said that I would be eating about 1000 calories per day. All of the calculators told me that I would lose about a pound a week. Even the other types of calculators that asked for your weight goal and time told me that I would have to eat about 1000 calories per day to reach my weight loss goal.

So why am I losing 4 pounds a week on this diet plan? I’m not being more physically active.

weight loss cardiff answers:

It sounds like you are basically starving yourself. A lot of your initial weight loss may be water. Also, those calculators may be telling you what is a healthy and sustainable weight loss rate. It’s hard to say, really. If you continue to lose weight at this rate, I would talk with a Doctor.
Also, it really is in your best interest to start incorporating some low-impact activities, like walking for 30 minutes every day.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Charles asks…

Questions about Dietrich Bonhoeffer?

After quite a lot of research i am still struggling to find the answers to some questions about Dietrich Bonhoeffer:

Four reasons why he was arrested by the Nazis.
Why would each of these reasons make the Nazis arrest him.
What was the result of his arrest?
Why was he in prison for only a few weeks?
What did he realise after being released from prison.
How did he decide to oppose the Nazis?

i would be very grateful for any help on any of these questions

weight loss cardiff answers:

Must be here somewhere
best of luck

Sandy asks…

Was Dietrich Bonhoeffer morally wrong to willingly participate in the attempt to assasinate Adolph Hitler?

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was presented with the ultimate question in dilemma ethics. He struggled with the question. His conscience propelled him to his own death as a result of his decision. Bonhoeffer said, “The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world it leaves its children.” Was he morally wrong?
I found this in the book of Mark. “For even the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister to many, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” KJV
or as expressed in “The Message”
“He came to serve, not to be served — and then to give away his life in exchange for many who were held hostage.”
I believe that Bonhoeffer knew his life was on the line when he entered into the conspiracy to assassinate Hitler; that he came to think that the church also needed to become the social conscience for the people thru his experience in the black church in America when he visited here, no doubt a divinely appointed trip. I believe he was expressing his discipleship to Christ in the most pure form, willing, from the git-go to lay down his life for his fellow man, the Jews, who were being persecuted and murdered like they were so many rabid dogs. He struggled with the ethics of his dilemma, and he was forgiven. I hope to have a conversation with him one day myself.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Ah, an age old question, is it right to commit a “lesser” sin to stop a “greater” sin. Was it morally right for him to try to stop Hitler from murdering millions. Technically, he would have been involved in a sin, which is murder, and as a believer, he is forgiven. One could use the analogy of someone on one of the planes on 9/11. If you could have stopped one of the planes from crashing into the buildings by killing one or more of the terrorists, would you do it? You would still be technically murdering someone, but could it be called self defense? Or the defense of another? Such is the case of Bonhoeffer, could his act be considered one of self defense, knowing that since he would not go along with the “program” he too may end up in a camp, or the defense of millions of helpless people who could not fight for themselves? It is something that each of us would have to come to a conscientious decision at the time. So was he technically wrong or sinning? Yes. Was it morally wrong to do it? I would say, looking back at what happened, no.

Lizzie asks…

Dietrich Bonhoeffer Question?

Explain the ethical underpinnings of Bonhoeffer’s ethical system. What challenges does it pose for all of us? Create at least three scenarios in which you apply and then evaluate this approach.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I honestly don’t know much about Dietrich Bonhoeffer, but the site below has lots of information you could use for your research.

Good luck!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Carol asks…

I need an easy to stick to weight loss plan??

I have 3 very young children, and i need to lose weight. Since my kids take up most of my time I don’t have a lot of time to focus on the weight loss. However, I do to to lose some weight so i need a convenient and easy to stick to weight loss program. I know they are hard to come by so if anyone has any suggestions it would be great thank you!!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Im sorry to tell you that there is no quick way to lose weight. Its not easy. But there are simple tricks.

1. Regard all soda as 1.5 pounds in can, on average, that is what you will gain if you drink it.

2. WALK ALL THE TIME! By a pedometer at a drugstore. You should be taking at least 5000 steps a day.

3. Dont let your metabolism drop! Eat small healthy snacks a around (5) times a day instead of meals. A port ion of anything is about a deck of cards sized. The body is not designed to eat 3 meals. By grazing and eating slowly you body has more time to tell you your full takes abotu 20 minutes to respond. The moment youre hungry, your metabolism has dropped and you are more likely to eat more. Dont let youself get hungry. Dont starve yourself.

It will take awile, but its worth it.

Sharon asks…

Does anyone know of a weight loss plan that is easy and free?

weight loss cardiff answers:


Paul asks…

Does anyone have an easy but effective weight loss plan?

I’m not the kinda of I can do it girl, I went through a bad relationship and put on a lot of weight. I need a 30 min work out that i can do every other day that will show a difference in about 2 weeks. Other wise I get ever discouraged…. PLEASE HELP!!!
Im 5’5″ and I weigh 172lbs… but I’m what is considered big bone … I dont like it and I want to lose it….. I would like to be 135Lbs .. but I would be happy at 145Lbs ..
I dont really want to go on a diet I was thinking more along the lines of working it off… and eating right

weight loss cardiff answers:

Good on you for coming to this decision. I hope I can help you with your situation. There are a couple of things you need to realize you before you embark on your weight loss journey.

Firstly I’m glad you don’t want to diet. In order to lose weight and keep it off you need to make a healthy lifestyle changes and stick to them. There are no two ways about it. Diets only lead to future weight gain.

We need muscle in order to burn fat. Muscle is a very active tissue, so burns fat even while resting. You need to have a certain amount of muscle in order to burn fat efficiently. Every pound of muscle you have will burn 50 extra calories per day.

If you burn more calories than you take in (achieved through a healthy eating plan), build up muscle through strength training and complete 30 minutes of solid cardio a day then weight loss is a certainty.

There is no magic secret to weight loss. It is all about hard work, commitment, goal setting and desire. If you want to lose weight you can and you will.

This following website gives you the tools you need to develop a healthy lifestyle and maintain it for a lifetime.

Good luck and all the best with your weight loss goals

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Chris asks…

Is there anything actually wrong with me?

I would just like to add before I write/type any further. I know that there are people out there that will assume some questions posted by users on Yahoo answers are attention-seeking or looking for sympathy. I wanted to notify you that my question is genuine and I am NOT looking for any sympathy of any kind. I apologize if this post or question is too long.

Hi, I am 14 years old and well, the question above is pretty much self explanatory.

I guess I’ll start off then. Lately, I have been feeling quite down, but I didn’t know, and I still don’t know why. I assumed it was all this puberty thing and thought it was normal. But it’s been like this for a while. I thought if I wrote my feelings down, it would make me feel better but it doesn’t have seem to have done some good. I kind of gave up on that.

I suppose I will explain my situation at the moment. It’s been like this for years. My parents work late (they’re in the same business) so I hardly ever get to see them. This is pretty much my routine: Wake up, see my parents for about half hour, go to school, come home, see my parents for 15 minutes, they go to work, I’m home alone until around 11pm, my parents come home, and I sleep. My two sisters have basically flown the nest, one lives about 50 miles away and my other sister is at university. I’ve told my mother that I feel alone all the time and she’s suggested that I go around my cousin’s house and stay there until she comes home but the thing is, I always feel like I am bothering them and I don’t want to. So I declined. My mum told my sister about it and she rang home every day. For a week that is. So maybe I figure my loneliness is maybe part of the problem.

You might tell me ‘why not just go out when your parents are at work’? I am painfully shy and I don’t have really much of a social life. I have very few friends at school and I don’t really talk much. I try to be a little more confident but I get scared that I will make a fool out of myself so I don’t. To others, people look at me like I’m a happy person but the way I’m feeling deep down, I don’t think I am. I am aware that I do have some confidence issues but doesn’t everyone? To be honest, I feel and I look ugly and I keep thinking people look at me because of my ugliness. I decided to take action two years ago where I ate nothing for breakfast and skipped lunch and tried to eat food to the minimum for dinner. My parents weren’t around at dinner so I guess I could easily hide my eating habits. I constantly weighed myself every day but I would be disappointed as I didn’t lose weight. This kind of went on for like a year before my mum mentioned that if I weighed anything less than 7 stones she’d sent me to the hospital. It kind of scared me so I ate more. I didn’t know if she noticed I was doing this but I never asked in case she’d get an idea of what I was doing.

My auntie recently died a few months ago and even though we weren’t close we were still family. But since then I have been thinking about death more than usual and how I would die. Run over by a car, murdered, suicide.. etc. I’ve listed in ways how I could die but I know I would never go through suicide because I’m cowardly. And if I did do it, people would call me selfish and I don’t want that. But then I figured maybe it’s natural to think like this. Or maybe it’s not. I don’t know, I’m slightly confused.

I have wanted to tell someone about all this but I’m worried that they’ll say something like ‘it’s normal’ or ‘it’s fine’ to feel like this way because I will, like I said earlier, make a fool out of myself. I also wanted to talk to my school nurse but I never plucked up the courage to do so and I don’t think I ever will because her office is close to where a lot of people hang out so if they see me go in it will spark a lot of attention and I don’t want that. I like to keep things to myself. Anyway it kind of takes me a while to trust anyone let alone freely talk to someone about my concerns. I don’t want to waste any body’s time.

Right now I feel like that I’m sort of bothering you guys because maybe you have dealt with these things so many times and well, maybe my situation is normal. I think I just need some answers as to why I’m feeling like this. I’m sorry if again, I have wasted your time.

Thanks for reading this post and answers would be welcome. Thanks again.

weight loss cardiff answers:

>>> I always feel like I am bothering them and I don’t want to.
>>> I don’t want to waste any body’s time.

Let me ask you something, okay? If you overheard your cousin or your aunt saying “I don’t want to waste her time…” and she was speaking to someone about asking you to help her with a project.

Wouldn’t you be outraged that she was making such a decision for you? I mean…she’s already decided what you would think about her request.

Please let people decide for themselves. I am sure that you are important enough and, if you’re really not (and I am sure you are), then it’s bad enough and YOU don’t have to contribute to the situation by acting like you’re not important enough. YOU ARE. ACT LIKE IT.

I also suggest you find someone to help. Maybe you could volunteer somewhere closeby? There is nothing like helping others to get us out of our depression. And it works FOREVER if you let it.

David asks…

Fight tomorrow but i feel a little weak and I run out of breath so easily.. what should i do?

I had to cut weight for the fight but not too too much.. i cannot eat anything big or drink anything big b/c my weigh ins are tomorrow and i’m only a pound under.. when i do anything i lose breath even climbing stairs and running SHORT distances.. i desperataly need help.. if you know a lot about this kind of stuff i would really like to talk with you about it so feel free to email me at thank you

weight loss cardiff answers:

I’ve never had this problem when cutting weight, nor have any of my friends. However breathing can become limited with dehydration. If you are a pound under i would suggest getting some water down. Just make sure to keep on the scale and watch your weight. You can afford to be half a pound to a pound over tonight if you don’t drink any water tomorrow before the weigh in.

Richard asks…

How can i stop feeling angry after what i went through and how easily he forgot me?

Hi there! Well a couple of months ago i dated a guy. He was not what i usually date. I usually date guys way older than me and he was just 21 and also Spanish , He didn’t have a degree like the other guys, he worked in construction. The guy was a sweetheart he would just say what deep inside any girl wants to hear plus he was very handsome. The sex was magnificent, it wasn’t just sex it was making love , just amazing. Well he met my family and stuff but i only got to meet his cousins, he will always gimme some excuse of why i couldn’t meet his mother and sister. He also started going out around 7 o clock and not call me till 1 to let me know he was okay. During that period of time he wouldn’t call or text. We started to have problems because of the matter of his actions. Last time we spoke on the phone he told me that he was going to go out to dinner with his mom, i told him to have fun and make sure to call me when he gets home , well he straight forward rudely said “Don’t tell what i have to do”. After that i didn’t call/text him , neither him he never called or text. Three days later i received text messages from him saying whats up and why i wasn’t talking to him. It hurt me but i had to ended. He was one of the few guys i ever really liked but i cant play around the BS , i couldn’t pretend to be happy about something when i wasn’t. A couple of weeks ago i searched his name on FB and found his profile where i saw that a few days later after we broke up he started talking about a girl that was driving him crazy and how happy he was feeling about it. It broke my heart to see that. Since them I’ve lost an incredible amount of weight in just less than two weeks and i feel so angry inside but i also miss him, i feel like loosing weight and changing my hair color or something i could attract him again and sort of revenge him. How can i stop feeling angry? After all i went through with him and i almost threw my future in the garbage for him ???;_ylt=ArQsw3cAyVAVHnybGuq6F13ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100819200225AAnYTg9

weight loss cardiff answers:

Don’t bother with revenge, why put your energy into something so negative?

Get your hair done to make YOURSELF feel better, and call your girlfriends and get on your glamrags and war paint and get out there and have a great night, and forget about him.

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